11. Revelation-2

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*Noproofread* My battery is going to die so can't proof read it,.please adjust with it guys*


Shyam was enquired by cops in prison. When they asked him "Do you know khushi?" He knows what he feared was actually happened.

So he instantly told them, he can help them in finding her and he too know ASR will not trust him if he told the full story so he choose to act cool and his foremost priority was rescuing Khushi safe. In no time prison enquiring room was changed into a conference room with two cops made shyam sit in center of the chair in jail uniform.

"What story did you created this time shyam?" Arnav asked with gritted teeth seeing him in big tv connected through the conference.

"It's not makeup story arnav. A truth, a hidden truth of many years precisely seven years. The one whom you are searching was karan khundra, son of uttar pradesh CM. Don't waste your time in enquiring me. I don't have any plans to escape from this jail so it's better you find khushiji without arguing and shouting at me" shyam replied coolly making arnav and aakash blood boil.

"Shyam..." Arnav bit out giving extra pressure to each syllable with gritted teeth, he badly wants to kick him seeing his cool behaviour. Now it is confirmed there is more to this karan drama. Shyam was aware of it; may be they both planned this but maybe Karan betrayed him so shyam spilling the truth now.

"Bhai, let's look for Khushiji first" aakash diverted arnav attention. The least he could do was helping him to find khushiji without wasting time. Already they are loss of time.

He felt, somewhere he is also responsible for this kidnapping. If only he could tried hard to understand payal's insecurities this day wouldn't come. If only he stood against his mother for payal. If only he guessed what torment payal was in. If only he predicted what future behold for them. If only...

Throwing his and payal fate into god aakash decided to rectify his wife sin. It's his duty too. Sharing happy moments, give into physical needs, depending on spouse for small matters, giving surprises, providing luxuries is not only love but sharing each other worries, helping hand in solving problems, taking part in your spouse misery and guiding them when they did wrong without blame game also included in it.

The time he heard payal conversation and her last words before losing consciousness is enough for aakash to realise he lacks in maintaining his married life and she suffers major inferiority complex or phycological problems. He like a teenager who thinks the meaning of love in only as fairy tale and many time blamed her easily. As a husband, it's his duty to look after his girl who come with him leaving her family only in the hope of her husband. A husband who will protect her, shield her from harm, will understand her, will support her when she needed someone, will walk along with her in the rough pace of life. But what he did? They badly needed to work on their relationship. For that he has to take one step forward; that is doing his wife's wrong into right.

With this new decision and determination, aakash slipped out of his family when they are busy staring at ICU. He asked payal status to one of the doctor, who checked her first. He assured the knife didn't go deep so just a small operation is enough to join the tissues. After getting a lot of assurance from him, he signed for operation and get ready to accompany his brother in finding his sister-in-law.

"Aakash..." Arnav called bringing him back to earth.

"Haan bhai. What you decided?" Aakash asked adjusting his spectacles.

"Now we have only one option available for us which shyam said. We don't know he is saying truth or not. But somewhere i guess whatever he told will be useful for us. I already made require arrangements. Karan dad is in Lucknow, aman already started to strike deal with him. He should bend before us, shyam gave some illegal business details of his. Khan will handle from here along with nk and his team. We have to reach airport, if karan planned to fly then surely he had to reach airport. Arjun and team is going to come with us" arnav explained dragging him to car.

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