9. Revelation-1

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"You..." Khushi eyes widen in shock.

"Yup, it's Me! Wow, I must say you have strong memory" he replied coolly.

"Where is my husband? What happened to him?" Khushi gone into her worried mode forgetting her state.

"I thought you are genius, by now you should've guessed where you are and what happened?" He said nearing her.

"You mean, that call was fake and you..kid..nap..ped me" her mind worked in jet speed and she shuddered at the revelation.

"That's like my girl" Khushi flinched at his words.

"Have you gone nuts? Let me go" she surpassed him ignoring his words.

"Little kitten is on mission. But let me clear something, you cannot..." She cuts his words.

"Don't dare to play with me. I don't know why you kidnapped me, i am sure it must be one of your bad intentions. If my husband get an ounce of this, you will not be spared no one can save you from him" she threatened him.

"Oh please Khushi, don't tell this to your husband. I am very scared. If he see me then he'll kill me" he said and laughed like manic. "Do you expect me to get scared of your threat? Is your husband is god or what? Who have power to stood against me; your husband is small before me. He can't do nothing with his so called money" he said dangerously.

"Are you mad? You don't know my husband; he has power to destroy you" Khushi replied proudly.

"Oh really. Haven't you read or heard money have to bend before power? Still you didn't understand did you?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

Khushi want to slap him seeing his cool attitude. How dare he to underestimate my husband power? He has all the things wrapped in his little finger. In his snap of eye her arnavji will destroy the person before her.

"Ok, forget it. Like a good girl wrote a letter stating you are leaving your husband because he's cheating on you" he said handing her pen and paper.

"In your dreams. Why would i leave my husband? It is utter nonsense and i'll not do any such things" khushi said with venom.

"Oh, really. Lets check" saying this he neared her, Khushi moved backwards in fear. In this she forgot she is standing at the edge of bed when he came close to her she fell backwards in bed.

Before she move back he holds her leg, she wriggled to leave from his hold. But he is stronger than her so easily he pushed her and came on top of her. She closed her eyes trying to gather her strength, she pushed him by his shoulder but he holds her hands above her head and came closer to her ears. Tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Can you write or do you need more trail?" His whisper made her agree to his demand.

Wiping her tears angrily she wrote the content as he said and wrote her name as she planned before when he was gazing other side. She was thinking from the time she agreed to write the letter. Before he check the letter once again she hide her name with her hand and somehow convinced him that she didn't leave any hint. He called someone and sent the letter and her mobile to her home. She prayed hard for arnav to find her clue. He noticed her silence and decided to break it.

"Where are you lost Khushi? Ok let me check your general knowledge about me?" He said throwing a wink at her.

"Will you stop boasting yourself? What do you want from me? Why are you doing all this?" She asked finally coming out of her thoughts with gritted teeth.

"Well, i guess you are only interested in knowing why i kidnapped you. So I'll do the honour of introducing myself"

"I am Karan khundra, son of great politician and CM of uttarpradesh Mahesh khundra. A close friend of payal gupta now payal singh raizada whom i studied with her in University of Lucknow. We were close friends once upon a time, interesting isn't it? And one day, i saw a angel in my college, that happened before seven years. She looks like a school going girl, she came there searching for her sister. I fell for her in first sight. I felt, she is god's gift for me. Her look itself told me she is innocent and i wanted to protect that innocent angel from this cruel world. I want to know her details, so i followed her without her notice and find out that she was sister of one of my classmate who was one of the silent girl. From that day i started to follow her without anyone notice. She studied 11th standard that time. So i decided to give her time and until she grows i i'll not express my feelings. In the mean time i can't sit quite, day and night her face haunts me. It's hard for me to collect her information as she is from interior of lucknow. Without having choice i befriended with her sister to know about that angel. That was one tough task for me as she'll not speak to boys usually. I have to do lot of things to befriend her, that includes ragging, abduct her using my friends and like a gentle man i rescued her. Slowly she started to accept my friendship. We become friends though she'll not share her personal things with me. She needed me for helping her out of ragging issues and study related issues which angered me but i tolerated all that for my angel. After one whole year one day my angel stumbled upon me as i rescued her from bullying, that day was indeed a great day for me. My friend aka her sister introduced my angel to me which i already know. After that it was hard to see my angel as she become busy in her studies in the mean time i pestered my friend aka her sister to share about her family. Slowly she started to open up about her family that how her family adopted her younger sister when her parents died, how they started to treat her as their family member yet their buaji is not ready to accept her earlier and how their financial status is low and at last she dropped the bomb saying she is going to stop her studies as her babuji is struggling to earn money due to the loss their sweet shop faced and they decided to stop my angel studies also. That time she finished her 12th and ready to join in college. I tried a lot to convince her to study, so that i'll be able to meet that angel as i planned to suggest the same college as ours. But destiny has other plans, i met with an horrible accident which bedridden me after five years of coma. As soon as i recovered, i started searching for my angel and at last i found her using one video which telecasted in television. She fallen from stage, my breath stopped for a minute. But by god grace, one man saved her and at last married her before i reach her. So this is me and my love story. What do you guess from that?" He finished his part and asked last question in sarcastic way.

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