Chapter 40// Only If You Agree To Be Mine

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Chapter 40// Only If You Agree To Be Mine

A/N: Sorry for a later update than I had promised BellaBlue856 . Before we start this chapter I want to ask you a few questions about what you want to happen. I have tons of ideas, so I need to to choose one possible quote that Bryce will say to Ashley in the next possible chapters.

a. "If you haven't realized, I haven't skipped a day of school since I've met you."

b. "You look better with your glasses."

c. Both of them.

The next question is an actor for Oliver. I don't have any ideas, just a few descriptions of how they look.

1.) Ages 20-35
2.) Brown Hair
3.) Male

That's it thanks! Please comment your answers! This is not mandatory, but I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd answer them!!!


📓Ashley's POV📓

The moment I feel someone's breath on my neck I spin my head around, knocking my head into someone else's. Than my cupcake falls out of my hand.

It's okay! There are tons more. No one here even eats them except for a few guys and I. Apparently the girls are watching their wait. Don't get me wrong, I want to be skinny to, but that doesn't mean I need to starve myself and miss out on sugary goodness for that.

The cupcake thankfully lands on the floor instead of me. "I didn't know you were so jumpy!" I smile at Bryce. He's ears turn a dark pink, "so I'm about to do this for the first time so say yes, okay?"

I look at Hannah and she quickly stands up and leaves. "Ashley, will you do the honors and." He stops short and looks around to see if anyone's looking. "Will you do the honors and be my first dance?"

"Only if you agree to be mine."

"You've never faced with anyone before?" He doesn't sound like he's being sarcastic, or funny. He actually sounds shocked.

"Bryce, I'm not the kind of person people want to dance with."

He smiles a little, getting a bit amused, "how could you possibly think that?"

"How could you possibly not?"

"Ashley, you are amazing! You're fun and-Can you just dance with me! I'm saving this speech for he end of the night."

The chuckle, "sure."

As he takes my hand and guides me through the other couples out to the dance floor I close me eyes and think, please don't let my favorite song come on. Don't let this be more cliche than my life already is.

Than the music stops and some slow song comes on.

At least it isn't All Of Me by: John Legend.

Than the awkward dancing-or whatever you call it starts. He places his hands on my shoulder, then lifts them and puts his hand on my waist. Then he picks up his hands on puts them on the small of my back pulling us even closer together. He finally lets go of me.

I grab both his hands and put them on my waist again. He looks at me gratefully, I put my hands around his neck. "I'm pretty sure this is how it's supposed to be." His face becomes a deeper shade of pink. I find it pretty amusing that someone so confident and egoistical as Bryce so embarrassed. It's kind of cute.

"You think I'm cute? I was thinking sexy but cute works too," he smirks. I've speaker out loud.

And his confidence returns again.

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