Chapter 13

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Luke tightened his arms around my waist as they came closer. I cringed, knowing what was going to happen.

"What the hell?" Dylan said. I looked up at Luke's face to see him glaring at Dylan, eyes slowly turning into a dark, stormy black. I reached up with one hand and brushed it over his cheek. He instantly calmed down and relaxed his hold on me. He pushed me behind him, growling at the two of them.

"Okay everyone, just calm down..." I said. I tried, I really did.

But then Kayla opened her mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH AMY? HAVEN'T YOU CAUSED HER ENOUGH PAIN? STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER, OR I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" She snarled. Dylan stepped in front of Kayla, trying to calm her down as she kept snarling at Luke.

"Guys, stop it!" I yelled. They went quiet and turned around to stare at me. I took a deep breath before confessing.

"Okay, I should have told you this a bit earlier, but... Luke and I are mates." I choked out. Kayla immediately shut up and stared at me with horror-filled eyes.

"Y-you? With him? You sweet, innocent girl with this ugly ass bully? Oh, HELL no." She then proceeded to try and attack Luke, who immediately shoved me behind him. I can't believe this is happening.

No, I can't believe this is happening in a hallway. AT SCHOOL.

"Oh geez." I muttered. I grabbed Luke's arm and started to pull him towards our Calculus class. Behind us, we could hear Kayla's whimpers as Dylan scolded her.

"I'll catch up with you guys later!" He yelled to us, so Luke and I quickly jogged down the stairs to avoid being late. We slid into our seats right as the bell rang, causing Mr. Turner to look up from whatever he was doing on his computer.

"Your assignment is on the board, so please get started. Amy, can I see you and Grace for a minute, please?" Mr. Tanner asked, looking back to the screen of his computer. I tried to discreetly look over at Grace without drawing attention, but she was also looking at me. If her eyes were lasers, I'd be dead already. I sighed before getting out of my seat and dragging myself over to the front of the class.

"Amy, I know this is a bother, but would you consider tutoring Grace? She has the lowest grade in the class, and her parents are giving me an ultimatum about it." Mr. Tanner was rubbing the temples of his head, showing how worn out he was. I shifted my gaze over to Grace, who was twirling a piece of blond hair like it was the most interesting activity. in the world. They seemed to be trying to avoid seeing each other's faces.

Wow, Amy, you should be a cop, my conscience said to me. Gee, no need for the sarcasm.

"So, how about it?" Mr. Tanner's voice jerked me out of my daydreaming and into reality. I honestly wanted to say "Hell no!" and sit back down, but he honestly looked tired out, so I just shrugged.

"If Grace wants my help, then I'll do it." I said. I then turned to see Grace, who was visibly almost cowering under Mr. Tanner's stern, almost angry expression.

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