Your peice of proof

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"I'll show you.."

Bam took my hand tightly in his and lead me through the room, down the hallway and to his door.
Or what I assumed his door anyway.

"What does your room have to do with this?" I asked quietly. Still unsure of what's to happen.

"Just... stop asking questions okay? You want proof ,and I'm gonna give it to you." I nodded but was hesitant.
He opened the door and we both walked in. Me behind him and a little slower then him, but I did.

His hand still tightly held onto mine and it felt normal. It felt right, but I still didn't want it too.
He looked back at me and sighed.
"Wait here?" And I nodded at him.
He dropped my hand and walked into his closet. Coming back with a huge box soon after. The box was wrapped in paper, and had a small bow on the corner.

My eyebrows furrowed.
"What is-" I was cut off abruptly.
"No questions remember. I'll explain. Just, just sit down okay?" And I sat down.

I've wanted an explanation for awhile, and for once I actually felt I was gonna get one. Only I didn't know if it was going to be what I had been expecting or not. However, I shortly found out that it wouldn't be....

"Here." Bam said handing me the large rectangular package.
He sat on the bed and I sat on his desk chair about a foot or 2 next to him.
I raised my eyebrow at him. Clearly not picking up what he was putting out for me to understand. And he shortly noticed and chuckled.

"This. This is what was so important." He started.
"What's inside of that box is something that I had been working on for awhile. It doesn't make since to you now, and I know that." He laughed. "God I know that. This was so not the way that this was supposed to go." He rubbed his eyes with his palms.

I was still a bit confused. But, I was starting to understand.
Whatever was in this box was a present. A present for me I presumed, But I still didn't understand how a present in a rectangular box could cause all of this bullshit.

And as if he read my mind yet again... he started to finish his explanation.

"This box is something that I was trying to hand craft for you. But, given the skills that it needed, and seeing as how my first attempts were purely shit" he chuckled. "I asked Kat for some help. I spent a lot of time with her yes, but only because I wanted and needed this to be perfect for you."
"Perfection is an illusion. It doesn't exist" I said. Not meaning to really, but before the words could be registered, they slipped.

Bam smiled and laughed at me.

"Well, I think it's perfect enough." And I nodded at him.

"I wanted this gift to be something real. I wanted it to remind you of us when you needed reassurance because I know that you need that sometimes. And because I'm such a dumbass, I didn't realize that while trying to make something to give you that, I wasn't physically doing it anymore. God, now that I think about it, it sounds so much worse. Kat doesn't hate you. She doesn't blame you for thinking that I was cheating on you with her either. But neither of us realized what it had begun to look like until you had already left. You explained it to me that night, and I still didn't get it til after you walked out that door." He shook his head more so at himself than me.
"Im so sorry baby. I swear, just let me finish saying this and then you'll get all the reassurance on everything that you need. Weather you feel the same about me after words or not, I promise" he looked up at me and I could now see his bloodshot eyes better then I had in awhile. Tears were rolling down his cheeks like they had mine not even half an hour ago. And I felt sorry. Not for anything that was important now, but I felt sorry. Sorry that I hadn't let him explain before now. But, I guess life just works that way huh?

Unfortunately for these events, this situation was not a funny coincidence like most are. No, this one was tragically romantic, just a little less romance then I'd like.

As he began to explain again, my attention was on him.

"The gift is a pain in the ass. It was a pain in the ass from the beginning, but I think now we can both agree on that statement. Even if you don't know what it is yet. Like I said, I wanted it to remind you of us.
Under the now circumstances, I'm not so sure you'd want that. I'm giving it to you anyway though. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it even though it hurt me to. You don't have to love me, or give me a second chance. Just because I want it doesn't mean I have to get it. What I want you to do is have a clear mind" and I chuckled dryly.
'Yeah, not likely' I thought, and then listened to him continue once more.

"I want you to know what you want. Not have to be confused, nor have to settle. If I'm not what you want after you open that box, then....then that's okay."
He took a breath.
"Me and Kat were always texting about this. The details, the designs I wanted on it for you. And if we were still together, I know you'd like it. Now though, I can't be sure and that sucks. However it's also understandable. I promise you baby-me and Kat were nothing but friends. She was just a close friend trying to help me out with a hand crafted gift for my beautiful girlfriend at the time. And that's all she is to me now. Nothing has changed. You're still the only one I want. I spend so long trying to get you, and as much as I loved the chase of it, I love actually having you a lot better."

A year trickled down my face. I didn't know I had been almost to the point of crying until now.

"Stop crying. You don't need to waist more tears on me." Said Bam kissing my forehead.
He stood up and grabbed my hand.

"I want you to open the box. It's yours after all. But, don't open it until I leave. This isn't for me, it's not mine to be proven to." He paused again. And as he let my hand go, he walked to the door.
Opening it and saying one line to me before leaving me alone with the box tightly in my arms.

"This is your piece of proof"

A Jackass Life. (A Bam Margera Love story)Where stories live. Discover now