2. Arnav's reaction

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Dedicated to pulendran

Arnav heard some knocking sound, "Khushi...someone is at the door" he muttered turning other side to continue his sleep. Again he heard the knock, "khushi..." he raised his voice. But continuous knocking made him irritated and come out of his slumber.

He rubbed his eyes in order to erase his sleep and wandering his eyes here and there in search of khushi. Realisation dawned on him hearing another knock. Shoving the comforter aside and pushing his legs in slipper he made out of his way to the door. He came to face with a scared HP who was ready to knock again as soon as he opened the door.

"What?" he barked as his mood is totally off due to khushi's absence.

"Bhaiyya, your lawyer is waiting downstairs. He want to meet you" HP replied hurriedly.

"What? This early"

"Bhaiyya, time is 10 a.m" Hp replied with shaking voice ready to hear another round of scolding.

Arnav eyes turn wide as saucers and he turned to clock to confirm the time, hell in his whole life he didn't slept till late. Quickly dismissed hp he marched towards washroom taking his towel. Already he is awake half of the night thinking over their problems and wondering about khushi's behaviour. Without having her kicking and pushing he stay awake another quarter night as it becomes a habit for him to sleep having her all over him. And top of it today morning he woke up late and don't know why Mr. Roy is here, this day can't be better, he thought.

He came downstairs after getting ready in his usual suit, "Hello Mr. Roy" he greeted and exchanged a hand with him. "What makes you come here? You could've waited in office itself. Anything professional problem turned up?" he asked scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.

"ASR, if it's professional i would've contacted in your office itself, but it is personal" Mr. Roy his lawyer explained with hesitancy.

"What?" arnav uttered which came into his mind that instant.

"ASR Mrs. Raizada filed divorce. Her lawyer sent the court notice to your house, being your lawyer i received in court itself. You have to reply to that notice within 15days" his lawyer dropped the bomb in ASR's life.

"Say again" arnav asked not believing his ears. He is not a fool to conclude that it's khushi who want divorce from him, yet his heart did not want to believe it.

"Mrs. Khushi kumari gupta singh raizada wants divorce from you" he repeated gauging arnav's reaction. The moment he finished the sentence his eyes widen at the sight of ASR falling from sofa.

Jumping from his seat he pulled ASR and made him lie on sofa. He tried sprinkling water on his face and patted his cheeks but nothing worked so he called his family members who was engrossing in attending their long term guest, they at first didn't react his calls which he wondered was they all really ASR family. Without having any choice he broke the vase which is on the teapoy. Hearing a loud noise all members rushed upstairs where he was standing.

"Hey bhagwan, chotte's favourite vase is broken. Mr. Roy you should've taken...." anjali exclaimed but she was interrupted by HP's voice who came running from kitchen with arnav's black coffee.

"What happened to bhaiyya??Wait let me take something sweet for him, he did not eat anything from morning" Hp shout alerted Raizada members.

That's when they noticed unconscious arnav.

"What happened to chotte?" nani and anjali asked in same time.

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