Chapter 12//Your Parents Never Told You About Meagan
Thousand Years by: Christiana Perri
Do you guys ship any of them together? I mean like Ashley and the guys including John. I honestly don't, well not yet. I hadn't thought of Ashley being in a real at with one of the guys in the beginning but I'm getting some second guesses. What do you guys think?
What are your thoughts on what happened to Meagan Faith(a.k.a. Kimber's sister)
This chapter is dedicated too BellaBlue856, Bella your comments always make my day! Thank you!
"I've always loved the idea of not being what everyone expects me to be."
-Dita Von TesseThis quote is sent by Bella, I love it a lot. Thank you for it, it will really sum up this chapter.
Oh news:
I got accepted to the literary awards for the two following categories; Undiscovered Gems § Teen-Fiction.
Like you guys agreed I entered this book into the Wattys2017!!!
Please comment on paragraphs. It's summer and I have lots of things to do and when people comment on my story it gets me in the mood of writing and yeah. So please comment, thank you for reading the note.
What did I do? What was I thinking last night? Kimber is going to freaking kill me. She better do it soon too because the anxiety is killing me. Today is Saturday, and I just realized that I woke up at seven in the morning for no reason. Bryce forgot about that last night, or he didn't and just used it as an excuse. To top it all off, this whole Meagan thing is killing me!
They all nod, "But we can't let what happened to-" Jace looks at me, "Meagan" he whisper-yells, "Happen to Ashley no matter what."
How could I die from drug overdose? I've never had a drug addiction before, and I don't plan on ever having one.
Right now I'm standing in my closet trying to find an outfit to wear to the soccer game. Just because I can't play didn't mean I can't support the team. . . even if they never support me. Kimber walks in with a glass of orange juice in her hand, "You know I could find you an outfit to where even its that trash can closet of yours."
So you're not going to kill me for what I said last night?
"I'd like to see you try."
She smirks at me and steps in front of me, "Make sure it doesn't lack clothing."
She pulls out a pair of black leggings and throws them at me followed by a dust blue long sleeved shirt with a small pocket on the front and the word Panthers on the back. She crouches down to the small shelf where I keep my shoes. She takes out my black and white under armor indoor soccer shoes.
I start to protest when I remember I'm not playing so I don't have to wear my cleats. I quickly thank her and walk into the bathroom to put the clothes on, I walk back to my room and put the shoes on. "Now for the hair."
I sit in front of the mirror in my room as she starts to brush it, well this isn't awkward I thought you were going to attack me but she's actually being nicer than she has been to you in years. Don't think Ashley just go with it. She starts to braid the top part of my hair but I stop her, "I was going with a ponytail."

he ate my homework || nomorebullying || (slowly editing)
Teen FictionYou know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework? Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours. Ashley Nelson. Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right? Every girl believ...