Chapter 30// Give Me A High Five Younglings We Shall Rejoice In Our Youth

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Chapter 30// Give Me A High Five Younglings We Shall Rejoice In Our Youth



This chapter is dedicated to Soccergeek15 ! My best friend who's knew on Wattpad. It would be very kind of you if you'd follow her and check out her first book on Wattpad: My Life Is MY Crazy Life!


Also, thank you Writer01302005 for the banner at the side!


"Are we there yet!"

"Patience Lindsey!"

Lindsey put's her earbuds back in her ears and starts humming something that she's listening. Her head shoots up from the notebook on her lap and turns backwards towards Hannah and I, we've been busy trying to find the boys. Trace took a wrong turn and now...they're lost. Fortunately for us that means after our roughly thirteen hour drive from Sandy Springs, Georgia to Huston, Texas, we'll be able to pick our rooms first. Which means we can all get our own rooms(Insert evil laugh here).

"Guys!" Lindsey hisses, "I have a new idea for a song!"

"I already have a headache from the past thirteen ideas!" Hannah whines earning a glare from Lindsey.

Keith leans over from his drivers seat to Lindsey who's sitting in the seat next to him and kisses her head, "I think your voice is beautiful."

"Awe," Hannah says covering her face with her phone. "Don't get all mushy in my presences! I'm already car sick."

"We never whined when you and Bryce were making out the whole time on our double dates,"

"I swear Keith, if you weren't driving right now my shoe would be in your face!" I look over at Hannah who's now silent and clutching a plastic bag near her mouth. I pat her on the back.

"Too soon?" I hear Keith ask.

"Too soon," Lindsey groans.

I turn back to Lindsey muttering; fûcktard.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means.

I hear my phone ring again, "hey Jace."

"Trace has no idea where we are," We've already been driving for two hours already and Trace got lost in about, our first hour. "Bryce said to ask Keith to track his phone who you guys could find us."

"So you're admitting defeat?"

I can sense him roll his eyes from across the phone, "not everything's a competition."

"Yes it is."

"Can you just put the phone on speaker so Keith can here?"

I press the speaker button, "okay, you're on speaker-wait! You said Keith knows how to track phones!"

"Duh," Keith says from the front seat. He pulls up at a rest stop, "Jace is your side in speaker?"


"Okay, Bryce is your location on, on settings?" Bryce responds yes, and Jace tells us that he's going to be driving because Trace is messing up. "Are you guys driving or have you pulled over, wait, your pulled over right?"

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