5. Is the problem solved?

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||No Proof Read|| so have lot of mistakes||

"I have proof" said arnav gaining everyone attention on him once again while sheetal praying hard not to get caught, if he proved that she's lying then the entire plan will go in vain, she thought.

"What proof you are talking arnav? Don't try to cover your lie" Sheetal courageously dared him. she wondered what happened in laxminagar that he is hell bent on throw her out. She hoped nothing wrong happened there as she is the one who called khushi and told what she heard in the other room of raizada mansion.

According to her and khushi's plan, khushi is going to reveal the truth when arnav visit her in laxminagar. But their plan got scrapped due to a person who called and warned her until they are divorced they all will be kept under their scrutinity including laxminagar. So she called khushi and informed the same. On the other hand khushi too confirmed some unknown persons like goons are wandering around her buaji house. So she guessed khushi must have acted to hate him and the result is in front of her, ready to strangle her. Thank god, sheetal phone is not tapped or else the situation will be worst, she thought to herself.

"Wait let me show you" arnav said going to call someone from his phone but stopped hearing sheetal voice,

"Why are you doing this arnav? Don't you feel your son aarav has right to stay with you. I guess he is hapless to get his father's love. But you know, it hurts when you doubt on aarav's parenting when he is the symbol of my love. It is said right, pain will be only understandable when we are hit by that not otherwise" sheetal feigned crying that somewhat melted raizada's heart and arnav's rage increases no bound by minute.

Claps echoed on the hall breaking their trance who was earlier consoled crying sheetal and payal stood there yet her thoughts are far wandered around khushi.

"Wow! Sheetal.. I must appreciate you, you have excellent acting skills. You deserve Oscar for this performance. In a blink of an eye you turned my family as puppet in your hands and now they are not even ready to hear me out let alone find out the truth themselves" arnav let out a bitter laugh which clearly shows his pain of standing sinner before his family without any of his fault.

"Chotte..." nani called.

"I too know how to raise my voice nani" that shut the elder raizada's mouth.

"Dadiji how can you support sheetal instead of arnavji and khushi? sheetal is lying, why can't you see her truth? Did you thought about khushi life once? What will happen to her and her whole life is mess due to this sheetal? Instead of throw her out you are taking her side" payal burst out her worry which shocked raizada's as they are seeing her new side which is unaware to them till now. Even in shyam revelation she stood calm and cried but not shouted like this.

"Hello..Hi..Bye..Bye.. How dare you to raise your voice against sasuma?" mami scolded payal.

"Payalji, how can you put such accusation on us? We're concerned for khushiji too but that doesn't mean we should ignore little aarav who has nothing but having a family as his dream" anjali defended their behaviour.

"Are you indirectly declaring, you are ready to accept sheetal and aarav? Why do you always see one side of coin, turn the other side of the coin too who knows what lay there?" payal shouted in rage.

"Why my khushi has to suffer always?" payal mumbled silently but enough to heard by others.

"That's why i am saying don't rush things in anger" nani said breaking the ever growing hot tensed atmosphere.

"There is no way i am going to tolerate sheetal and her son anymore. She must leave shantivan the very moment. I cannot entertain people who stood hindrance before my khushi's happiness" arnav declared his decision.

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