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Oh my god, we were like in the middle of the storm. Nope we were like riding a storm. I looked at Bella and her eyes were different, her eyes were in the same color of fire and a lines of lightning blue in there. I saw another angels showed up in the room. Took my parents and my siblings out. I want to say something but I was struck with what in front of me. For some unknown reason, Bella looks like a goddess. When my siblings were gone, I saw Serah, Aria, Arez and Xavier stood in front of us in their angels forms. You know with wings and all. Then Serah said something to Bella. I don't know what they were talking about because they were talking in the language that I couldn't understand. Maybe Angel language or something. I can see a concerned look in Serah and the other eyes but Bella said something and they all nodded. Then I saw something. A figure like an Angels, has a white wings and has an eyes in the same color as Bella. He was stood not too far from us.
Then I see it, Bella turned to Angels but there is something, in both of her wrist has a bracelet and it was shining. Bella looked like in pain and the white wings figure were say something to her. I still didn't understand what he was saying but his expression were not good. It was like he was mad and concerned. The next thing that I see is there is someone like Bella in front of me but she was different, and then she said something, I didn't know what she said to me, then her lips were on mine. I felt something. Like she put something in my mouth and I swallowed it. The next thing that I remember is the white creature took Bella from me and I was passed out.

This is crazy. She did know that she couldn't showed Alice her Angels form and she wanted to be the one to make a contract with her? Did she knew the consequences? Of course she knew. Michael already told her that she need to let us do the things. But it's not Bella if she wasn't stubborned. Stubborned as hell.  Her eyes were in the shade of fire with a lightning blue lines in there. Aria quickly called some angels and told them to brought the almost dying bodies in the living room to our house and took care of them. That's why we changed to our angels form. She didn't even changed and her eyes already in that form. What the hell that she planed?
Serah who saw this took a step and talked to Bella in Angels language of course. But we knew what ever we said we couldn't change her mind, so the talking went zero.  We already in our Angels form, just in case something happened. Since the talking not working we saw she turned to her angels form. I mean she already half way there since her eyes were different.
I guess Michael already knew the plan because when the fogs comes surrounded us I saw him. He was stood not too far from us with not so happy expression. He looked at me and I completely bowed my head. Just the looks from his eyes I knew that I could be killed in second, especially when he was pissed like this. I saw Alice looked at Bella wrist at the shining bracelet. Oh it's starting already. Bella was in pain.
“Bella are you insane?” I heard Michael said.
“This is none of your business.” Bella said.
“Bella, stop. I told you to never show your angels form in front of your bashert when she still didn't accept you.” Michael said.
“Just let your angels do the contract with her.” Michael said.
“And let them claim her? You do know it's not going to work. If she wants to make a contract, I should be the one that do it.” She said stubborness.
“You can always revoke the contract and make a new one. You do know you were more powerful than them. Just let it be for now and then when she accept you, you can revoke, cancel or whatever you want to do with the contract. Just for now.” Michael said. For this time there is no anger, he said it soft full of care.
Bella didn't said anything instead she changed to another form. We all looked at each other and then looked at Michael. There is a horror in his eyes. I bet we all showed the same horror in our eyes. Fuck. I should've knew it from the start. When she told them that we can turned them to human. She planned this.
“I'm Sorry.” That's all she said to Alice.
I saw Michael flew to Bella but he was too late Bella were already in front of Alice Kissing her.  We just stood there not moving. Then in second Bella were yanked from Alice by Michael and then Alice pass out. Bella were back to human form but her eyes wasn't. Her bracelets were still shining and the mark that weren't there were now full on her body. Michael behind her, holding her. She was pass out.
“You guys take care of her. Like you already know, she'll need Bella to wake but I'm not gonna let Bella roaming around especially after what happened. They will looking for her and I need to hide her, and make all of this mark go. It maybe just for a second but I bet they already felt her. I'm not going to take any risk. What ever happened you need to take care of her and I'll send some back up if you need it. Just hope I can't make them believe me.” Michael said and dragged the unconscious Bella away.
“Why she need to be stupid like that.” Arez said.
“If they felt her, we are going into another war.” I said.
“She's been in a good cover and now she just blew it off.” Aria said clearly frustated.
“I mean the reason is to keep Alice out from any dangers and now she just put her in dangers. I hope that those crazy Elders and kings believe Michael. If not, it's not gonna ends well.” She added.
“Well, like you say, we need to to keep her out from any dangers so, the best things to do is went back home and do what we supposed to do.” Serah said.
We do what Serah said and went back home.

So,  how's  it???

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