Chapter 5

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I was skeptic about her hairstyling skills. She snorted.

"Please. It's just bangs." I scowled.

"Bangs that will make my hair look fucked up if you don't cut it right." I cringed as I heard the snip of scissors cutting my hair. My nose scrunched up as hair fell on it. Kayla had blindfolded me so I couldn't see my bangs until she was done.

"Are you done yet?"

"Quit whining. Just a little more..." I heard one last snip, then I heard her putting down the scissors. She removed the blindfold.

"Ta-dah!" She announced. I put my glasses back on and she held up a small mirror so I could see my newly acquired bangs.

They actually look pretty good.

I thought I was going to look like the Wicked Witch of the West.

"I like it!" I then proceeded to hug the life outta her. They were straight across my forehead, ending right on my eyes.

"Ack! Let me breathe!" I let go of her, and she started to take in huge exaggerated gulps of air. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being a drama queen and help me figure out what I'm going to wear on Friday." My stomach filled with butterflies as I kept thinking about my date with Eric.

"Alright, open your closet and lemme see what you have." I walked over to my closet and slid the door open.

"Holy shit! How do you survive wearing these clothes?" She rummaged through my closet, appalled at the sight of my old clothes. Then she started to take them off the hangers and throw them unceremoniously onto the floor.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She looked at me with an expression that basically said 'Are you freaking kidding me?'

"Dude, you would look better wearing a potato sack compared to these... I don't even know what to call them." She finished throwing them onto the floor.

"Get me a bag." I went downstairs, retrieved a bag, and jogged back up. I tossed the bag in her face and sat down next to her. She wrenched the bag from her face and pinched my arm. HARD.

"Ouch! What the hell?"

"That's for just chucking the bag in my face. I could have suffocated and died, you know." She flipped her hair back and started stuffing my old clothes into the bag.

"If you were any other blonde that I knew, I would have believed that." I snickered. "Hey, I've got a blonde joke for you. So, this blonde, brunette, and redhead were running from the cops because they hijacked a car. They ran into this dark alley, but the cops were still behind them. The redhead said, 'Hide in one of these cages! When they walk near, make animal noises!' So when the cops ran into the dark alley, they didn't see anyone. The redhead hid in a dog cage, so she said, 'Ruff!' The brunette hid in a bag of kitty litter, so she said, 'Meow!' Guess what the blonde said."

"What? I'm dying to know." She said dryly.

"PO-TA-TO. She hid in a potato sack." I pictured this scene in my head, then started laughing out loud when I pictured Kayla saying "PO-TA-TO" while hiding in a potato sack.

"What now?" She was eyeing me like I needed mental help. I looked at her, imagined it again, and started laughing so hard until I was crying and couldn't breathe. She realized what I was thinking and started whacking me with the bag, now full of clothes.

"Ow... ow... Stop!" I wheezed between gasps of laughter. She started laughing with me and soon, we were both rolling around on the floor, laughing.

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