Chapter 10

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Sparks of desire ran up and down my spine as we kissed. I've never felt like this before. Luke grew demanding, his lips dominating over my own as our kiss grew more heated. I pressed my body up as close as I could to his, relishing the feel of his warmth and strength. I suddenly realized that I needed oxygen as I couldn't breathe, and pushed him away. I think I pushed a little too hard, because he toppled over the edge of the bed and landed with a hard thud.

"Oww..." He grumbled as his head peeped up over the edge of the bed at me, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"That's what you get for not letting me breathe!" I giggled, then held up my wrists, showcasing the plastic ties that bound them together. Luke got up and rummaged through a drawer at his desk. He produced a pair of scissors and sat down next to me, cutting through the ties with two snips. I winced as his fingers brushed over the red lines left over from the struggle I had with the ties.

Luke held my hands in his, and said the words I thought I would never hear him say.

"You're my mate, Amy." He said, the realization shocking us both. He got off of the bed and pulled me with him.

"You're my mate!" He repeated, lifting me up by the waist and swinging me around. I giggled as the room spun around me in dizzying circles. The spinning slowed, and suddenly, I found myself face to face with him, his blue eyes sparkling with adoration.

"I love you, Amy. I always have." Luke whispered to me, touching my forehead with his own. Suddenly, my anger sparked up, leaving me furious with him. I shoved him away, causing me to fall onto the floor because he was supporting my weight. I slapped his hand away as I scrambled up onto my feet, my eyes burning a hole into his face as I looked up and glared at him.

"Oh, really? I never noticed with you always shoving me around and pushing me away ever since that day five years ago! You hurt me that day, Luke, in a way nobody else could. I just don't think I can forgive you that easily." I yelled. I started making my way out of the room and was almost out the door until it slammed shut with Luke's hand leaning on it. I could feel how close he was to me. The smell of his scent was intoxicating, and I found myself wanting to lean back against him.

"Don't go, please don't go." Luke said in a pained whisper. My heart stung as I heard the explicit pain in his voice. I turned around and tilted my head up until I stared into his sad blue eyes.

"Luke, why have you caused me pain all these years? Why couldn't we just be friends?" I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. Luke said nothing, and instead, pulled me in for a tight hug. His touch sent delicious shivers throughout my body, and I just couldn't struggle.

"Give me a chance. One more chance." He said, his voice begging me to say yes. He hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe, as if I were a ghost in his arms and I could disappear any minute.

"Yes." I found myself whispering into his chest, and Luke released me long enough to turn my head up for me to see the growing smile on his face.

"Really?" He asked, unsure of what he heard. I bit my lip, squeezed my eyes shut, and nodded slightly. He ran his thumb over my lip and leaned in for a kiss, but I stopped him with a hand to his chest.

"We're going to have to take this slowly. Like, turtle slow." I warned him.

"I'll take anything I can get." He replied, then kissed my forehead and held me tighter that before. I stiffened, then relaxed, snuggling against his chest.

I could get used to this.


The next day, I got up early in the morning to go running. I had called Eric last night to tell him that I wasn't going to be able to make it, or any other future dates, for that matter. He seemed sad, but then perked up when I mentioned that my friend Maddy was single. I gave him her number, and we agreed to just be friends.

I ran through the bike trails, following a huge sort of roundabout that stopped right at my apartment. It was already 7:30 by the time I got home, so I took a quick shower and dressed in my work clothes before stuffing my things inside my backpack and grabbing an apple to eat on the way to work. I had a job at the local grocery store about ten clocks down as a cashier. The morning was cold, even though the sun was out. Although werewolves usually don't feel cold unless they're in the Arctic, I somehow was prone to the cold, but not when I shifted.

"Need a ride?" Luke drove his Lexus up next to me, grinning widely. I nodded and swiftly got into his car. I buckled myself in and rubbed my arms with my hands, trying to warm up. Luke leaned over and kissed my cheek, his face scrunching up when he felt how cold I was.

"Goddamn it, you're freezing! Here." He reached into the back seat and handed me a huge black hoodie. I quickly put it on and sighed in contentment. The hoodie was toasty warm, and I could feel the chill of the morning gradually wear away.

"Better?" He asked, worried, I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yes, thank you." I kissed him on the cheek and laid back in the seat. Luke's scent was on the hoodie, and I could feel myself growing dizzy from the delicious smell on it. I snuggled into the large piece of clothing, feeling safe and warm from everything.

"So, where are you headed?" he asked.

"Work, it's about ten blocks down, on Beechtree Boulevard." I said. He nodded, and started driving.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a minute. I could feel him wondering about how I felt  about what happened yesterday.

"I'm fine. What about you?" I replied.

"Fine." He said, and everything was quiet.

Talk about awkward silence.

I waited for one of us to start talking. The silence was killing me.

"So..." He started, and my ears perked up.

"Yes?" I asked. I blushed when I realized that I seemed too eager, and he laughed.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked, hesitant to hear my reply. He slowed the car to a stop just in time for the traffic light to turn red.

"Sure. When?" I turned to see  Luke staring at me, his mouth hanging open. The expression was so comical, I laughed.

"Better close your mouth before you eat a fly!" I teased, and he snapped him mouth shut, glaring playfully at me. The light turned green, and we moved forward.

"Do you have time after work?" He asked. I nodded, and he grinned.

"Great, I'll pick you up at..." He waited for me to supply the answer.

"Half past a freckle." I laughed at his confused face before he realized I was just joking.

"Ha ha, very funny. What time?" He said, leaning closer to me. I blinked at how close he was to me, and my heart beat sped up. He laughed as he heard my heart, thanks to our super wolfy ears, and brushed a lock of hair from my glasses.

"What time?" He repeated, stroking my cheek. I gulped and shivered.

"Umm... 6:00?" I squeaked out. He chuckled and sat up.

"Okay, I'll see you then." He said, his eyes trained on me.

"Alright, bye." I got out of the car and headed into the store. Luke watchted as I walked in before waving at me and driving away. I sighed, staring as he drove away. I was happy with how the day went so far.

"Amy! We need you at register 12!" I looked  behind me to see Jess, one of my co-workers, swamped with customers. I sighed, then signed in before putting on my name tag and walking towards register 12.


Hai guys!!! XD

Ok, here's chapter ten of Kiss Me Last! Hope you guys enjoy it! This one's for you, cruisinonyou69! XD

Question: If salsa is made outta avocadoes, what is guacamole made out of?

First person to answer gets the dedication! :P

Ok, list of items:



Kisses! XOXO<3

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