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No one say a word after the white wings angel disappeared. Everyone were still wondering about the news. A war? But with who? The Fallen Angels were thinking about the possibilities of the one that they were after, the banished one and Bella half brother but if it them, it's easy to fight them, but there is something more, like Joanna were holding an information.
“If it gonna be a war shouldn't we practice?” Emmett asked.
“You know like practice fighting and all. I mean whatever is after us we need to prepare right?” He added when all eyes went to him.
“You are right.” Serah said and looking at Arez.
“Mishael.” He called and right away another angels with gray feather showed up out of nowhere.
“I need you to train the Cullens. Just don't hurt them too much.” Serah said when the Fallen Angels disappeared.
“Shouldn't we were the ones that out of this place? I mean this is their home and all.” Bree said.

“Well, it's save if you stay here. They put border in here so not all creatures can be here. If they want to harm you, they couldn't enter the border.” Misael said.

Wait a minute, why do you have a gray wings?” Rose asked.
“It's because I'm special.” He said.
“So, how far the border?” Carlisle asked.
“It's not far, but if you keep walking from here, you will see an angels were guard the border. It was the end of it. The guard were archangels, the leader of thousands. So, you guys don't be afraid. It just if you need anything just ask me.”  The Gray wings Angels said.
“So, we basically were prisoner?” Emmett asked again.
“I'm sorry. But it was save for you to stay here than outside. And I would never let something happen to you as long as I'm alive.” Misael said.
“If you don't mind me asking, what is your rank? I remembered they told us about the angels and their ranks, so are you archangels too?” Carlisle asked.
“No. I'm not. I was equal to Cherub. A prince of Cherub.” Misael said.
“So, if you are Cherub why they ordered you? Shouldn't it be the other way?” Edward asked.
“No. If they told you about an angels I guess the already told you about their rank and position before the great war, right? So yeah, even thought I'm a Prince I still listen to their ordere because they are above me, from before, now and ever.” Mishael said while the Cullens mouth were hanging to the floor after the information.
“So, I think it's better if we start your training now.”

