Chapter 9//This Isn't The First Time A Police Officer Has Knocked On That Door
"I didn't know you had the guts to ditch school." Kimber sneers, her paparazzi behind her laughs.
"Don't forget running away from home." Trace says. You're not helping. I like sober Trace better.
"Livia call them," Kimber says to the ginger-haired girl, giving Livia her phone. Of course, she has my parents number. Keith nudges me I turn to him. Bryce and Jace were they? This all felt different.
I felt different knowing that they were here to back me up. Kimber sees them, "So these are the people that have been helping hide you." Bryce's face falls, "Don't worry Brycie I won't tell them about you, just the nerd whore."
"You're not calling her parents Kimber, she's fine with us,"Jace says.
"It wasn't an option, come on Livia!" She says.
"They won't pick up." I sigh in relief, "Wait they are." Maybe my sigh was too early.
Sam, Kimber's boyfriend grabs my arm and I struggle to push away, "Let go of my, asshole." I kick him in the shine causing him to let go. At this point, Jace has grabbed Sam's throat and pushing him against the wall.
Trace pushes me behind him. I hear Kimber scream and run in the opposite direction while the other girls follow her.
I watch as Sam's friend come to back him up. One of them punches Keith in the stomach but luckily he doesn't fall. Keith grabs the guys arm pulls him closer to elbow him in the face. Sam's friend stumbles onto the ground clutching his bleeding nose.
Trace is currently in a deep conversation with what looks like one another one of Sam's friends. What the f*ck. Does he not see what's going on here.
Bryce grabs the cup in my hand and splashes one of the guys in a letterman jacket. He knees him in the stomach and crumbles to the floor.
I don't have words to describe what just happened. Bryce dusts his hands on his black jeans and looks at me, his lip is split and bleeding. My eyes wide as I look at the damage that was caused because of me.
Three guys on the floor. Sam's slumped over leaning on the wall. All of the guys...except for Trace who is still talking with one of the guys have bruised knuckles. "We should go," Jace says.
"Wait, just one more thing." He kicks the guy on the floor near his feet, "That's for punching me in the stomach."
Trace looks at us, "What'd I miss?"
Bryce just shakes his head, "I don't think we should stay now that Livia's talking to your parents." We walk outside of the house. Trace calls John, Steve was pulling up by the time John had gotten here. Once we get into the limo I decide to break the uncomfortable silence.
I nod slowly my heart still racing, "I'm sorry for ruining the party."
"Ruining it?" Jace asks, "You didn't ruin it for us. We always get in fights at parties. It's basically the only reason why we go. We should be sorry for bringing you here in the first place."
The guys nod, "I got a new name idea!" Keith says.
"Just drop it," Bryce groans.
"This is the last one-" he gets cut off by Trace falling in the seat and onto the floor. He starts making floor angles.
We ignore him, that's when my phone vibrates. I take it out:
>>Ur friends with Hannah right?

he ate my homework || nomorebullying || (slowly editing)
Teen FictionYou know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework? Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours. Ashley Nelson. Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right? Every girl believ...