3. Arnav's promise

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Dedicated to my sweet sisters manjuarshi ninishta15 inaara_khan Kiddo_Star

Arnav stood before the wooden door battling himself whether to rang the bell or not, but nonetheless he pressed the bell as his life resides inside. Gulping his nervousness again he ranged the bell when none opened the door.

After seemed like eternity the door opened only to face with ever smiling khushi whose smile faded as soon as her eyes landed on him. Arnav released his breathe which he holds till now unknowingly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked nonchalantly.


"Your office doesn't working in laxminagar. Did you forget that by any chance...smacking her forehead, yeah how can i forget that, you must be busy with your girlfriend and your son. So this thought missed your brain?" she mocked him without letting him speak.

"Kh..u..sh..i.." he staggered few steps back in disbelief.

"You're kidding right?" he asked with hope, dismay of his erratic heart beats which clearly indicates something wrong is gonna happen.

"Do i look like a joker who entertains people with their smile? Whom i kidding? You and your family already treating me as one. If anyone from your family is upset then go...grab khushi...shout your frustration...order her to shut in room itself...tell her to stay away...or simply kill her with indifference...and...ignorance...she will hear all this with a smile...she has no emotions and feelings at all... That is the mantra of you and your family Mr. Raizada. How irony it looks! I thought you all are my family. But no, you are seeing and using me as your personal punch bag. I am tired of it, now your girlfriend also came there so please go start a life with her Mr. Raizada. At least understand her a bit unlike me and lavanyaji" khushi let out her pent up emotions that's what he thought.

"Khushi...You're taking me wrong. I love you, you know that. I really didn't consider you as my punchbag, you're my love and wife khushi. I know things are not good between us before our remarriage, but that doesn't mean i didn't love you. I behaved as jerk from our first meet itself and now you think low of yourself in my life which is not true. Soon you'll realise too. You'll be my priority always, i promise you you'll be my prime concern even more than di. We'll solve our problem calmly khushi, decision which we take in anger will never be right, who knows the result of that more than us khushi. Please take back the divorce case and lets take this issue slow and once again i assure you aarav is and never be my child, i didn't share any such relation with anyone out there khushi. If we have child then it will be ours only" arnav said after coming out of shock which khushi given him.

"By the way, even if the divorce case proceeds then i'll make sure that you'll come to me by yourself before the case ends. So be ready to pack your cloths from here or it didn't matter, i am all eyes even without that" he said with devilish grin and winked at her.

As usual her cheeks coloured a reddish hue and mouth formed o's hearing his statement. Before she acknowledge, she felt her cheeks wet only come to know that he put a loud kiss.

 Before she acknowledge, she felt her cheeks wet only come to know that he put a loud kiss

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