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"You don't have to go back yet."

"I can't be here alone all day, Scotty. I'll have flashbacks and you won't be here to help me."

"But what if—"

"Baby, stop worrying. You're in all of my classes so if something is wrong, you'll know."

"You're not scared? It's hardly been over a week." Mitch stops getting dressed and walks closer to Scott.

"I'm terrified. But, I can't stay home and become a potato. I get all A's and I'll be damned if I let him take that away from me, too. All of the bruising is gone, I'll be fine, right?

"You'll be fine. How much sleep did you get last night?" Mitch looks down and shrugs. Scott gently lifts his chin, "How many times did you wake up?"

"At least 5. I woke up from nightmares a lot, I'm sorry." Scott could see the pain in Mitch's eyes at the thought of Scott being mad at him.

"Why are you sorry, Angel?"

"I'm not the same anymore.. I flinch at almost every movement someone makes, I can't be by myself for more than, like, 2 minutes, I have nightmares every night—" Scott gently shushes him.

"I know, that's not your fault. Don't ever apologize for that, baby boy." He pulls Mitch in for a hug and rests his chin on top of Mitch's head, running a comforting hand up and down his back.

"It's not my fault." Mitch whispers. They pull away from the hug and finish getting ready before going to the school.

It's 4th period, so Scott and Mitch are now in study hall. They have it last period on cycle days 1,3,5 and 4th on days 2,4,6.

"You doing okay?" Scott asks once they sit down.

"For my first day back, I guess so. I'm scared he's just gonna appear 'cause I know he'll be back any day now."

"Wait, what? Why? Shouldn't they be keeping him in holding?"

"Apparently not. He's free until his court date, which I have to go to and testify."

"That's dumb."

"I know." Scott takes out his phone and plugs in the earbuds so they could watch Netflix for the period. Mitch moves his chair closer to Scott and leans into his side until Scott gets the idea to put an arm over Mitch's shoulders.

"I have to use the bathroom.."

"You want me to come with you?" Mitch doesn't answer and looks down. "Alright, c'mon, baby boy." Mitch grabs Scott's hand and they go to the nearest bathroom, soon realizing that it was the one near the library. Mitch freezes in place and Scott looks at him.

"T-that's where he..."

"Do you want to go to a different one?"

Mitch hesitates, "No, I don't wanna be afraid." Scott nods and doesn't move until Mitch does, still holding his hand. They walk into the bathroom and Mitch goes into a stall without looking at anything else. He comes out a minute later and goes to the sink furthest away from the one that Carter used that day.

"I'm proud of you, baby." Scott tells him as he dries his hands. When they walk out, they turn the corner to see Carter talking with one of his friends and Mitch immediately hides behind Scott, gripping the blond's shirt in his hands as his breathing picks up. Carter's friend walks away and Carter looks over at Scott, smirking when he sees him.

"Hey there, Scott. Long time, no see. Do you know where Mitch is? I have to talk to him about math, I just don't understand it." Mitch almost sighs in relief when he realizes Carter hasn't noticed he's behind Scott.

"Why the fuck would I tell you?"

"Oh, don't get so hostile. I see you're still a little mad that I got to hook up with him before you did." Mitch quietly sneaks back behind the corner and watches as Scott takes a step closer to Carter, knowing where Mitch is.

"What you did wasn't hooking up. You're lucky I don't beat you to a bloody pulp right now."

Carter chuckles, "If you did, they'd arrest you so fast and there would be no way of getting out of that."

"Yeah, but think about it. It would be your word against mine. Keep in mind, they also know I'm not the one who takes away a boy's innocence just because I have a little crush on him when he has a boyfriend. So, stay the hell away from him or you'll wish you were in jail right now." Scott goes to where Mitch is and grabs his hand to take a different route to study hall.

"Thank you for protecting me." Mitch says just above a whisper.

Scott pecks his forehead, "Of course, Love. I always will."


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