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onths were passed and there is no sign of Bella. After a week of being human the Cullens and the Fallen Angels went back to school.  Their arrival once again being the talked of the school, with their new appearance, make them gathered more fans. But like always they didn't mind it and just went with the usual. The only thing that changed were, they finally eating something at school and sharing a table with the Fallen Angels in Cafeteria.
Everything went good so far. It was like everything were back again to normal, except there were no Bella and Alice and since the Cullens and all the people in Forks memories were erased no one asked about them.
It was Thursday afternoon when Bree decided to go to the Fallen Angels house. The last two weeks she's been feeling something strange. In her sleep she always dreamed about the night she was turned. The first time she dreamed, she couldn't picture the face but the more she dreamed about it the more the face were cleared. And since she couldn't remember who were the one that turned her it made her crazy. It was like she knows the person but something were blocking her to remembered it.
“Yoo, kids what cha thinkin' about?” Arez voice from behind when he saw the younger girl were lying in the couch.
“Just thinking.” She said.
“You know about me, when I turned to vampire. I tried to remember who was the one that turned me but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't remembered. And for the past two weeks I've been having the same dreams, I saw a face, a woman with a yellow eyes, bit me. But every time I tried it gave me headache, so I stop.” Bree said. When she looked around the other angels were there too. They have a same expression, panic.
“Are you guys alright?” She asked.
“We're fine. And to answer your question there is a a theory that says if you thinking something too hard, your mind will work on it and while you were sleeping it will taken along to your dreams.” Serah said.
“Maybe. But why I always saw the same eyes. And from the image, it was a woman. But I couldn't remembered the face.” She said.
“Like I said it was just a project of your imagination because  you were thinking so hard and your mind make it so believable.” Serah said again.
“Maybe you are right. Thanks for the Advice. See you tomorrow.” She said and leaving the room.
When the sound of car were far away Serah took a deep breath.
“The effect already started.” Arez said.
“What should we do?” Xavier said.
“Sooner or later she will found out and she will come to us and asking about it. And when the time is come we have nothing but to tell her the truth but I Hope that time never come. Because if it will, she will asking about Alice and where is her and we couldn't give her the answer.” Aria said.
“Maybe it's my time to go there and talking with Michael.” Serah said.
“And it means you are ready to die. I know you are powerful and were powerful than us but if you go there it means you just bring yourself to die.” Xavier said.
“I don't care if you are Bella right hand but if you chose to go there, I will personally kill you. It's better me than them and I don't want to see my sister go crazy because of your stupidness. I saw it once and I don't want to see it again. I better kill you then let you go there.” Arez said.
“We will find away.” Aria said. It was then she saw there was something different with Arez. His earing. He used to use two but now the left one was not there.
“Where is your earing?” She asked.
“Well, I took it off.” He said.
“So, this one is the real one?” Aria said. No one knew which one is the real and which one is not. The only ones that knew about it is Arez itself and Bella who the one that made it. Arez didn't give her a response he just smiles.
The next morning, the earing was back and no one asking about it.
Bree were better since her last visit to the Angels house. She was on her way home, after rolling around the mall doing nothing when she felt something. It was like someone were following her. She looked at the rear mirror and she saw nothing. But still she felt something. It was in a split of second her car were thrown to the air. She quickly jumped out and landed to the ground facing the intruder.
“Who the hell are you?” She said when two guy with a jet black hair stood in front of her.
“So, you are a half human now? I guess you made a contract with an angels, huh?” One of the gay said.
“I don't know what are you talking about.” She said. She hope they just vampire but well judging from their skin and their heartbeat they weren't.
“Who are you?” She asked. They were not shape-shifter from the Res since they didn't smell  like a wet dog. They smell so good, like a nature. She knew this smell.
“I'm doom.” She said when she realized she was face to face with an angels.
“So, little girl, you finally realize who we are?” The taller one asked.
“Yups. We are your nightmare.” HE added when black wings appeared in his back.
She knew that she couldn't handle them. From the story that Arez told her one of angels power equal fifty powerful vampire and in front of her has two angels. There is no change she will win.
She tried to looking for escape but she found nothing. She hope she could used her phone but it was destroyed with her car. Well, maybe she will die today but not without a fight.
