Chapter 4

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"Hey, four-eyes!" Those words were my only warning before an egg smashed into the back of my head. It didn't hurt, but the cool sliminess of the egg was enough to make me cringe. There was scattered laughter behind me. I was about to just walk away, but you know what? Why should I let them push me around? I turned back around.

"Thanks for the egg! I'll make a nice omelet with it, then I'll shove it in your fat, superficial faces!" With that, I spun around and headed towards the bathroom to get the gunk outta my hair.

"WHOO! Go Ames!" I heard Kayla scream across the hall. Two other people whistled, and people around me started to murmur.

"Shut up!" Luke's angry voice rang out, echoing and silencing the whispers. He looked towards me and smirked.

"You know-" He started to say, but I interrupted.

"You know what? I have better things to do than to stand around, talking to people who make my life a miserable hell." I walked to the bathroom, Kayla following close behind me.

"Damn, girl, what got into you today?" I slammed my hands down on the edge of the sink and sighed.

"I guess I'm just tired of it. I'm done with being pushed around like a toy and being treated as such. I'm not gonna fucking just stand around anymore and let them push me around." I turned around and faced her. "They wanna pick a fight, they've got one." Kayla stared open-mouthed at me, then smiled an ecstatic smile.

"I thought this day would never come! Okay, first  we gotta get you a new wardrobe, because not to be mean, but you look like a drag queen on booze." My mouth dropped open. "Second of all, you gotta get rid of the glasses. You'll never get revenge if they have the opportunity to call you 'four-eyes' again."

"I like my clothes, they're comfortable! And contacts make my eyes itch!" I complained. She squinted her eyes at me, probably thinking about the chances of forcing me to the optometrist's, which were slim to none if she couldn't catch me, tie me down, and gag me.

"Fine, keep the glasses. But the clothes? They gotta go." I grimaced, but when has she ever been wrong? Wait, let me rephrase that: When has she ever been wrong about STYLE?

"Fine. Wait! Oh shit!" I panicked.


"I have a date tomorrow. With Eric."

"That's what you're worried about? I thought you saw Bloody Mary behind me or something" She laughed. I glared at her.

"That is not funny! You know how I feel about her!" She snorted.

"Whatever, anyways, let's get that shit outta your hair before it starts to dry." I filled the sink with water and dunked my head in. Kayla dispensed some soap from the wall and started rubbing it into my hair.


After school, Kayla and I ran to the parking lot, got in my Nissan, and drove to the mall. Kayla(after an hour) had persuaded me to go with her to the mall to pick out my new closet. Hey, I had money, why not? I almost never splurge on anything, so I had a lot of money. I mean A LOT. I could go to college for twelve years and still have enough money to buy a house.

"Let's start there!" I let Kayla drag me into Old Navy, where a sales lady instantly bee-lined to us.

"Hello, my name is Anne. How may I help you?" Kayla shoved me in front of the lady.

"This lil' girl right here needs a new closet. Can you hook her up with something? She's kinda in a fashion crisis right now. I mean, look at what she's wearing!" Kayla and Anne looked at my clothes with disgust, and I glared at them.

"What's wrong with being comfortable in my clothes?" I grumbled. Anne snorted.

"There's nothing wrong with that. But you could be comfortable AND look good in your clothes. Come on." We followed her to the back, where the fitting rooms were. They shoved me in one of the rooms and shut the door. Anne snapped her fingers at me.

"Strip." My eyes went wide with shock.

"What?" Kayla scowled.

"You heard the lady! Strip!" She wrestled the clothes off me until I was standing in just my lacy bra and underwear. Anne scrutinized me closely, causing me to shift back and forth on my feet, uncomfortable. She laughed.

"Why, oh why do you wear clothes like that?" She pointed to my sad clothes on the floor. "You have a fantastic figure! You have a beautiful face, breasts that aren't too small, slender stomach and waist, and killer legs!"

"Thanks for... saying I have small boobs and chicken legs?" Kayla rolled her eyes.

"Jesus, you'd think a straight A student would listen better than this." I frowned a her, but Anne snapped her fingers again, catching our attention.

"We are going to find you clothes that SUIT you, not clothes that a... a... a drag queen would wear." Kayla snorted and I glared at her in turn.

"Stay here." Anne told me. Then she grabbed Kayla by the arm and dragged her out of the room, leaving me alone. I sighed and sat on the floor, getting lost in my own thoughts. Minutes had passed, and they burst into the room, arms filled with skinny jeans and band t-shirts.

"I thought you would like these shirts, since you like music so much. And We grabbed you dark skinny jeans, knowing how much you like dark colors." I held up a vintage Beatles shirt, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I'm liking this already." I tried on all of the clothes, and I loved them all. Surprisingly, they were more comfortable than the baggy clothes I wore before. Since Kayla the hellcat had ripped up my other clothes, I wore black skinny jeans and a Bullet For My Valentine t-shirt out of the fitting room when it was time to check out. Kayla took one glance at me and gasped.

"Holy fudge, Ames!" She spun me around. "You look freaking hot! If I wasn't straight, I'd do you." I laughed, then walked to the cash register. Anne sold the clothes to me at 50% off, which was surprising because I bought 8 pairs of skinny jeans, 12 t-shirts, and 2 bottles of black nail polish, one glittery.

"It's fine," she said, "this stuff has been sitting back there forever." I paid, gave her a hefty bonus, and walked out of the store. We walked past Hot Topic, and this time, I was the one who wanted to go in. We walked past bracelets and makeup to look at the clothes. I chose 4 pairs of neon skinny jeans and 5 t-shirts from the stack on display. One of the t-shirts said, "Why should I care when I don't?" I found this funny and plucked one from the pile to buy.

"Hey, look at this!" Kayla waved me over to show me a pretty, corset-style dress. The colors were a mix of red and black. I fell in love with it instantly. It looked like a dress that Amy Lee wore when I went to an Evanescence concert.

In the end, I bought 4 skinny jeans, 5 t-shirts, the dress, and 3 skirts we found that were appealing to me. I paid the clerk at the register, then went back to my car and drove back to my place. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

"Kayla, do you know how to cut hair...?"


HI! I'm not even tired, it's 11:19, and I have testing tomorrow! >.< I stayed up just for you guys to type this chapter, soooo...



Kisses! XOXO <3

A/N: I may edit this tomorrow. Or not. I have insomnia, so it depends if I'm awake or not. :P Enjoy!

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