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After what had happened we were on guard. We can't afford another snobby Angels come and ruined the plan. I saw Xavier and well he looked a little bit left out. I mean we've been together for so long but there is always a thing that we did without him. He knows it since we have a different creators but still it must be bad for him. But after the talking with Serah he looked relax. It's not like we didn't trust him but it was our job. Maybe if we have a same creators we could do it together. Or maybe I could talked to Bella about it. Well, I need to wait until Michael released her.
It was three days ago when we made a contract with the Cullens and we never left the house. Our Angeles were guarder around the house. If they saw any threat they quickly erased it. And for two days in row they've been killed vampires, were-creatures and shape shifter also a view banished Angels. The Angels never sent any angels down here ever since I hold a sword against one of the Commander. Maybe not this time but sooner or later it will be. They will arrived and tried to kill us again. Sometimes history left the wound that couldn't be heal and always easy to open with just a little touch.
I don't know how long I have been thinking when Mishael appeared in front of me.
“One of them is awake.” He said. I quickly retreat to the basement and I saw Bree already woke up.
“Aria.” She said and run straight to me holding me like we've never seen each other for years.
“SO, you awake?” I asked.
“Oh my gosh I'm hungry….” She said and walked past me but then stopped.
“Where am I again?” She said looked at me with a sheepish grin.
“In my house. Just go upstairs and turned left, you'll see the kitchen. I already put all the ingredients to make pancake. So enjoy cooking.” I said when I second she was out.
I wasn't even shocked when she was the one that opened her eyes and act like she was a regular human that just woke up from her sleep. I mean Alice was the one that bit her and it's already something.
I was waiting when I felt Serah presence.
“The little girl already busy making pancake.” She said holding me from the back.
“How long do you think they will woke up?” I asked.
“Maybe in the view days. I mean they make a contract with the four of us. If it a regular angels it will not last long but since it was four of us it will be long. And don't forget they drank a blood of the leader of hundred. It will taking a view days for them to adjust.” She said.
“The little girl is exception since Alice was the one that turned her. I wonder what happened to our Princess.” She said. Serah was the closet with Bella since they've been together longer than us. And I understand her concerned.
“She will be alright. She had done worst and this one is nothing. She'll be back without we know it.” I said.
“I'm not concerned about the Cullens but I'm concerned of Alice and Bree. If it Bella taking a long time Bree will remember Alice cause Alice blood run in her. And when it comes I don't know what to say. Xavier maybe can erased her memory but the blood that run in her were powerful, one day the blood will recognize the master.” She said in deep thoughts.
“I hope when it comes Alice were awake.” I said when I saw Xavier entering the basement with a plate full of pancake.
“And here I thought I could have a peaceful time and enjoyed this amazing pancake.” He said with a smile while shaking his head to the left and to right.
“You know I don't ever wanted to wake up with a couple making out in front of me.” He added, sat at one of the couch.
“This is really delicious.” He said and offered us the plate.
“The kids really know how to use her hands.” Xavier said and looked at us and laughing his ass off. After realize the double meaning of his words.
“And here I thought you are mature.” I said.
“So, did the car turned to bumble bee?” I asked.
“It's already wrecked. And now he was waiting outside for another one.” He said and went upstairs again doing gods know what. Sleeping mostly or playing video games.
Xavier were dragged by my crazy brother to test his knew theory about a Camaro that he believed was bumble bee from transformers. Again. But like always it's turned to be one of the false  bumble bee. I don't know how many times we need to remained him that it was only in the movie. I mean he was Angels and we know there is no creation like that. But being dumb like always he didn't believe us and continuing his project to looking for the bumble bee.
“I think he was just want to wrecking something. I mean with our lack of fighting it's the only way for him to drain his need to kill.” Serah said.
“But we trained a lot.” I said.
