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Scott and Mitch graduated high school on June 6, 2019. They had never heard from Carter again, they just assumed he had been in jail for the rest of his life.

It's now 2040 and the couple is happily married with their two children: Blake and Laine. Blake is 17, while Laine is 15. Blake is very protective over his little sister and he doesn't let anyone hurt her. Blake has Mitch's dark brown hair with Scott's blue eyes while Laine has blonde hair like Scott and brown eyes like Mitch.

"Happy Mother's Day, Momma!" The two teenagers say in unison when they go into Scott and Mitch's room with breakfast for their parents, Scott being surprised when they brought some for him too.

"Thank you, my loves. You made this?"

"Yep. Dad wrote down the instructions for us, but we made it." Blake hands the tray to Mitch and they sit on the bed with their parents.

"Momma, Zach asked me if I wanna.. ya know.."Scott looks up from his food and at Blake, who looks back at him, before they both turn their attention towards the younger girl, squinting.


"No boys." Scott says, Blake agreeing.

"Why not? Blake has a girlfriend."

"Blake's 17."

"Oh hush, she's in high school, she can have a boyfriend. I'm happy for you, sweetie."

"Blake, it's illegal for me to do anything to him, you know what to do."

"What's Zach's last name?" Blake asks his sister.


"He's in my grade."

"Wha— He's a junior?" Scott looks at Mitch.

"My first boyfriend was a sophomore when I was in 8th grade."

"You didn't get pregnant."

"Dad, I'm not going to get pregnant."

"How do you know that? What if you have sex, get pregnant, and drop out?"

"Momma didn't get pregnant in high school."

"Momma didn't have sex in high school." Scott defends.

"I thought you said you lost it—"

Blake cuts her off, knowing what really happened to Mitch, "Zach isn't the kind of guy to get someone pregnant. If he would, he would stay in her life."

"You're on my side now?" Laine questions. Blake glances at Mitch, who mouths thank you, and looks back at Laine.

"Why are you guys acting weird now?"

"Laine, baby, something happened to me in high school. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't wanna scare you with it."

"What is it?"

"Are you sure, Mitch?" Mitch puts his fork down and holds Scott's hand.

"I told Blake this when he told us he was thinking about sex, I want to do the same for Laine." Blake throws an arm around his sister's shoulders for comfort as Mitch tells the story. By the end, they're all teary-eyed.

"I wanted to tell you that because I figured you had a right to know. And you're getting to that age, so I thought you should know how important consent is."

Laine hugs Mitch, "Thank you for telling me, I love you, Momma."

"I love you too, baby girl."

They finish their breakfast and Scott and the kids stand up.

"We have a surprise for you, love."

"Should I be scared?" Scott laughs.

"No, Angel, you'll love it." Mitch stands up and Scott gets behind him to cover his eyes, kids on either side of him to help guide him to the living room.

"3..2..1!" Scott uncovers his eyes and Mitch sees a baby Sphinx kitten on the couch.

"Oh my god! What's his name?"

"Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying. You've always said how you wanted a sphinx cat, so we got you one." Mitch picks him up and gently pets him.

"Thank you. I love you all so much." They all hug Mitch and look at the cat.

"We love you, too."


Sadly, this book is coming to an end. BUT, I may have one (or two) coming #soon that you can look forward to.

I loved writing this book and I hope you all enjoyed reading it too.


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