“Let see.” She said. Just then one of the angels the taller one took her and throw her in the air. The same angels hit her at her back made her landed face first. It was really hurt, its like all the bone in her body were crashed.
“Are you dead yet?” He asked.
“Let's play.” He added and took the girl at her neck and in the split of second she was in the middle of forest.
“So, my brother love games. Today he decided to play tortured you to death.” He said holding a blade. He then stabbed the blade at her arms. The pain made her roar.
“See this called Angels blade. Whatever creature you are you still feel the pain.” He said and stabbed it at her other hand.
The tortured were continue until all of her body was full with a blade hole.
“Well, it's time to end your torture.” The shortest one said when he took his sword out. Bree were relived she finally not gonna feel the pain. Never in her life hoping to die but this time it was look like it's the best choice that she has.
She close her eyes waiting for the sword but she felt nothing. When she opened her eyes she was met with a blue eyes and white wings.
“Hello little girl. Sorry to not grant your wish but you still have a lot to do. Like making me pancake.” She said and took her. All she saw was white wings when everything went black.
Meanwhile in Angels house, the Cullens were panicked. Carlisle found Bree car outside the road, and it was wrecked. They were looking for her but they got nothing. Finally they decided to went to the angels.
“The banished one already making their moves.” Xavier.
“Now, where the hell that hey brought her?” Arez said.
“They knew we were here, they not gonna risked their lives and stay close.” He added.
“Looking for this one?”
All eyes quickly went to the new voice and in front of them stood a white wings angels.
“Who are you and what are you doing to Bree?” Emmett asked.
“I found her at the woods at the other side of the country and since I know she belong here, so I brought her here to the owner.” She said and took a seat like it was her home.
“It's nice to see you too.” She said.
“Who are you?” Edward asked again.
“A thank you should be enough.” She said again.
“I”m sorry for my sons. They just too worried. I mean we've been looking for her all day. And Thank you for saving my daughter. But may I know who you are?” Carlisle asked.
“Well, my name is Joanna.”
All eyes were still at the white wings figure who was sat at the couch like it was her home.
“It's been a long time eh, Serah? You still look stunning as always.” She said.
“You know her?” Rose asked.
“Of course they know me. They supposed to be one of us.” She said.
“Doesn't she supposed to kill you?” Emmett whispered.
“Well, If I can I will but I couldn't since I was out of number here.” She said with a smugged grinned.
“I really want to erase that smirk from your face. Cut the crap Joanna. What are you doing in here?” Aria said with a venom in her voice.
“Still the same I see. Not a fan of politeness.” The white wings said.
“Only for you.” The Fallen angels retorted.
The others can feel the tension in the room, and if the Fallen Angels didn't say it, her expression didn't hide it, her displease face showed that she didn't welcome the present of the angels that brought the youngest Vampire.
The others just looked at the two who were shooting daggers at each other.
“What the story behind those two?” Emmett asked Serah.
“Serah used to be my girlfriend before Aria stole her.” Joanna said.
“Pardon me? You were the one that stole her. You do know that she wasn't your bashert but still you dated her.” Aria said.
“Well, I'm sure not gonna pass that.” The Angels said pointed at Serah.
“Okay. I'm done. It's not just you flirt with her in front of me, you also disrespect her.” Aria said and took her sword but a hand hold her.
“Okay. Joanna just tell me the reason why you are here?” Serah said still holding Aria hands.
“Ugh, you guys have no fun.” She said.
“So, Michael sent me here to warned you that Raphael and Uriel been plotting to erase you. Sooner or Later they will declare the war and Michael can stopped it. He also want me to tell you that 'it's save'. I didn't know what is that mean but that's all he said. And just for reminder, if the war happened I will gladly to fight against you. I'll took what once mine.” The last sentence were said directly at Aria.
“I don't know if you can defeat me. Remember the last time you were loss and this time will be the same. I don't care if you are the Princess of Seraph and one of the Elders. You would never defeat me. But I can't wait to fight you too. A little bit advice, you still need a lot of practice if you want to fight me.” Aria said with a smirked.
“Well, my job here is done. Oh you guys still need to prepare for the war, it's not from us but  from someone you never expected and let me tell you something, they got some allied.” She give them one last smirk before she vanished into the thin air.

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