Chapter 39// I Keep Them Handy For These Situations

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Chapter 39// I Keep Them Handy For These Situations

A/N: Happy Halloween guys!

What are you going to be for Halloween?

My answer: A possessed person



^that was an inside joke


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📓Ashley's POV📓

"You two can go, I'm not. End of story." I tell Lindsey and Hannah. Hannah's face falls and the three dresses in her hands fall onto my bed. I shrug, I don't care about things. Dances, are just stupid. Who would want to move there bodies in awkward positions to music? And better yet, with a guy?

"But it's our last dance! Why can't you make it your first?" Hannah asks me.

I scrunch up my face. The both of them exchange looks then back at me Lindsey finally speaks, "but it's our last dance and we want it to be with you. So you're coming wether you like it or not."

"But I don't have a dress," I try to say in a Cinderella voice, but end up failing horrifically, causing myself to cringe. Hannah pics up the dress from my bed, which she had dropped. "We got you covered."

The dress is purple with a silver now around the waist. It has no straps what so ever and it goes down mid thigh. I take one look at it and shake my head, "nope. Nu-uh. Nope. Never. I can't. I don't want to wear that."

"Why!?" Lindsey cries. "It's amazing!"

"I'd look like a bimbo, I'll wait the blue one though," I smirk. If it's blue I'll wear no matter how it looks.

Lindsey gasps, "but that one was for me!"

"Than wear the purple one. You were the one who said it was amazeballs."

She glares at me, "fine."

-Prom In Two Days-

My parents had surprisingly let me go. Prom—as I was told was in two days. All the seniors, dick or no dick wouldn't let there attention rest anywhere else. Guys asked girls, girls would say no, because of some complication. And than there were others, the perfect couples. Like Lindsey, and Keith. They had agreed to go together, they were now even wearing matching clothes. Lindsey would wear the purple dress and Keith would wear the same dark purple shaded tie.

Hannah on the other hand had gotten a date. Some guy named Winslow in our Science class, he sat next to Jace. And from what I've heard Jace say; he's a chatter box.

No guys had asked me, no guys had mentioned the word "prom" or "dance'' around me. I was expecting Bryce would-of course I wasn't hoping to hard so that my heart wouldn't get broken. I've watched to many clichés to let that happen to me.

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