“Train are good but it didn't low our desire to kill. I mean it was in our blood, we were created to kill and the lack of killing will making us insane. I mean he did the positive thing with wrecking that cars. Why do you think Bella keep buying him the Camaro? Would you still sssssbuy him a car when you know that it will end up destroy?” She asked again.
“But look at us, how many car that we destroy? Except when we were angry because lost the bet against Bella, never.” I said.
“Because we have bed activity. Our sex activities held our sane but Arez has no one.” Okay she made the point here. Well, everytime my inner devil comes out I will dragged Serah into our bedroom and its satisfied my devil.
“What about Xavier? He didn't have anyone either.”
“You forget, Xavier not like us. ”
Arez has someone but that one was trapped inside his sword. Inside the star that hang in his sword. That's why he never used it. The sword that he used now, it's just a duplicate of his sword. The real sword were the one that hang in his ear. It's not just any cross earing but it was his real sword. When he will used it was depend on him. And the time he used it she will free. It wasn't Arez that trapped her, it was Bella.
“Akh, it's not bumble bee.” I could hear Arez talking with Bree. They have a great conversation. Including a test drive.
“So, I promised Bree to companying her looking for a puppy. What do you think if I take one of the shape-shifter in reservation and give it as a present for her?” He asked when he sat at the couch.
“I thought you say Puppy? And the last time I checked they were not puppy.” I said.
“Oh they are definitely a puppy. Grown up puppy. Don't you think it's amazing to going around riding in over grown dog?” He asked.
“Can we just looking for the real dog?” I heard Bree voiced from upstairs. Oh, she was listening.
“I thought it will be good for you to have a grown up dog around. Since you were small and all.” He said laughing.
“Okay. No pancake for you.” She yelled from upstairs.
“Seriously kids?” He yelled back.
Okay, we've been waiting for two days (five for the angels)  now and there is no sign of my family will wake up. Their body wasn't pale and hard but it became soft and has color in it. I once asked them why I woke up first and the answer were, my body was quick to react and compromise to the change. Since when I was a human I've been the toy for the unknown vampire and how much I tried to kill my self with forcing human food in my vampire made my body used to the pain. So my body was used to the pain and change and when I transformed to a half human it's quick to react to the change.
I was sitting with the four angels and was playing video games. Well, me and Aria against the boys. Serah were reading. She loved reading. And if you see one of the room upstairs, it called Serah lair. The room were full of books in a lot of languages. I don't even understand most of it. I convinced them to move the games equipment upstairs and place it here in the basement. I mean we spent most of our time in here, why not? And if I want to sleep I can always sleep at the couch. Beside for some unknown reason they were angels guarding the house. Even when I went out for groceries shopping I was guard by two angels, I felt like a celebrity, going anywhere with bodyguard trailing behind.
So, here I am playing games with the angels. I almost beat Xavier when I heard a movement and when I turned my head I saw Rose was rubbing her eyes. She looked so cute. I quickly jumped and went to Rose.
“Hello, Rose.” I said  waving.
“How do you feel to be human? Are you hungry? The first time I woke up I felt hungry. Oh, I can make you pancake, or orange juice if you thirsty or you know, we can cook together. Oh I need to remain you to no fast walking. See this, I have my first injury as a human. I wasn't paying attention at cutting the apple and I cut my finger.” I told her showing my pinter finger with a duck band aid.
“It happened thirty minutes ago.” I informed.
“Oh I have a dog. I name him Vamps.” I said pointed to the little dog that was sleeping at the corner of the room.
“If it what human called headache?” It was the first thing that come out of Rose mouth.
“And your ramble make it worst.” She added.
“Here. Drink this.” I said holding a glass of water. After she drink the water I gave her a juice box. Well, it was grape juice mixed with blood.
“That's Arez recipe.” I said.
One by one my family woke up, and I did the same. Gave them water and grape juice mixed with blood.
I don't know what but I felt something was missing. I tried to remember if there anything that I forgot but I found nothing.
