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No one POV
The Cullen were sitting in the living room talking about what happened at school. It's been a week and the Cullen still did not have a clue about the new student neither the four winged creatures.
"Carlisle, are you sure you did now about it?" Asked Bree.
"They were not a shape-shifter or werewolf or were animals. They smelled different." Rosalie said.
"They full of mystery. If they were the same people that Alice seen in the vision how come their eyes are brown and not shades of fire?" Edward said.
"And she saw four not five. I don't believe the crap that they said that their hair were dyed, for some unknown reason they could make people believe what they said. And don't you think their last name was odd?" Bree said.
"Or maybe they were some creatures that has a power? Or human with Power? Like Superman or Mutant in X-men Movie?" Emmeth said.
"Emmeth was right. Maybe they were some human that has a power or some creatures that we did not know were existed." Carlisle said.
"Why don't you just invite them to have some dinner in here? We try to know them better. If they were human, it's not gonna give us or them any harm." Esme said.
"Well, nice plan mom. I'll invite them tomorrow." Bree said.
It was the other day. The new students still the topic of the talking since in two weeks they've been changing car four times. And today is not an exception. They came with Audi R8 but this time just the twins who arrive.
The silver hair students walked inside but soon followed by the Cullens. It was after the lunch time when the twins were just out of the cafeteria when the Cullen approaching them.
"Hi." The youngest Cullen said.
"So, we would like to ask you to come to our house and have a dinner, you to know each other neighbor. Since we practically neighbors." Bree continued.
"Dinner?"Aria said raised one of her eyebrow.
"Yups dinner. Since we practically neighbors. I mean your house and ours was not far." Alice said.
"I thought you guys didn't eat but drink?" Arez asked with a smirked in his face.
"We would love to come, especially since we are the one that will doing the eating." Aria said.
"Oh just prepare fruits." She added.
"See you tonight Vamps." The twins said and leaving the Vampires dumbstruck.
"They know about us." Jasper whispered.
Three days ago in the other side of the World, Bella, Serah and Xavier were just arrived in Hell. The place where Lucifer were rules.
“Are you sure, you wanna ask your mother?” Xavier asked. It just since the first day at school, there is something happened with Bella. The tattoo in her right hip were glowing like really glowing and what make it worst were the pixie vampire that looks like Mary Alice Brandon the human child that was Bella soulmate that lost hundred year ago. So here they are in Hell walked to Isebel chamber.
“Mother.” She said when she entered the room.
“Bella? What are you doing in here?” Said a Woman with a silver hair. From her face she did not seems like a woman that been bear two children. She looks so young like in the mid twenty.
“Well, I want to show this.” Bella said and showed her new tattoo.
Isebel looked at the tattoo and her daughter. Then she smiled.
“What is mean?” The princess asked.
“So, you found the Veggie Vamps, correct? ?” She asked so calm.
“I do as what you told me. And one of them was Ali. My Alice.” Bella states.
“Are you sure it was here?” The woman said.
“How could you explain this if it not her?” Bella asked pointed to her tattoo.
“It's her.”
“So, you know it's her and you just tell me now? I've been looking for her forever and you just tell me now?” No one want to face angry Bella and now she looks angry.
“She did not die that night. It was your half brother who took her and bit her. I did not know until recently. That's why your brother told you to do this because he thought it's not his place to give him revenge, its you." Isebel said.
"So, its really her? I thought they just look a like. So it's her." She said.
"Well, since you already found out, you know the rules.  She need to come on her own. No harm or force only on her own." Isebel said.

Bella POV
"So, what did your mom say?" Aria asked.
"It's her." Bella said.
"Wait, she's not dead?" Arez asked.
"No. My half brother were the one that bit her and hid her or something."
"So, now you need to wait, eh? You do know it will hurt you right? Remember what happened to me? I needed to wait for a century that was full with pain until Serah realize it. We all have been there and its not easy, especially when you with her." Aria said.
"Yeah. I remember I needed to beat each one of you, so the pain and tattoo not gonna spread. And now I guess its my turn." Bella said.
"You do know the one that need to do the job were someone above you. I  believe Isebel did not want to do it. So its mean, either your father or your brothers." Xavier said.
"But why your tattoo its different? I mean us just a pair of wings but you its a blue flame in the shape of wings. Fuck, how can we be so stupid? Its in the shape of wings. We should've know." Aria said realized their mistakes.
"Well, even we realize it, we still not gonna knows who is it and what happened to her if we didn't went to Isebel." Xavier said.
"Xavier was right. So, any interesting thing?” Serah said.
"Nothing. Just the Vamps invited us for dinner tonight in their house." Arez said.

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