Chapter 37// I Can't Just Not

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Chapter 37// I Can't Just Not

I changed the summary guys!
Here it is:

You know that expression, The Dog Ate Homework?
Well, have you ever that you could tweak that up just a bit? What if one of the most notorious boys in your whole school ate yours?
"We tried changing you, Ashley. We tried changing your, nerdy, goodie two shoes, ways. But instead, you changed us. You changed me," Bryce chuckles with a sad smile on his face, which I still don't understand why it's there.
I smile wide and lean my head into his shoulder. "You changed me too."


❤️Kimber's POV❤️

(A/N: Nah, I just kidding with you.)

📓Ashley's POV📓

You know that moment when you realize that you're fucked up?

Well that's how I feel right now.

"No you didn't, Ashley. You.Did.Not." Lindsey sounded more like she was trying to convince her than trying to prove me wrong. She looked over at Hannah a few feet away talking nonstop to Trace. I look over from my pereferal vision at Bryce, he looks like he's threatening Jace. Then Lindsey freezes, "did he use tongue?"

I look at her my eyes widened, "I don't know. Does Keith?!"

"Yes!" She says excitedly, "especially that one time a week ago. It was amazing, he-"

I groan cutting her off, "that wasn't the point I was trying to make." Lindsey grabs my hand drags me to god knows where. In about a minute I arrive in the girls bathroom, "what are you going to tell Hannah?"

I bury my face in my hands, "you know what? Nothing. I'm not going to tell her anything."

"Good id-"

"But I can't just not tell her that I've not kissed her ex twice!"

"WAIT!" Lindsey screams, "Twice!?"

I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut, "no."

I open my eyes expecting to see Lindsey ready to kill me but instead I open my eyes to her, with the biggest smile on her face and her hands clenched into fists, squealing. "I thought the second kiss with Bryce was just an accident but if you did it again that means that you actually like him! Trace owes me money!"

I look at her bewildered, "Money?"

"Yeah, remember the day that restaurant  almost burned down?" She asks as if it's the most normal thing ever. "I told Trace that if we burned this place down than you and Bryce couldn't have your first date there."


"And Trace told me there would be no chance in hell that you two could ever be together. So now he owes me two thousand."

Of course. "Lindsey, me and Bryce aren't dating."

Lindsey holds up a finger, "not once I'm done with you."

🕶Bryce's POV🕶

"Hannah!" I scream naming on the door. "I know you're in there! I hear music!" She doesn't open the door. You might be wondering how I made it all the way inside Hannah's house. Well, her dad seems to like me.

He probably doesn't know who I am.

Well, other than Hannah's "close friend from school". The moment the word school came out of my mouth it was almost as if he wanted me to come in. I know my way with parents.

Not my parents.

The ladies parents.

"Hannah Gianna Olsen! Open the door!" A Hannah's dad yells from down stairs, "The young man wants to talk to you!"


Well I'll have you now, Richard that I am not 'young'! I am a big boy, who does BIG BOY things just like other people my age...that definitely was not listening to the My Little Pony Song, 'at the Galla' because it totally rocks. And that I might not have a crush on Rainbow Dash...

But nah...I'm definitely none of that.

Why are you looking at me.



Hannah opens her door a crack and peeks out, I can see different colors dancing in her dark hot pink room. When she makes eye contact with me she shuts the door. Not, before I wedge my heal into it like a door stop. I put on the nicest smile I have, "hey there.

She glares at me, still not refusing to speak.

I pull out a small orange tulip I pulled out of their neighbors yard.

"If you want it all you have to do is say something."

"You understand that I'm not playing the silent game with you right?" She says crossing her arms over her chest.

"Congratulations! You win the- what?"

"I'm totally okay with us dating Bryce, I'm over it. The only one who doesn't seem like they're over it is you."

My mouth falls, "I'll have you know that I am totally over you!"

"Okay," she answers rolling her eyes. "Than why are you here?"

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"I need help making Ashley hate me."

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