Chapter 1

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I winced as I was slammed into the lockers by a group of the popular guys in Westside High. They all laughed at me when they passed by, including Luke, my (ex)childhood best friend. What happened to my pack being nice? But, then again, when were they EVER nice? Calm down, Amy. Only one more year and you're outta here. I muttered a few words that a nun would faint at while rubbing my arm, then opened my locker to get my books. I slammed the door shut, but today, karma was being a bitch, so the locker door rebounded and smacked me in the face.

"Rough morning?" My (current) best friend Dylan asked as he caught up with me on my way to math.

"Rough life. Actually, 'rough' is an understatement." I said as we walked into Mr. Turner's class. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice teacher, but the subject he teaches is a little... crappy.

"Hello, Ms. Summers. I assume you've been studying your textbook over the summer?" I smiled, but it came out as more of a grimace. He grinned, taking my smile/grimace as a yes, then yelled over the class.

"All right, class, take your seats according to the seating chart on the board, as this is your final seating chart for the rest of this year." Mr. Turner said. LAST year, I clarified in my head, as I was going to attend Harvard to get my medical degree next year. I looked up at the board to see Dylan placed in the seat behind mine. My seat was two rows away from the front of the classroom. I plopped into my seat, took my glasses off to polish, then set them down to fish the cleaning cloth from my pocket. My eyesight is blurry when I take off my glasses, so I couldn't see who sat on the left, right, or in front of me. I finished cleaning my glasses and started to put them back on when they were knocked out of my hands. I heard laughter coming from everywhere in the classroom except behind me. I felt like I was going to cry until a familiar hand placed my glasses in my hand. I quickly put my glasses back on to see that Dylan was the one to give me my glasses back.

"Class is starting!" Mr. Turner bellowed. Everyone quickly got in their seats, including Dylan. I whipped around.

"Thanks." I whispered. He winked at me. I giggled, then turned back around to see Luke staring at me, a mix of emotions scrolling across his face. Before I could discern any of then, he smirked at me, then faced the front of the room where Mr. Turner was droning on and on about tangents. He had left a note on my desk. I opened it and started to read.

I'm going to make this year a living hell for you.

                                                           - Luke

I gulped, then folded the note back up to shove into my pocket. Dylan snatched the note from my hand and read it. I fell out of my chair trying to get the paper, but luckily Mr. Turner didn't notice. My cheeks flushed red when I heard Luke and Grace, one of the cheerleaders, laughing and mocking me. Dylan helped me up while glaring at everyone who was laughing. Mr. Turner rang his bell, which meant that it was time to start the daily assignment. As I grabbed the math book from underneath my desk, a tear fell from my eye.

Why does this happen to me?


When the bell rang, I flew out of class, wiping my eyes as I walked to my next class. Dylan ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Hey, don't care about what they did. You're an awesome person, and don't forget it. He squeezed my arm, then ran off to science. Ugh, he's in all of my classes except for P.E and science. Kayla, my friend since junior high, was in all of my classes except for math, because I'm on a higher level. I trudged to the locker rooms, where I changed and ran to the gym. P.E was SO not my thing.

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