10. Mission: Finding khushi

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"Payal, what's all this? Why did you do that to khushi betiya? Isn't she your sister?" Nani asked shattered by this revelation which threatening her family happiness.

"I can't believe you had such venom for khushiji" anjali said shaking her head to clear the true face of payal she heard lately.

"I didn't expect this from you payal bhabhi" Nk expressed his displeasure.

"Who is he? Where is he now?" Arnav shouted nearing her.

"Tell him payal, where is he? Why is he behind khushiji?" Aakash questioned nearing her.

"Tell them, why you helped him? Did you forget she's your sister? How can you let him kidnap her? Aren't you ashamed on kidnapping your own sister?" Buaji shouted holding her elbows in tight grip.

They all shouted her without giving time for payal for answer. Their questions and accusations creating havoc in her heart and mind.

No, this can't be happening. Why everyone is blaming me? Isn't they are the one who always put me in back seat? Whatever i do they always find fault in me. They are the one who made me feel like i am inferior to all. The minute Khushi enters all will forget me even in my home too. Why they are not understanding me? Don't i have feelings? Why they always took me for granted? Why i am the only one to bend before maaji(mami)? She accepts khushi then why not me? Am i that bad? Karan was right, indeed i was jealous of Khushi. But it's not only my fault, family had enough hand in intriguing my feelings against khushi, her mind reasoned in between. They consider only Khushi as daughter-in-law not me. I always be a slave or paid less maid to them. You're finished payal. Finished. No one is going to understand you. Your life is ruined. The persons stood before you ruined your lives. Your all dreams are crashed. Neither Aakash is going to accept you nor maaji. It's better to die than living between accusing eyes, her heart cried and came into wrong decision.

"Payal..." Aakash shouted loudly. Hearing him she come out of her thoughts.

Before anyone acknowledge what is happening payal ran downstairs to dinning table and picked the knife. In a blink of eye, the cold metal passed through her tissues making her blood come out of her stomach.

"Payal..." All are shocked by this scene. Arnav and aakash reached her in no time, aakash put her head in his lap while she pluck out the knife from her tissues.

"Payal...wh..at.. yo..u di..d?" Aakash stammered in shock.

In the meantime, remaining members reached there and arnav tears some cloth from her pallu and tied it in around her waist much to her displeasure and Nk was busy calling for ambulance and cops inform the new formed problem to their higher officials after picking the knife from payal hand.

"Payal...payal... don't lose your conscious. Payal..." arnav patted her cheeks even though he had less time to find khushi he cannot let payal die before his eyes. Already his eyes seen enough death he doesn't want to add one more in the list.

Her eyes slowly starting to close before closing her eyelids, she mumbled disorientedly.

"I didn't do anything wrong....I didn't wish...anything... bad for Khushi. I didn't told...him to...kidnap...her...I want her.. happiness...i did wron..g" she closed her eyes realising her mistake at last in death bed.

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