15. Aware of unaware things

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"I came to know sheetal truth in karwachawt. After you broke my fast, i got DNA report. Already i gave your samples, you caught me when first report arrives. Seeing them before my eyes for half of the day, aarav being behaving like you, i couldn't sit quit. So i asked the hospital to give me another report. They send it on karwachawt. It said, yours and aarav DNA matches and you're father of aarav. I felt broken, I don't want to lose you at the same time i don't want aarav to grow fatherless. I want that report to be false. I don't know what to do. I confronted sheetal. What she told me was enough to break me. You know what she said, she told me aarav is your son and it was accident. She told me you were drunken. I was devastated. I... felt..as my breath..knocked out" khushi hiccupped remembering how she felt that day.

"Shh...khushi..." Arnav hugged her. The pent up emotions of last few days was so hard on her. Always she is an one man army, whatever life throws at her she'll face all with smile on her face singlehandedly. Be it rescuing her sister from bullying in school or helping her father in business when their shop is in loss or bravely accepted to console her sister's would be before marriage or courageously stood before arnav all the times or tackling shyam advances or the time arnav forcefully married her or rescuing arnav from kidnappers, she never depended on any one. Same habit she followed when sheetal matter is out. She thought to clear the thorn from their life. Infact she didn't even wish arnav to know someone conspiring against them. But when she came to know about karan, she cursed herself for handling this alone in the first place.

"That night, i broke down completely. I didn't even had my food. Do you remember that night, i talked about being fatherless is worst? I don't know how to tackle the problem. I thought to be selfish for once in my lifetime, but aarav face ripped me apart. If aarav want dad then he wants his mother too. For my selfishness i cannot separate a mother and son right. So i decided to go far away from here with your memories. I know if i continue to stay here you wouldn't accept aarav. I planned to leave RM that night itself" khushi felt him going stiff and she can feel he's controlling his emotions.

"I'll kill you if you think something like that" he tightened his hold on her.

"Don't you want to know remaining?" Seeing arnav nods "Then don't interrupt me" and she continued to let out her secrets.

"Before i leave i went down to pray devimayya one last time. Before i proceed further sheetal dragged me to our garden" khushi gone into that day where she came to know the biggest shock of her life.

"Sheetalji why are you dragging me?" shouted Khushi. Sheetal placed her palm on khushi mouth and gestured her to keep quiet. If it was another day khushi would have thought sheetal is kidnapping her but sheetal's pleading eyes made khushi to believe on her.

"Now tell me sheetalji. Why are we here now?" Khushi asked as soon as sheetal took her palm away.

"Khushi, i want to tell you something" sheetal said fidgeting with her dress in nervousness.

"What is left there to tell me? You already cleared my doubt. I promise you aarav will get what he deserve" khushi promised placing a stone in her heart.

"I want to talk about aarav. It's not what you think and what i said earlier"  said an impatient sheetal.

"I don't understand what you are trying say" khushi told confused as much as possible.

"Khushi, i know aarav from past six months only not from birth" sheetal dropped the first bomb making khushi dumb.

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