Play song with chapter^
Chapter 33// I'm Not One Of Those Cliché Girls Who Just Walk Away
A/N: School has officially started!!! So, I'll be updating later, though I'll try to make as much action as possible. I'll also be busier if I make it into Cross Country. I've already made it into Philharmonic Orchestra(I play Violin).
QOTD: Which do you prefer? Faster updated short chapters or Longer updated long chapters?
One more thing before I start writing. My best friend Soccergeek15 has started writing her second book: The Two That Were Never Together. She has already updated her first official chapter. Be sure to go check it out and comment feedback!!!
When did this happen?
Because I'm not sure when Bryce Freaking Anderson developed feelings for me! In fact, I haven't even realized that one of the most attractive boys in my school also a ; player, stereotypical cool bad boy liked me so much that he decided to steal my first kiss. I never realized that my name was 'Lindsey' which really surprised me.
Which surprised me more though was the fact that I'm currently kissing him back.
My left arm was tangled in his hair and my right was clutching the black bar/railing as the boat slowly started to have smaller swings, which meant it was getting to an end. Bryce's right hand was gently placed on my cheek and his other hand was clutching into my waist like his life depended on it.
The music in the background dulled and I found myself not pulling back. I'm not surprised, this is my first kiss, I better make the most out of it. It was a light kiss, not the hungry, angry ones you see in movies, but it was enough for both of us not to realize that the boat had come to a complete stop and people waiting in line were focused on us.
I slowly pull away, still with my eyes closed, breathing heavily. I try to control my heartbeat, which I'm sure can be heard my Bryce. I open my eyes and look at his brown ones, and shake my head. How cliché, I think, the popular boy kissing the school's bullied nerd.
I clear my throat as I feel a blush creeping up my neck to my face and turn and to open the restraints. I turn and force myself not to make any eye-contact with Bryce what so ever. I hear him following me as I get my back backpack off the ground and try to keep my balance.
I hear Bryce's footsteps as he catches up to me. I turn around.
I turn around to face him less than a minute after my first kiss with him or anyone that I hadn't agreed too. I turned around because I low that it wasn't even a real kiss. Or was it?
I turn to look at his face that my face was touching less than a minute again beside I'm not one of those cliche girls who just walks away after there kiss with some guy just to create drama.
"Don't you dare make this awkward, got it? 'Cause I'm not, even though this was one of the most important moments of my life. I'm not going to make this awkward and neither are got Bryce. Just think about it like it never happened don't even tell anyone. Actually, don't even think about it."
Bryce's eyes widen shocked from the words that came out of my mouth, "You mean that was your first-"
I raise my hand signaling him to be quiet. "I said to not make a big deal about it. You were probably just freaking out and didn't know what you were doing, it wasn't even a real kiss, right? We're still just friends?"
Bryce ran his hand through his hair. I don't know what it was about the kiss but it's made me look at him differently. Like how, his brown hair is always combed to the left than the right like most boys. Or how his chocolate brown eyes always seem to be somewhere else. Lost in pain.
"Yeah," he finally responds. "Just friends, nothing awkward about it."
Everything was about to get awkward.
Bryce and I had both met up with Lindsey and Keith. Hannah and Trace had joined them before we found them outside a food truck getting ice cones. The sun was setting and the place was getting even more crowded. Which meant, it would be harder to find Jace.
"Wait!" Keith says stopping in front of the 360-spin. He takes his phone out, "we have technology! Why not make a use of it?"
"Okay," Trace nods, "Call him."
He answers and Keith put's the phone on speaker, "guys." He whispers, "I'm on the top of the Ferris wheel with some really hot girl right now, so can you not."
We all tilt are heads like a dog noticing a squirrel. We look at the top of the Ferris wheel a few meters ahead of us, and surely I see Jace's white baseball hat peaking from the top of it. I tilt my head over at Hannah and raise my eyebrows up and down. She nods.
Than we do something that I'll probably regret in a few minutes.
I give the phone to Hannah she snickers and raises the phone to her mouth, "WHY WOULD YOU BE OVER WITH HIM!? I'M DATING HIM NOT YOU! WHAT THE FREAKING HELL! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO JACE!" We see Jace's hat drop from the cart as the Ferris wheel turns. Hannah and I lean together trying to keep ourselves up from laughter.
We sit down at some restaurant after hanging up. All if a sudden Lindsey, Keith, and Bryce start laughing from the side of the table in front of me. I drop my fry and turn my head around to see what they're laughing at. I hear someone grab the collar.
"What the hell Ashely!" I finally see Jace, his lip's bleeding and his cheek is badly bruised, "I really liked her. Then, she beat me up!"
"You don't even know her, Jace." Hannah says from beside me rolling her eyes. Jace snaps his fingers in a 'Z' while saying: "I don't judge your relationships. You don't judge mine!" With that he sits down on the other side of me, and calls a waiter over to give an order.
As the waiter is about to leave Lindsey says, "wait! Can I have a stuffed crab?" The waiter, 'KiKi' nods and and writes the order on her notebook and walks off muttering sow thing about questioning her life decisions.
"Haven't you eaten enough, Lindsey?" Bryce asks.
"Hey! Say that to Ashely she's ordered twelve orders of fries and she doesn't look like she's done yet." Bryce's looks over at me from all the way across the table. As soon as we make eye contact, he breaks it and starts scraping the back of his neck.
Jace furrows his eyes brows. "Did I miss something? Or is this weirdness between you two a daily occurrence?"
"Yeah, I've been wondering that too," Keith's.
"Nah guys I'm just-"
I cut Bryce off, "he's just in his...erm....period." I clear my throat, "because guys totally do that." Hannah turns to look at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I whisper, "do they not?"

he ate my homework || nomorebullying || (slowly editing)
Teen FictionYou know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework? Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours. Ashley Nelson. Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right? Every girl believ...