Chapter 11// Ashley I Told You Friends Couldn't Come Over
Song: Not About Angels by: Lucilla Jasmine (Birdy) also the person who plays Lindsey Green. : full TFIOS movie if you want to watch it.
Okay guys where do you think I'm writing this chapter? The Dentist's waiting room. I had just gotten a really funny idea and I'd stated to laugh and the person at the front desk looked at me like I was crazy.
Can you guys do me a favor and tell me how you get people to edit your stories? Do they get on to your account and do it, or do they do some other Wattpad magical thing?
Well anyway get ready to read a chapter with no grammar mistakes. If you guys find one, or if I find one I'm going to-to-to ummm... I don't know but I'm going to be very mad at myself. Please comment if you find any mistakes.
"Are you done?" Kimber's voice says bringing me out of reality.
"Oh, umm," I look at the paper in front of me. "Give me a few minutes." I put the paper back and start doing the homework. I found a page that was already somewhat attempted so I started with that.
18.) What is bullying to you? How can you stop it? Have you ever been bullied or have you ever bullied someone? If so, how did they react?
Bullying to me is a way to show someone what they have done wrong by showing them their flaws. To stop bullying you should stand up for the person. I've been bullied plenty of times but my friends are always around to stand up for me. Have I ever bullied someone? Yes. Yes, I have. I've never thought of it until now...
23.) How would you react to a series of bullying and threats to yourself or people around you? Have you seen bullying around you?
I've never really thought about it but yes. I've seen bullying happen a lot at our school. Not just at our school, but outside of school too. The person who shall remain anonymous has been bullied plenty of times. I've never really reacted to this cause except for bullying them even more.
"I'm done," I say stacking the papers together.
"Okay, thank you." Thank you she said thank you, somethings changing with her. I've figured out so many things just by doing her homework. I never knew anything about her father getting married again or getting abused. Her homework about bullying. She had joined an elective this year about leadership. It would suit her, she can lead groups really well. People look up to her.
They either want to be her. They want to fit in with a crowd. Or they we afraid of her and the power she has already from people looking up to her.
"Dinners ready!" My dad calls from downstairs.
Kimber gets off my bed and takes her homework off my desk and puts it in her backpack again. She sees me staring at her, "What?" I shrug.
She opens the door to go downstairs and I follow her, my parents are already at the table and we sit down too. I sit in between to my Mother and Kimber while my Father sits in between Kimber and my Mother.
After saying Grace, we get a knock on the door. My mother gets up and goes to check on it. I hear muffled voices, "Ashley I told you friends couldn't come over!"
I get up and go to the front door, Keith and Bryce stand in the doorway. "Hi Ashley," they both say at the same time. I gulp, my parents haven't met the guys whose house I was staying at yet. Bryce's father had contacted my parents so that they could talk next week. Well, every parent would like to know the people who hid you at their house for two days.

he ate my homework || nomorebullying || (slowly editing)
Novela JuvenilYou know that common excuse, The Dog Ate My Homework? Well, let's tweak that up just a bit to... one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours. Ashley Nelson. Nerdy, geeky, straight A good girl. Pretty cliché right? Every girl believ...