“So, fams just go to the living room upstairs and I'll making you pancake. It's should be the first human food that you guys taste.” I said and running upstairs in human speed.

What I saw was black, then I heard something, noisy. I focused to the noisy and then I started to see the light. Then I see me from the day I was born to the day I became the Vampire and the day I made a contract with the angels. It was in flash. Then the noisy became voice and it was Bree voice. She was ramble about gods know what. Slowly I tried to opened my eyes and when it opened I was blinded by the light. I looked a round and the the familiar face of my family. They looked different, there are color in their skin. I looked at my hand it was different, it was reddish. I really looked like a human. I saw Rosalie were looking at Bree who couldn't stopped rambling. Then gave her a glass of water I assumed then gave her a juice box.
“Jassie, you wake up.” She said, too excited actually. Showed me a glass of water and forced it down my throat. I looked around and I saw the Angels were looking at Bree with amusement.
“Yoo, angels. I win. I want my money now.” She yelled even though they just a few feet behind her.
“No shouting.” I thought it was me but that's not my voice, it was Edward.
“Can I just still sleep? It's feel good to be able to sleep.” And that's Emmett voice.
“Hey, family, we have another member, well new member. His name is Vamps.” Bree yelled when we all awake. I guess she just want to annoyed us. I then saw where her hands were pointed and it's a puppy.
“Shit, Bree. No need to shout.” Emmett said.
“Emmett, language.” No need to guess, it's Esme my mom.
“I didn't shout. It's my normal voice.” She said but I know she was lying. The angels were right my ability was increased. I can even felt it she was lying or not.
“What you feel now is what human called hangover. Usually it because drinking too much but for you guys it was the effect of sleeping too long.” She still yelled and I feel like my head was going to burst.
“So, fams just go to the living room upstairs and I'll making you pancake. It's should be the first human food that you guys  taste.” She still yelling and laughing while running upstairs in I assumed as human speed.
“So, how are you feel?” Arez asked.
“I feel like a shit.” Emmett said that earned  scowled from our mother.
“Well, how long we were asleep?” Carlisle asked.
“You've been asleep for five days.” It was Bree who were yelling from upstairs.
“Shit Bree.” This time it was Edward.
“Yeah. Your body need five days to adjust and it was normal since you made a contract with the four of us.” Xavier said.
“Why Bree so energetic? Shouldn't she be in the same state as us?” I asked.
“She woke up earlier than you. She woke up two days ago.” Serah said.
“How? I thought we made a same contract in the same time. How come she woke up earlier than us?” Carlisle asked curious.
“Well, before she became Vampire, she's been a toy for a vampire and it happened for a long time. And when she became vampire, she used to forced human food in her body even though she knows it'll bring her pain. So, her body were used to the pain and quickly recognize it. It made her body quick to react and compromise with the change.” Aria said.
“Now, I regret all the time she forced me to eat human food. If knew from back then I would gladly followed her craziness.” Edward said laughing that was followed by the others including me.
“Yoo, pancake is ready.” She yelled from upstairs when the three angels ran upstairs leaving Serah behind.
“You guys better hurry. Those three will eat all the pancake and wouldn't leave you any. Kid really know how to make it.” She said when she walked upstairs.
We quickly went upstairs and Serah was right, those three angels were eating like they didn't eat for years.
“I still need the payment.” She said holding her hands out when the four angels gave her 100 bucks each.
“Well, we made a bet on which one who gonna wake up, I pick Rose.” She said explained.
We took a seat and she served us a plate and pancake and well they didn't lie. It was delicious. And for the firs time I was so graceful finally I can be a human again. Half or not I still a human. And I love it. I looked around and all my family sport the same smile as me. Their emotion were overwhelmed. Like me they were graceful to have a chance to be human again and its all thanks to the Fallen Angels that granted our deepest hope that was long buried in the deep of sorrow being a vampire.

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