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Mitch's POV

Scott decides to take me to an ice cream place a few minutes away. It's really close, so we walk. After we get there, I realize I forgot money.

"Wait, Scott, I forgot money."

"It's a date. I'm paying for your beautiful self." I blush and cover my face with my hands.

Scott pulls my hands away and kisses my nose. "You're adorable when you blush." My face gets even redder.

"Stoppppp." I whine, making Scott chuckle. We get our ice cream and play 20 questions.

"When's your birthday?" Scott asks

"July 24. You?"

"September 17."

"What's your favorite color?" I ask.

He looks into my eyes, "Brown." He smirks when I blush, again.

After we finish our ice cream, we go to a park nearby. We walk around for a little bit before sitting on the swings, talking. Scott says he has to go to the bathroom, so I'm sitting here alone now.

"Hi, Mitchy." I freeze when I hear someone say that. I know that voice anywhere. It's Carter. "Aww, Scott ditched you already? Wow, it took him long enough. I don't understand how anyone would be around you unless they have to be, you're annoying as hell." I ignore Carter and hope that Scott comes back soon. Carter doesn't seem to like that idea, and slaps me across the face. I stand up and try to run away, but he catches up and pushes me down. He continues to beat me up until I feel someone push him off me. I look over to see Scott fighting with him.

"Scott..." He stops as soon as he hears me. He immediately rushes over to me, picks me up, and starts to carry me home.

"Scott, put me down. I'm too heavy, I'm probably breaking your arms as we speak."

"Mitch, hun, you way like a pound. It's fine."

When we get to my house, it's already 5:00.

"I'm sorry that I ruined our date. I know I'm weak. I understand if you don't want to go on another one." I say, tears filling my eyes as I look down at my lap, fidgeting with my hands.

Scott's head snaps up. "Mitch, it is not your fault. And you are not weak. You're so strong, you are bullied constantly and you still find it in your heart to be a kind person. And that's what's important. You're strong, beautiful, talented, smart, and so much more." I let out a sob and cover my mouth.

"T-thank y-you." I say as he pulls me into a hug.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, up until Carter, but we should go out again." Scott suggests.

I smile. "I'd love to."

A week later...

Scott and I are hanging out today. We've been watching movies and talking since noon. It's now 7:30 and we're crying from laughing at the movie. We stop laughing when we hear the front door open.

"Mitch?" I hear my mom call. Scott looks at me confused.

"Hi, mom. Where's dad? I ask when she walks in.

"He'll be home soon. Now, who are you?" She asks, looking to Scott.

"Oh, I'm Scott." He replies.

"Mom, Scott is my friend I met at school." Her eyes widen.

"Kissyboy made a friend!" My face turns red from embarrassment and Scott laughs at me. A few minutes later, my dad walks in.

"Hey Mitch. Who's this?" He asks, referring to Scott.

"Mike, Mitch made a friend!" 

My dad's face seemed to light up. "That's great! What's your name?"

"I'm Scott. I moved here a few weeks ago from Pennsylvania."

"Well this has been fun but we're gonna go upstairs now." I say and lead Scott upstairs.

We get upstairs and sit on my bed. "Kissyboy?" Scott asks, laughing. I hit him with a pillow. "Shut up!" I laugh.

A few hours later, Scott gets a text saying he had to go home. We say our goodbyes and hug before I go to bed, falling asleep while thinking about today.


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