13. Revelation-3 and Face off

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"What the hell are you saying aakash?" Arnav shouted over the phone while khushi was taking afternoon nap.

"Bhai, i can't do anything when they are assuring me he'll not come around khushiji again. I tried hard without trusting them but i can't bhai... they're shutting me out saying they'll convince you. So your presence is needed" aakash said dejectedly.

It's afternoon and payal already gained conscious whole family is there except arnav and khushi. Aakash called arnav when he was unable to get hold on karan.

"Whose custody he is in?" Arnav asked massaging his temples. Running whole night and from yesterday morning itself his diabetes level is not stable making him tired and worn out. Hardly he had two hours of sleep.

"I think with his father. They are not giving information" says aakash with a sigh.

"Ok. I'll look into the matter" arnav said going to end the call but interrupted due to aakash voice.

"Bhai, inform me if you planned to see anyone outside. Khushiji will be alone na" aakash whispered hurriedly, in fact he wants to accompany him. As far as he know, surely his bhai will go out to settle Karan's matter. He doesn't want his bhai to face him alone, not that he's doubting his bhai capabilities but he too wants to settle score with him who was also a reason for payal condition.

"Aman, i want details about that karan in one hour" arnav called his right hand man.

"Ok ASR" he replied and ended the call.

"Hmm...arnavji..." Khushi murmured slowly getting up from the sleep.

Arnav was beside her in a blink of eye.

"Khushi..." He cooed caressing her arms.

Without opening her eyes she snuggled to his lap. Fondling her head, "Are you sleepy?" He asked slowly.

"Hmm..." She tightened her hold on his waist.

"Shall i prepare coffee for you?" he asked as he know she is not sleepy. If she is asleep then she'll not snuggle to him unless she is tired of her taekwondo poses.

"Hmm..." She murmured.

He made her lie in bed and went down to prepare coffee for her. In the mean time his mobile rang disturbing her. Annoyed she attended the call without seeing whose mobile and call it is.

"ASR, karan is in his father's custody. His father flied down here and both are in farmhouse with high security. We can't meet him without appointment" aman said in one breath without hearing any voice at other side, "ASR..." He called.

"I want to see him. Do anything, but i want him before me" khushi voice reached over the phone shocking aman.

"Bhabhi...aap...where is ASR?" He asked in fear of getting another round of you're fired for umpteenth time.

"He's down, wait a minute amanji" aman heard her answer along with khushi calling arnav.

"Yes, aman. Did you found anything?" He questioned making his way to poolside as he was not interested in letting khushi know this matter.

"He was with his father in his delhi farmhouse where bhabhi was kept. ASR...bhabhi wants to meet him" aman said holding his breath.

"What the!" Arnav's favourite phrase came out before his brain progressing what aman said.

"I said all the details thinking you're on the call but that turned out to be khushi bhabhi. Sorry.. ASR" aman said holding his breath.

"Hmph... I'll call you later" arnav pressed the end button.

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