14. Refreshing classes

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"How's your health young lady?" Payal heard her doctor cheerful voice.

"Fine...My abdomen is slightly paining" Payal answered in low voice.

"It happens dear, you underwent operation so bound to bear that pain. But don't worry as days passes it will reduce" the doctor said with a smile while checking her.

"I am going on leave for few days, so you'll be monitored by my friend. Take care" the doctor informed and made her way out of the room.

"Mr. Aakash, her injuries are curing rapidly. So it's time to start pshyciatric treatment. My friend Mrs. Malini will look after your wife case. She'll be cured soon. Don't worry" she patted his shoulder before went to her cabin.

"Betuwa, i going to see her. It's already two days she had gained conscious still she's not breathing a word to us" said worried buaji.

Even though she and her brother family is angry with payal they can't deny the fact that payal is their daughter. Whatever payal did, they too were a reason for it. If only they did notice the brewing jealousy of payal on Khushi this all mess could be avoided. Being her parents and buaji they spent maximum time with payal from the time she born, they should be the first one to notice her mental state which they failed miserably. Rectifying their mistake they didn't leave her side, either buaji or garima is always beside her apart from raizada's. When buaji is with payal, garima would be with khushi and viceversa.

"She is in stress buaji. She'll be fine once her treatment starts" consoled an equally worried aakash.

"Hello...Hi...Bye bye... don't worriezzz. Koon i mean payal realized her mistake and khushi also with us. So say Bye bye to worries...Once again our family is going to be happy" mami cheered the atmosphere by her usual rantings. Truth to be told, mami realised her mistake of treating payal like a servant after hearing what payal uttered. She swore herself, she'll bring back her family in shape.

The three entered the room. Payal was staring the ceiling. Aakash was the first one to near her.

"How are you payal? Is it paining?" Aakash asked caressing her hairs.

"Arey, payalia... Did you slept well?" Buaji fondled her head and put tilak on forehead.

"Hello Hi....payal...Why are you not speaking? Did you forget how to speak in these two days..hello...hi..bye..bye..." Mami said in her usual style.

"Where is khushi? How's she?" Payal asked with difficulty without taking her eyes from ceiling.

"She's fine. Bhai is with her" aakash answered her. If the situation was normal, khushi was the first one to pamper her. Alas once the ever loving, inseparable sisters are now apart due to others carelessness.

"Do you want anything? You didn't answered your questions payal" aakash tried to start conversation with her.

After that payal didn't spoke anything. She kept mum throughout.

That day passed, next day Malini started her treatment.

"Hello, strong lady..." Malini greeted entering the hospital room.

Payal looks her like an alien. Still now no one called her as strong lady, she was always a shy one.

"Why are you looking me like that? Did i put over make up in my face or am i that much beautiful you are admiring me without taking your eyes?" Malini throw a smile in return got a one from payal.

"How's your health? Wait let me check haan..." Malini started checking at the same time holds a conversation with her.

"By the way, i am malini, phyciatrist. What is your name strong lady?" She introduced herself.

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