I don't know where are we going but I don't want to ask. I mean I just followed them flying around the sky.
“Well, I think we can step down now.” Serah said while we were up the forest. We were step down and I followed them to walked to a small cottage in the woods.
“So, what are we doing here?” I asked when we entered the cottage.
“Like them we need to train but we still need to discuss something about what Joanna told us.” Serah said.
“Why here?” I asked again.
“Well because this place is the safest place and I think it's time for you to join our merry band.” Arez said.
“What are you guys talking about? Didn't I already count as the member of your merry band?” I asked a little bit confused.
“Yeah. But you not fully join.” Aria said.
“Can you guys please stop talking in the middle?”
“Do you know why the Princess chose you?” Serah asked while I shake my head because until now I still don't know why the Princess chose me.
“Well, she saw a potential in you to be like one of us. Remembered what happened with Alice? I knew you were left out but it's still not your time to join, and now it's your time to know the truth. And the decision is all yours.” Serah said.
“What are you talking about?”
“Do you remember your past?” Aria asked while I shake my head again.
“It's all because your memory was locked.” She added.
“There are things that you remembered and things that you couldn't remembered. Like time before you trained to become one of the 12 Commander.”
So, it's answered the question while I couldn't remembered anything that happened before I trained to be one of the 12 Commander. All I remembered that I worked hard but to remembered it was hard.
“But who?”
“It was us. It was us that locked your memory.” Serah said while I looked at them in disbelieve. How come they do that to me? And here I thought they were my family.
“Because you are our family.” Aria said.
“So, you chose to lock my memory? Why?”
“Because . . .” Serah looked at Aria and she nodded. Then I saw something an orange crystal appeared in her hands. Inside the crystal was a small light that flying around.
“What is that?” I asked.
“This is your memory. Put it in your heart and you will remembered everything. What I want to tell you that everything that we did was because we want to save you. Because we are family.” Serah said and hand me the crystal. I looked at it and looked at them, I then put it in my heart and it's like I saw a movie. It was playing in front of me but there something that caught my attention. The reason why they locked my memory.
It was in one of the planet, when a five years old boy where crying inside of abandoned building. He looked so skinny like he didn't eat for days. He also looked scared while the man in front of him looked angry.
“How much that you got?” He asked.
The boy opened his palmed and 5 little gold coin where there.
“5 gazillion? Where is the other? You worked for all day how come you just have 5 gazillion?” The man said hold him up so they were face to face. The boys were trembling, he was scared. He knew where is the rest of the money. He gave it to the girl that was sicked. Instead of telling the truth he chose to lie, he know if he tell the truth the man will hurt the girl so he chose to be hurt instead.
“I...I lost it.” He said.
“You what?”
“I'm sorry.” He plead. The man raised his hand ready to slap him. Again.
Meanwhile, two figures were watching what happened from a far.
“So that's him, huh? This planet is to cruel for her liking.” The shorter one said.
“Don't you think he was too young?” She added.
“Well. What she wants she get.” The taller answered.
They were talking while watching the scene in front of them when the boy close his eyes waiting for the hand to landed in his already bruised cheek while his heart were scream for help. To help all of the children that in the same position as him. To help them free so they didn't feel what he feel. The scream were heard by the two figures.
He was waiting for the hand to land on his cheek but it never arrived slowly he opened his eyes and two women with strange hair were in front of them. The other one the shorter one where hold the hand that supposed to land in his cheek and the other were looking at him with a smile in her face.
“Thank you for listening my pray.” He said with a teary eyes. The two figures looked at each other and smile. One of the woman the taller one touch his head and he fell asleep. He woke up when he heard a noisy voice. He slowly opened his eyes when he saw the two woman were talking but there something strange with them, they have a wings in their back. He chose to pretend to sleep scared of what will happen if they found out he was awake.
“SO, can I see him?” A man said to the two woman.
“He asleep. Well pretend to be. Why don't you stay here while we go to see the Princess?” The taller woman said.
“Okay with me.” he said.
The two woman went out the room and walked to the Princess Chamber. Aria just raised her hand to knock when the door was suddenly opened.
“Come in. I was waiting when the time you guys will come.” She said looking at them with a smile in her face.
“So, what should we do?” Aria asked straight to the point.
“What do you feel about the child?” The Princess asked.
“I like him.” The both said in unison.
“Well, it's settle then. You two will raised him. When he was in the right age, he will send to heaven for a training to be one of the Commander.” The Princess said.
“But he is a mortal.” The shorter one said.
“Not for long. I will change him to be like any other angels right before his training. And when the time is come you will locked his memory and his power in this crystal. There is a reason I want him to become angel. He will complete you.” She said.
“Wait, to be one of the commander he should stay and created in heaven but he is a mortal, surely they will know, they will kill him.” The taller angels said.
“I will arrange Lucifer and Michael to put him in training. They will know what to do.” She said and leave the room.
And one by one the event played in front of me until the time they locked my memories and gave me to Lucifer and Michael. I looked at the three person in front of me, the two woman that save my life and the man that taught me everything.
“So, why now?” I asked.
“Because it's your time to wake up. We will use that Crystal to hide Alice and for her to be there we need to release your power and memory that was trapped in there. After all it was the safe place to hide her.” Aria said.
“And we also need you power to seal it.” Arez said.
“For it to be seal, it require six powerful angels with different rank. If not it couldn't be seal properly and it will be easy to broke by anyone.” Serah said.
“Six? But we're just five here.” I said.
“Well, we have no other choice. If we didn't seal her now, the will find her and probably kill her. Remember She is Bella bashert. Everyone wants her.” Serah said.
“But why we need to hide her there I thought she is save now. I mean you already put her in crystal ball, right?”
“We did but it's not save and if you listen what Joanna said we have a war a head and one of them is with the Angels, the king can broke it and take her. I don't want to take the risk, and I don't want to make Bella angry.” Aria said.
“Angry Bella is worst than everything. Even the Gods are scared of her.” Serah said.
“So, what should I do now?” I asked.
“First you need to release your power first. Take your sword and concentrate on what you feel inside, you will feel the energy run through your body gathered it and release it in your sword.” Serah said.
I did what she said and took my sword and concentrate on my power then my sword was rounded by fire. First it's looks like the actual fire that Cherub and Seraph has in their sword the yellow fire  but then I saw it, instead of orange-yellow flame it was in yellowish-brown flame. But it's not all, my wings became Silver no different tip, it's all silver. I saw the three and they have a same wings with me but instead of silver they have gold in it.
“Each of us has a different color of fire on our sword.” Serah said when she took her sword and the orange-yellow color change to deep red flame. Arez and Aria took their sword and each showed a different color. Arez were deep blue color and Aria were purple.
“See the stone in your sword, it's the color of your flame. Mine is Carbuncle, yours  Topaz, Arez is Sapphire, Aria is Amethyst.” Serah said pointed to the small cut of stone that was put between the handle and the blade.
“So, there just five stone?” I asked.
“There are six stone. The last one was Onyx, but  the owner chose to sleep.” Serah said when she was back to her usual self, but instead of black wings she has gray wings. Well, it's not just her all of us. Our wings were turned to gray.
“What with the gray wings?” I asked.
“Gray wings mean you are The Princess Creation. You are a special because instead Created by the God of Living Creatures you are created by her. Not all God can create. Some can gives life but they couldn't do the job like the Gods of Living Creatures and The Princess were the exception.”
I was looking at the stone in my sword when I felt another presence of another angel. I looked around when a figured appeared in front of us.
“Jokshan what happen?” Arez asked.
“Lucifer died. Azazel and Isebel were in the dungeon. Belial is the ruler now.” Jokshan said.
“Why you just tell us now?” I asked.
“Lord Azazel ordered me to never left Queen Isebel side since most of th Fallen Angels chose Belial side, it just a view of us who still loyal to the kingdom and most of our angels were died. Now Lord Azazel and Queen Isebel were prisoner.” He said.
“They were preparing for the war against you. Belial took the banished one and the Vampire under his wings. Lord Azazel told me to warn you and to tell you to run. He also said that to keep the Princess save. I need to go or they will realize that one of th prisoner is missing.” He added.
“Wait.” Arez said.
“Here. Give it to Azazel. He knew how to use it.” He said and gave him a small crystal ball.
“So, it's not just the Vampire but also, the Banished and Belial. It's great.” I said.
“Always knew Belial is a traitor. Now, he killed his father and prisoning his own mother with the future King. He do really want the throne.” Aria said.
“So, what should we do now?”
“Well, we still need to trained you since you were not use to your power and we will wait until he chose to attack. We not gonna start first just pretend that we know nothing about it.” Serah said.
“What we need to do now is to put Alice in the better place and seal it.” She added.

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