Chapter 28// And This Is How I Popsico

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Chapter 28// And This Is How I Popsico

Hay Homework Eaters!

Hay What?!

Are you ready?

For What?

To Pop!

Pop What?


My hands are hi my feet are low and this is how I Popsico!

Popsico Pop Pop Sico!

I am ashamed of myself for just writing that...


I'm going to be updating once a week because i will be incredibly busy with school, and athletics, and homework, and friends, and possibly Volleyball if i try out...


"Blowing out someone's candle doesn't make yours any brighter."


"An extra five minutes in the morning counts, Hannah!"

I put the pillow over my head and bury my face into the mattress below it. "But I need you to talk to Bryce so that he can make breakfast," she whines.

"Go ask Lindsey," I groan.

"But she's in Keith's room and I don't want to walk in on what they're doing!"


"Just go ask Bryce for breakfast!"

"Can you just go ask," I throw my pillow at her.

"Fine, I'll go ask Jace too because he's a good person," she says. I hear her footsteps as she walks out. "And you're not."

"Hey!" I scream, "I heard that!"

"You were supposed to!" I lay there in bed for what seems like five minutes and finally get up and check my phone. It's six in the morning. SIX! I go to my messages at quickly as possible and go and text Hannah. WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP SO EARLY!

She doesn't respond so I click the sleep button and put my phone back onto the counter.


I didn't bring any clothes with me.


A few minutes later I'm in his gray 'A Poop Is A Wish Your Fart Makes' T-shirt and his black sweatpants that are way to big for me.

There is good news though.

I made it to the Kitchen without even turning the wrong corner once!

When I walk in everyone is sitting down around the Kitchen. Lindsey is sitting on the counter next to Hannah. Bryce is awkwardly sitting in the corner trying to make sure that Hannah doesn't see him. Keith, Trace, and Jace are sitting around the table awkwardly not knowing how to react.

As i walk in everyone autoamtically turns to me like they were waiting for me. "What?"

Trace motions for me to go sit next to them at the table. I sit in between Keith and Trace. Jace sits infront of me. "We need your help," Jace whispers as the threee of them lean in to make sure nobody else hears.

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