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Mitch's POV

"Mitchy, baby wake up." I hear Scott say, gently shaking me. I open my eyes to see we're on a mountaintop overlooking the city.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him as we get out of the car. He has a pickup truck so he started to lay pillows blankets, which I didn't even know he had, on the bed of the car.

"I figured you wouldn't want to go to school after what happened today, so I called the principal, explained it, and she let us miss school." He tells me.

"Thank you." I say with a smile and peck his lips. We sit on the truck, me in between his legs with my back against his chest, and stare out into the distance. I start to think about what happened this morning.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Scott asks me. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Oh, um, I was just thinking about this morning and..." I trail off, not wanting to break down again. Scott turns me around so my legs are on either side of him and kisses me.

"What can I do to help?"

"Kiss the pain away." He leans in and captures my lips in a slow and passionate kiss. I don't know how long it lasted, but we eventually had to pull away to breathe.

"Thank you." I hide my face in his neck, still on his lap.

He chuckles slightly, "Anytime."

We sit there and talk for a few more hours before packing up and going back home.

"If I'm gonna be staying with you, can we go to my house and get my stuff? I don't want to see my parents, so if they're there then we can go back another time, if that's okay." I ask, shyly as if he's going to say no.

"Yeah, of course we can." Once we get there and see my parents getting in their cars to leave, so we wait until they're gone. We walk in and see a girl, who looks about 20, sitting on the couch.

"Uh.. Who are you?" I ask her.

"Are you Mitch?" I nod. "Hi, I'm Jessa, your older sister. Mom and dad called me here so I could live with you so you're not alone." My eyes widen and I grab Scott's hand, pulling myself closer to him.

"If you're really my sister, why wouldn't mom or dad tell me about you? Why would they wait until I've had 16 years of being an only child to have you meet me?" She has to be lying, I've never even heard of her.

"When you were born, I was mad about it. I liked being an only child and I didn't want that to change. I had wished you were never born when I was 3 because you said your first word on my birthday and took all the attention away from me. You're the baby, you're the favorite and I hated you for that. So, mom and dad sent me to live with our grandparents."

"So why are you here now?" This all sounds like bullshit.

"They called me saying you had some sort of mental breakdown and I need to take care of you and live here. I said yes 'cause figured I could be a better sister this time." Those assholes.

"Mental breakdown?" I yell, startling her. "That's what they think that was? No, that was me confronting our bad parents who have left me alone since I was 10. The same parents who, instead of helping you become a good sister, sent you to live with our grandparents."

"They're trying to be better but it's hard with their jobs! Why can't you just understand that? Don't you love them?"

"You sound just like them! And yes, of course I love them, but I also hate them. I love them because they were 2 of the 3 people who accepted the fact that I'm gay. I love them because they never pressured me to have amazing grades. But, I hate them because they left me when I needed them most."

"You're gay?" Is this bitch stupid?

"No I'm a straight guy who is holding hands with his straight boyfriend. I meant gay as happy."

"Ok first of all, didn't ask for the attitude. And second, they probably didn't want to be with you because you chose to be gay. If you liked girls, this wouldn't be an issue." My jaw dropped.

"You're one of those dumbass homophobes?"

"So what? You're one of those dumbass homosexuals. It's disgusting." I smirk and lean in to kiss Scott. I over exaggerate and moan into the kiss, just to make Jessa mad. We pull away after a few minutes and look at her to see her standing there, looking shocked. Before either of us can say anything, Scott grabs my hand and gently pulls me out of the house.

"We'll just buy you new clothes." I nod and we go home.


Maybe a double for the pain I've caused?

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