Chapter 24// Meow Meeeowww

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Chapter 24// Meow Meeeowww

A/N: Hello my fellow readers...

nah to plain

Bonjour à mes lecteurs...

not French


nah toooo fandomy

ummm-OH I GOT ONE!

Welcome my Homework Eaters.


Welcome my Homework Eaters,

Sorry about that...

This is getting AkwARD

Okay so anyways the next few chapters will reveal something that I don't think any of you would've guessed so please take this time to comment what you think.

You probably never expected it.

I've dropped a few hints throughout the chapters before this but none of them were to big, if I were you I'd reread the first chapter and please don't comment spoilers if you do. I have three new readers and I don't want them to get a spoiler. SO PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT SPOILERS! I will delete them when I find them.



     For some unknown very awkward reason Bryce's kelps holding my hand and every single time I yank it away he grabs it again

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     For some unknown very awkward reason Bryce's kelps holding my hand and every single time I yank it away he grabs it again. The waiter walks through the doors with a platter of food on a tray and walks towards our table.


     I start smiling at the sight of the food and as the waiter come to our table it makes a left and serves the table next to us.

     Ok what the fuck.

     I make both of my hands into fists making Bryce chuckle.

     "What's so funny?" My mom asks Bryce.

     Bryce's chuckle turns into a cough and he grabs my hand quickly. "Nothing Mrs. Andseron, I just had something in my throat. Sorry, so where were we at in this pointless and boring conversation?"

      All three of our parents gasp loudly. "Bryce," Mr. Anderson says through gritted teeth, "where the hell are your manners?"

     "Gary, don't say such words," my mother says to Bryce's father. "It's a bad example."

     "Do you know who the real bad example is?" Mr. Anderson yells, he grabs a butterknife from the table and stabs the wooden table with it. "It's your daughter!" He starts breathing heavily. "Ever since a your daughter met Bryce he's been acting worse and worse!" I pull my hand away from Bryce's again.


     "Shut the fuck up Bryce."

     "No really dad," Bryce says in a stern voice.

      "I said be quiet, I'll deal with you at home."

      "Gary I think you should listen to your son," my dad says looking at the direction of the exit.

        Bryce grabs my hand again and I try to pull it away. He keeps my hand in his and slowly says one word.




      I look at him confused and he whispers the word again.


      With the other hand he takes out the lighter again and throws it behind him but I never here it touch the floor. A few seconds later Bryce is standing up on the seat trying to pull me up with him.

"Meow meeeowww." We hear fake cat noises from behind us and Bryce yanks me up onto the seat where I finally see Keith and Jace with the lighter in Keith's hand. That's when I notice that the bottom wooden part of the table neighboring the one Bryce's family and my family's sitting at is on fire.

     The fire starts quickly spreading and people start exiting the restaurant as quickly as possible. The air becomes this orangish red fog and I can barley see in front of me. I see the three adults at my table get up and start rushing towards the fire exit.

     Without me.

     Bryce grabs my hand and pulls me over towards the other side. Causing me to fall onto a table that comes smashing into the ground along with the rest of my body. "Come on Ashley," I hear Jace say helping me onto my feet. Jace helps steady me by putting my arm around his shoulder and while Bryce helps from the other side. Keith leads the way through the now evacuated restaurant to the back parking lot. I hear fire trucks pulling up to the front of the place.

     "What the hell guys! You just committed arson!"

     Keith looks at me with a cheeky grin, "but we got you out of there faster." Before I can question anyone else a car pulls up in front of us and Trace comes into view through the window.

      "Get in."

     I sit in the back on the very left behind the drivers seat. While, Bryce sits I between me and Jace. Keith sits next to Trace up front. "You should have put on the black sunglasses so that you looked like those dudes from the old time action movies," Keith whines to Trace.

    "If you wanted that so much than you should've gotten a drivers license a drove the car yourself!"

     "Speak to the hand," Keith says turning to look out the window.

      Trace starts the car and we get on the road in the next couple of seconds, "are you guys going to drop me off at home?"" I say confused as they start going the opposition way.

     "No," Jace responds simply.


     "You'll see," Bryce responds.

      I punch him in the arm, "stop saying that!"

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