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Welcome to my new book!


Mitch's POV

It's the first day of school and I couldn't be more nervous. Ever since I came out as gay, I've been picked on. As if that wasn't bad enough my only friend, Kirstie, moved away. She was the only one who accepted me, now I have to go to the hell hole without her.

I go downstairs to find my parents have gone to work already. Not that it's that surprising, my parents are both surgeons that travel and work a lot, so they're not home much.

I start to eat my breakfast when I get a text from Kirstie.

Kit: Hey Mitchy. Good luck at school today! Who knows, maybe you'll meet a cute guy😉😉 Btw, if anyone hurts you, I will kick their ass. Love ya😘

Queen: Yeah like that will happen. Thanks though, Kirst. Love u too😘

I decide I should leave for school. There's still 20 minutes until homeroom, so I stop at Starbucks for coffee.

When I get to school, I try my best to stay out of the way of bullies. As usual, I wasn't so lucky.

I'm met with the one person I wanted to see the least; Carter. I tried to rush past him, keeping my head down so he wouldn't see me, but that didn't do anything.

"Aww poor little Mitchy, all alone again. What a shame." Carter smirks as he slams me against the lockers.

"S-stop." I try, but that just gets me a punch to the stomach.

"Don't tell me what to do, fat ass!" Carter punches me again, and laughs when I yell out in pain. He continues to punch and kick me for what seems like forever, until be gets bored and leaves.

I go to the bathroom and put makeup over all the bruises, hoping no one notices.

The bell rings and I go to homeroom. When I get there, I see a new student. He looks like a fucking god. He is very tall, and has blond hair and ocean blue eyes. I see Carter talking to him.

I find an empty seat in the back of the room and sit quietly until the teacher finally comes in and introduces herself.

"Hello everyone. I'm Mrs. Koop and I will be your English teacher. Today we will go around the class and introduce ourselves. Say your name and one thing you like to do"

We go in alphabetical order. Finally, it's my turn.

"H-hi, I'm Mitch Grassi and I like to sing."

A few more people go until it's hottie with a body's turn.

"Hey, I'm Scott Hoying and I like to write music."

The day goes by pretty quickly and it's now time to go home. I run out of school as fast as I can and call Kirstie.



"What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just come over!"

"Ok, ok. I'm on my way"

I can't wait to tell her about Scott. He's all I can think about. I don't know why, considering I've never even talked to him, but he's cute as hell.

Half an hour later, Kirstie shows up. I tell her about Carter this morning, but also about Scott. Kirstie, being the stalker she is, decided to search him and try to find out every detail about him.

His name is Scott Richard Hoying, he's 6'3, he's 17 years old, he likes baseball and volleyball, he loves to sing, write music, and play piano, and he moved here from Pennsylvania for his dad's job.

Maybe him moving here will be a good thing...

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