Chapter 41// 0-0-0-0

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Chapter 41// 0-0-0-0

A/N: Cole Sprouse as Lincoln Stone

A/N: Cole Sprouse as Lincoln Stone

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Sorry for the cliffhanger guys!

This will be a short chapter! Sorry!


🕶Bryce's POV🕶


I groan, opening my eyes. I see three silhouettes, all hunched over me. The moment I move my leg, I feel sharp pain making we wince.

The silhouettes come into focus, it's Keith, Trace, and Jace. "What the fuck happened?" I groan slowly trying to bring my head off the floor.

"Do you remember what ha-"

"Where's Ashley?" My heart starts pounding as memories flood back

"It's okay."

"You need to get up! Now, Bryce, you need too!"

"You owed me your future or you're life. I choose both."

I look over at Jace, the only one who's ever heard me mention his name.

"Oliver took Ashley."

📓Ashley's POV📓

I'm in some dark room, there's a small window high up towards the ceiling, but only a faint light comes through. It's absolutely freezing in here, my teeth keep chattering. I don't remember how long it been since some man put me in here.

"HELLO!" I scream. I voice echoes of around the edges as if mocking me. "Hello!" I cry out again. My voice echoes again.

You were kidnapped Ashley no one's going to let you out, my conscious speaks to me. I shake my head as I start getting fearful. You'll probably get killed, just like those people on the news. My phone buzzes from beneath me. They didn't take away my phone!

Wait-I freeze. My phone's in my locker. I dig my hand into the pocket of Bryce's jacket. It's his phone.

There's an amber alert, put out for me.

CHILD ABDUCTION!                                                                                                                                                                Black 2015 Honda HRV                                                                                                                                                         

There is no plate number.

I hear a door creak and I quickly put the phone away, I don't want anyone to take my exit ticket from this place.

A man comes in, it looks like he's in his early 20s. "Ashley Nelson?"

"Asshole Asshole?"

Instead of getting angry he laughs, "feisty." I glare at him and pull Bryce's jacket around me. He walks down some rickety steps and next to me. He holds out a hand, "I'm Lincoln Stone."

So my kidnappers formal?

I reach my hand out slowly with narrowed eyes, "Martha Booger."

This time he narrows his eyes at me. "Now that's no way to treat the man that just saved your life"

"Saved my life!" I snap, "if that's what you call shooting Bryce and kidnaping me!"

Lincoln puts a hand over his heart as if I've hurt him, "I saved you from the man that shoot him!"

"You shot him, asshole." I slowly get up from the floor.

"Oliver shot him."


Lincoln puts a hand over his own mouth, "forget I said anything. You definitely do not know who Oliver is, and I didn't even mention his name."

"Who's Oliver?"

He curses under his breath, "Tyson is going to kill me for this."

A huge weight gets lifted off my shoulders from the mention of his name. "Tyson? My brother Tyson?"

Lincoln start backing up, "I never said that I said-Cryson. Yeah, he's my dog."

The moment I'm on my feet Lincoln makes a run for it and shuts the door before I make it there, causing me to nang strait into it.

I huff, not so scared anymore, If Tyson's here, I have nothing to be worried about.

I take out Bryce's phone, and try guessing its password. After a few times, it locks me out.

Dang, it!

After a minute I try again. I successfully make it in.


What a hard one.

I press the phone icon and automatically see recently called.

Tyson- 9:30pm

Oliver- 9:15pm

Oliver- 9:12 pm

Jace- 12:34 pm

Why has Bryce called Tyson and Oliver?

I hear the door open again so I throw the phone into my pocket.

It's Tyson who walk in, he's wearing sweats, his hair is messed up. There are dark circles under his eyes, "I guess I better start explaining."

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