12. Carefree morning

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Arnav eyes fixed on khushi's serene face. Within a night she looks so pale, her eyes look puffy. She might be cried hard for him. While wiping her face he noticed her dried tears. How dare that bastard to make his love cry? He'll not leave him easily. Whoever that karan maybe, he have to face ASR for even thinking of his wife.

"Khushi. Open your eyes na. See you're safe with me. We are in our home. It's already seven in morning. Get up na jaan" arnav cooed in her ears lying beside her.

"Khushi..." He pecked her forehead and eyes one by one.

"Hmm..." she responded to his peck but soon her mind went into previous day, making her fear to open her eyes even though she heard arnav's soothing voice.

"Wake up khushi. You are in home. You are safe in rm. I am here, just open your eyes and see yourself" he said seeing her fearing to open eyes by closing her eyelids tightly.

"Hmm..." She moaned and open her eyes. Like he said, her eyes didn't deceived her. Indeed she is in rm, in their room, in their bed, in her cocoon her husband arms.

A relief washed over her entire form. A cry escaped her mouth seeing arnav near her. Like a child who found her mother in a crowd, khushi launched herself on him. He fell flat taking her with him.

"Arnavji..." She let out a happy wail. Happy that she escaped from that golden jail, happy that she was far away from that physco, happy that she was safe in her love arms, happy that she need not to be worried hereafter.

"Shh..shh.. you're safe" he caressed her head and other hand rocking back and forth. Khushi dipped more into him.

"Arnavji...he..is..pagal..he..." She hiccupped.

"Shh..shh..will speak about it later. Now like a good girl, get up. I am hearing growls from your stomach. Poor it was, missed it's daily dose" arnav tried to lighten the atmosphere earning a playful slap on his chest.

"Nahi..i'll not get up" she said like a stubborn child buried her face more into his neck shocking arnav. Wherever she is, the moment she got reminded of food she'll leave straight away to kitchen. And to his wonder, wantedly she is lying on him or else he have to plead her for just a kiss and a hug in daylight.

"Khushi, your health is perfect right?" He asked confusedly.

In reply she snuggled into him leaving no chance for air to pass through. Few minutes passed in silence, khushi is not ready to leave him.


"Hmm...I am hungry" she said at last failing in controlling her growls.

"Go freshen up. I'll be here with your breakfast" he disentangled himself from her.

"Hmm..come fast" she replied rushed to washroom taking her cloths.

Even though she wanted to go down to meet the family and do participate in conversation she didn't wished to do that moment. All she want was to confide with the four walls of their room with arnav. She herself wondered why did she feared so much for karan when she's not scared of shyam who lived with her in the same house for six months in her earlier marriage and another one month after her remarriage. She can't deny the fact that she noticed some undying mad glint in karan eyes which is absent in shyam eyes. Now she's with her hubby then why to burn her brains unnecessarily, she thought and came out asap. Her hunger didn't let her think more.

When she was out of washroom, already her husband made all the arrangements for her breakfast.

"Why are you standing there? Come khushi!" He called her and making her sit on recliner and he took seat opposite to her.

Seeing food Khushi forget her previous turmoil and silently they ate their breakfast.

"Do anyone from our family know about my kidnapping?" Khushi asked breaking the silence. From the time all she met was arnav, she was sure if their family know about her being missing then they must be here by now fussing over her or they are busy with sheetal. She thought to ask arnav without racking her brains.

"Yup. They know khushi. I told them not to disturb you" arnav told the half truth. He know she looks bit shaken by this karan fiasco and if she know payal is behind this then again she start to worry herself lest he want her to fall sick.

"That's good. I don't want to go out of our room arnavji" she said taking her place in bed after finishing breakfast.

Arnav was astonished hearing his wife who always keeps family as top priority is now saying opposite. Even though there's some unfinished business out there, arnav decided to oblige his wife wishes. He too sat beside her pulling her in his arms.

"Arnavji, i want to watch salmanji movie. Do one thing, put bodyguard movie. I want to see that" seeing khushi's enthusiasm arnav bowled off. Why not, when he thought she'll cry or talk to him about karan. Trust that his wife is one crazy piece only made for him. On the corner of his heart he too knows that she's doing this purposely to forget yesterday events and not to make him sad. He too don't want to push her so obviously he put the cd player.

"Sit beside me arnavji" khushi whined seeing him weirdly looking at tv. Before he took his seat, she happily dragged him towards her, hooking her arms with his and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Khushi, is this movie is that one?" Arnav asked after sometime.

"Haan, our movie date" khushi confirmed happily.

"Not ours, it's family picnic" arnav replied grumpily remembering three hours he wasted thanks to khushi who made it as family tour.

Khushi zipped her mouth, even though she did like that for di but she too knows spending time as a couple is how memorable and important for newly weds like them is spoiled only by her. After that they have no time to go out.

Yesterday night taught her best, they are missing their earlier joy of marriage because of family problems which seems never ending. Those days cannot be recreated. She want to utilise the time which she had, didn't life taught her happiness will no longer a permanent one. From the time she born all she got was sorrow-sorrow-happiness-sorrow-happiness-sorrow.

"Khushi where are you lost?" Arnav asked shaking her.

"Ahh...nothing arnavji. This is our first movie date" she exclaimed suddenly.

"But we gone for english movie khushi" arnav said with a frown.

"Naa... that was first date for you not for me" khushi twisted her words.

"What??" Arnav scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Offoo arnavji. English movie was your favourite so that's your first date but i love salman movies. This is the first time we are alone seeing his film so its my first date" khushi explained as if she found some great explanation which no one knows.

"Okey..." Arnav obliged amusedly. Being khushi's husband he was always open to surprises.

Without disturbance they watched full movie in between cuddling, pecking credits to arnav. Khushi slept in tiredness.


I know it was small update. And i am busy to write lengthy update, so sorry guys if i disappointed you.

Hope you enjoyed this mystery less normal update. Next will be lengthy pakka, with karan-ASR face off and an small insight from shyam. Will try to update next week.

Thanks for your support in previous chapter, hope you guys support this part also.

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