Chapter 8

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"Okay, you can do this." I said to myself in the mirror. I was in my bathroom, having a slight panic attack about how people will react when they see the "new" me at school. My hair was stick-straight and down, bangs just long enough to brush the tips of my eyelashes. A black bow polka-dotted with white was clipped on one side of my head. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a Beatles t-shirt, my watch, and my trademark black frames.

"Alright then." I whispered. I shot a loathing look at the contacts resting innocently beside the sink. Honestly, I hated contacts. I hated the feeling of a clear film on my eyes. Plus, I curse every time I'm trying to put them in because right when I'm about to put it in, I blink and the damned thing falls onto the bathroom counter. So, contacts? Yeah, not exactly my best friend.

"Ames? You ready?" Kayla called out.

"Yeah, I hope so." I said with a sigh. After one last look over, I walked out of the bathroom, picking up my new black and white checkered backpack on the way. I slung it over one shoulder and headed towards Kayla, who was waiting for me by the door.

"Day-um, girl! You look hot." She spun me around by the hand and wolf-whistled.

"A two syllable damn. I feel so special." I said sarcastically while laughing. Kayla giggled.

"You should. I only say it like that to special people." I snorted when she said that.

"Sure. You whisper it every time Dylan walks by." I said, smirking. She blushed a tomato red, then glared at me and slapped my arm.

"Shut up. If you're ready, we can go." She muttered. I grinned and hooked my arm around hers, locking the door and heading down the stairs. We got in her car and she started driving. While she drove, we chatted about finals and how she would be dad without me to tutor her. She parked near the entrance and we got out.

"Shit, Kayla. I don't think I can do this." I said, breathing shakily. She rolled her eyes when I stopped right in front of the double doors, hesitating.

"Idiot, get in there!" She muttered, then pushed me in.

My grand entrance? Not so graceful as I thought it would be.

After I straightened up from my less than appealing entrance, I froze. Half the students in the hallway were staring at me as if I were some sort of alien.

"Walk, lady!" Kayla hissed, then elbowed me in the ribs so I would start walking.

"God, I'm gonna feel sorry for your mate when you actually find him." I said, wincing from the pain. I walked robotically with Kayla by my side, uncomfortable with the amount of attention being focused on me and my change of attire.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Faith sneered.

"Shut up, Faith. We all know you're a shallow bitch with no sense of propriety, so just save yourself now and walk away." I said, brushing off the snide comment she made and walking past her. Yup, change of attitude also. She glared at me and tried to trip me, but I was used to it, so I just jumped over her leg.

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