8. Ambivalence

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"Payal..." the hoarse loud voice shook every pillar of raizada mansion.

Raizada's rushed down to face with an enraged aakash shouting at his top of the voice for payal continuously. Along with him Nk and gupta family also there.

"Did you find khushi?" payal asked as soon as she reached last step.

Aakash strode towards her in blink of eye, grabbed her hands forcefully making her stumble a bit. Payal breath hitched seeing his hand rising in air. She closed her eyes tightly prepared for heavy slap but none came. Slowly opened her eyes she saw Nk holding his hands in mid air. While others terrified to react, as all happened in a second.

"Leave my hand Nk" aakash ordered sternly.

"No, it's not right aakash. You should not raise your hand on women even if she is wrong" Nk admonished and bring aakash hands down. Aakash fingers curled into a fist in anger. While raizada's once again tongue tied seeing the new avatar of aakash but what shocked them the most was of gupta's oblivious behaviour towards the happenings. How can they be silent when aakash raised his hands on payal?

"What is this aakash? How can you raise your hand on payal?" nani questioned came out of her shock.

"What else do you expect me to do dadi? The thing she did was intolerable and unforgivable" shouted an fierce aakash who ready to murder payal.

Only he know what he felt when he came to know about payal deeds. He can't believe his senses but later realised, All glitters are not gold. It took lot of time for him to digest this truth and act upon this matter. It's not easy to grasp that the person whom he thinks to be his soul mate is not the way he thinks nor she is what she portrays.

"What she did?" anjali asked which went in deaf ears as already aakash dragged payal to the middle of the living room and pushed her with a force.

Fortunately or unfortunately mami caught her, "This is not right aakash" scolded aakash surprising everyone.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Where is khushiji payal? Where did you hide her?" shouted making raizada's frown and payal in fear.

"How can i know aakash?" asked payal with crying face.

"Enough of your crocodile tears payal. We didn't expect this from you. Is this what we taught you? Stop acting and tell me now where is khushi?" buaji spoke shocking payal to the core. Whatever happened till now in their lives buaji always supported her no matter what, but today all turned upside down.

"Buaji what are speaking? How can i know where is khushi when she is with you from the morning?" payal questioned back.

"Enough..." everyone turned to see the source of roar standing in the main door with some police. He strode towards them.

"Enough of your lies payal. Care to tell where my khushi is?" arnav asked with gritted teeth.

Payal eyes wandered from arnav, buaji, garima, shashi, nk and finally landed on aakash. She gulped her throat seeing the same amount of rage in everyone eyes. She knows her game is over, there is no way when her own family is against her while raizada's are the one stood with confused faces unaware of the storm hitted them.

"I don't know. Why are you putting false allegations on me" she asked feigned courageous and innocent.

"Don't test my patience payal. Will you spill out or do you want to taste third degree treatment in police lock up" arnav threatened her. Her eyes widened hearing his threats.

"What is happening here chotte? How khushi missing is related to payal?" nani asked the question which bugged her from the time aakash entered. Instead of answering her, arnav gestured her to stop.

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