The Sleepover

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The door bell rung. "PIZZA!" Chad yelled sprinting towards the door. It's the weekend so I treated me and my apparent new best friend Chad for pizza. It's the weekend after all and this weekend could be the craziest by far. Chad walked into the living room where I was lounged on the couch with the pizza box. "Thank you sir." I said dramatically adding a bow. "Of course ma lady." He said placing the pizza box on the coffee table. He sat beside me on the couch and threw the blanket over us. I picked up two paper plates and put a cheese slice on mine and a pepperoni on his. We both dove in to the pizza looking so disgusting. "You're so gross." I laughed at Chad. "Me? Look at you sauce face!" He said pointed to my chin. I took a napkin and wiped the glob of sauce of my face. "Ok now time to get to know each other." Chad smiled mischievously. "So first question, what's your favourite food?" "Mac n cheese or strawberry ice cream!" I answered. "Yours?" "Probably pizza." Chad laughed. "What's your favourite movie?" I asked. "Indiana jones the lost ark." He answered. "Ooo an oldie." I teased. "Mine's mean girls." "You basic white girl." Chad teased back. "Favourite Celebrity?" Chad asked. "Harry styles!" I said quickly already knowing the answer. "I should've known." He rolled his eyes. "Mine's Gigi Hadi." He said biting his lip. "You're so disgusting." I sighed. "Ok favourite season and why." Chad asked. "Hmm ok, fall because I love the warm sweater weather. The food is amazing, and the love is so there ya know?" I smiled. "Wow, good reason. Mine is summer, because you can have fun let go of all of your worries and not worry about mistakes." He smiled.
We finished our pizza and learned so much more things about each other good and bad. Of course I didn't tell him everything and he probably didn't tell me everything. 1:00am "Chad it's 1:00am." I yawned. "Really already?" He sighed. "Yes, now I'm tried!" I said getting up to walk to my room. "What come on Bella!" Chad pleaded. "I'm scared of the dark!" He said pretending like he was 5. "Fine! I'll sleep out here!" I gave in. Why do I always give in? I layed down on the couch, Chad still watching the movie we had playing. "Ok, I'm tired to." Chad yawned turning of the T.V. Darkness grew over the room and we both fell asleep
I woke up to me laying on Chad's chest, he still had a shirt on guys clam down. "Morning angel face." He smiled at me. "Ok if you get to call me angelface I want a nickname for you!" I whined. "Ok fine, but nothing like snoodlebug." He rolled his eyes. "Foxy." I laughed. "Foxy?" Chad laughed. "Foxy." I stated. "Foxy and angle face the prefect couple." He smiled. "Um couple?" I asked confused.  "Oh, I um I meant couple of friends!" He laughed awkwardly. "Oh ok. You know, now that I think about it after everything that's happened. Jason wasn't even a good boyfriend for all I know he could've been cheating on me for a long time. I don't really know what a good boyfriend is I guess" I sighed. "Well maybe you'll find out." Chad smiled. "Eh I don't know, maybe I won't find another guy for a long time. Maybe not till college." I laughed. "Oh." Chad sighed. "Anyways foxy, wanna go to IHOP for breakfast?" I jumped excitedly. "Anything for you angleface." Chad smiled.
Hello! Hope you enjoyed Bella and Chad getting to know one another! Thanks for reading:)
xoxo~trashy teen

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