You know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework?
Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours.
Ashley Nelson.
Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right?
Every girl believ...
A/N: Ikr! Already the 21st chapter! I'm so excited! Oh thank you for over 100 votes I really appreciate it.
Two chapters in one day is not an occurrence that will happen often. This has only happened twice.
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Trace was sitting at the highest branch where some of the branches met up to make a small bowl shaped nest looking thing where Trace was sitting on his phone.
My eyes hurt from looking up while the blinding sun from the sunset was shining in my eyes.
I knew Trace knew I was behind him, he should of heard me and Jace. I'm pretty sure he heard me scream when I fell down trying to climb up.
Out of breath I crawled on the branches thanking my self that I was wearing black shorts that went down half way down my knees under my black dress that went right above my knee.
The branches that Trace was sitting on were wide and looked sturdy enough to hold a hundred fourty pound human.
I scooted over and sat down and next to Trace leaving a food of room in between us. There were two branches that were sticking up from a cluster of other branches.
There was weaved sticks and grass that looked neat and hand made hanging like a carpet over the small outlook.
Who made that?
"Trace, it's me Ashley?" Trace didn't respond and continued swiping through pictures of him and Kimber on his phone
I leaned my back the other branch sticking up. I tapped Trace on the shoulder and his head snapped over towards me.
His eyes were puffy like they were yesterday. He had a knot of girl necklaces on which I could only assume were Kimber's.
There was tear stains on his face, "what do you want." His voice sounded scratchy, it pained me to see Trace like this. He was normally funny or serious never sad.
He was they one that was normally looking at the bight side. He was never depressed. Which is what is surprising me now.
"I just want to talk."
"What's there to talk about? Kimber? She's already dead," he turns back to look at sunset which was making the water of the pool look orange.
I look down at Jace who puts up a thumbs up and folds up his phone in the air, signaling me to look at mine.
I take out the phone from my shorts, the phone that Trace gave me. There's a text from Jace telling me to keep talking.
"How'd this thing work."
"What work," Trace asks.
"You and Kimber."
"You know that party that you said was your first?" When I nod he continues, "Kimber gave her virginity to me that night. Neither of us confessed it until three months later that we both really liked each other. You see she always hung out with Jace out side of school until recently."