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So guys this is yhe last chapyer of the book.
Hope u enjoy it. 😊😊😊😊

The Cullens were glue to the mirror looking at the five figures who were surrounded by the black wings angels.
“They were out of number.” Rose said.
“And where is the other angels? You know your friends that guard the border?” Bree asked.
“We still didn't get an order. We will just wait until they call us.” Mishael said.
“What are you doing here? Go outside and fight with them.” Emmett said.
“Like I said I can't until there is an order from one of them than I can be a part of the war.” Mishael said.
While outside the house the five Fallen Angel were surrounded by the black wings creature that ready to kill them.
“Why don't you surrender or well. . . be mine. I'll spare your life if you chose me as your king.” Belial said.
“Like I said you are no King for me and never will.” Serah said.
“Well, I have no other choice other than to kill you then. All of you.” Belial said.
“Well, I have a present for you.” Serah said.
“We're not alone.” Arez said when a gray wings angels appeared out of nowhere.
“It's my calling. Don't you ever come out the house.” Mishael warned when he disappeared and to stood beside Xavier.
“Kill as much as you want. No one will leave this place alive.” Serah said when a lot of vampire run out from the forest.
“Kill them all.” Serah said.
The Cullens were all spread across the glass war looking at the rare view in front of them. The war between Angels. The war wasn't like any wars that they ever seen. Every creatures that got slash by the sword turned to diamond ashes.
While the Cullen were watching the war, the ones in the war it self were enjoying it.
“It's been a long time. I really miss this.” Xavier said.
“Me too. It's really good to fight with an angels. Too bad they weren't as strong as us.” Arez said.
“Crazy Leader.” Mishael said while he slash the black wings angels in front of him.
Serah were fight against Belial and Mammon. By the looked of it she was enjoying the fight.
“You know for the self-claimed King of Hades you didn't look strong for me. It was like I was fighting with a mortal kids.” She said when she once again avoid Belial sword.
“Don't forget about me.” Mammon said when he flew above Serah but his sword never hit Serah instead it was collide with another sword. Aria sword.
“Nuh….nuh.  For a knight you look do look like a coward. 2 against one?  It's cheating. Two against two. That's better.” Aria said.
“I don't mind to fight both of them.” Serah said.
“But what about me? Xavier and Arez throw me from there claimed that they can handle it.” Aria said pout while Serah just looked at her with a blank expression.
“So?” The only answered that come out from the tall Princess after a long pause.
“Do you expect me to just standing around and watch you guys have all the fun? No. No no no.” She said exaggerating while moving her pointed finger left and right.
“Well . . .” Serah said shruged.
“Serah, I'm your bashert. Your b-a-s-h-e-r-t. You should be on my side.” The shorter leader said.
“Am I not always?” Serah said.
“So, I can fight one of them?” Aria asked with a puppy eyes.
“Well, I'm just starting enjoying this . . . so?” Serah said.
“Why all of you are so cruel? Is it because I'm the shortest?” Aria yelled.
The other black wings leader looking at them with a confused expression.
“What if I fight the self-claimed King and you fight the banished one? I heard he is strong.” Aria asked again with a puppy eyes.
“What if you sit somewhere and watch me kill them? I'll give you reward after this.” The Princess bargain. The shortest leader put a finger at her chin thinking about the over. It's a tantalize over.
“No. Nope. You trying to trick me, huh? Not working.” Aria said.
“Are you ladies done with making out?” Mammon yelled.
“Do you think I'm a piece of meet so you can bickering about who will fight who? You know what you'll die in my hands. Both of you.” Belial said flew to the two bickering woman direction.
Before the sword touch Aria, Serah were already there and thwart the attack.
“Never disturb the ladies when they are talking.” Serah said and kick Belial until he was flew view meters backward.
“So, its decide then I will fight you.” Aria said and run straight to Mammon.
“I don't mind.” Mammon said when he sword collide with Aria sword but he wasn't quick enough because Aria punch were landed in her face second later and he was flung away view meters back. The two black wings leader looks angry at the two woman. They stood and a strange aura were surrounded the field. It maid goosebumps to the creatures that were watching them.
The girlfriends now were face to face with the two black angels leader. The two black angels leader wings were spread and their sword were rounded by fire. They were serious.
“Let's begin the fight boys.” Serah said.
The two black wings flew to the two women angels dragging their sword behind. Serah and Aria were ready for the coming attack and when it was directing to them they quickly warded it with their owned sword. The sound of it made the ground around them shaking. All the fight around them were stopped, everyone were looked at the four leader who were face to face. The swords were the only one that separated them.
“I will enjoy this fight.” Aria said when she took a step back.
All the angels around were stood and watch their leader. The fight will determines their life. It was no need for them to fight when the leader were fight because whoever the winner will be their leader. Every angels were hope for their leader to win but they know that only one that will going out alive.
“It's interesting.” Xavier said.
“They will lose. They chose a wrong opponent.” Arez said watching the battle.
“What do you mean?” Mishael said.
“Serah and Aria were the great team. They were never lose when they team up. It was like a perfect blend. Even me didn't want to fight the both of them in the same time.” Arez said.
“Between the tree of us who will you fight?” He added.
“Aria.” Mishael asked.
“Because you guys looked stronger than her.” Mishael said.
“You wrong.” Xavier said.
“You mean? Aria were stronger than you?”
“Our Princess never created her creature equal. It's always one stronger than others. They were never the same. Even we're twins Aria was stronger, she was second to Serah.” Arez said.
“She was stronger than what she showed.” Xavier said.
“Imagine two stronger people team up? It will be hell.” He added.
“How do you know? Even at the great war they were separated. They never fought together.” Mishael said.
“Because they were ordered to that. They did that once and it was hell to pay.” Arez said.
“Where?” Mishael asked Xavier asked.
“You didn't know too? But you said she was stronger?” Mishael asked looking at Xavier.
“I learned it in the hard way. It was long time ago. I was done training with Arez and I saw Aria were enjoying her time. That time I never saw her and Serah trained so I thought she was just lazy. I asked her for Duel and she refused, said that she wasn't in the mood. I asked her everyday and her answered were either she's not in the mood or she was lazy. She gave me the same answer for a month.
It was then one day, she was just come back from one of her session with the Princess when I approached her and asked for a duel. For some strange reason she said yes. The time she said yes, I already flew thousands meters away. She didn't said anything just took me by my wings and teleported me to one of the empty planets where she used to train. She didn't gave me time to breath before she hit me. Every punch that she gave me, landed me on the ground and it's looks like she wants to destroy the planet. Every time I was landed on the ground it's created the big hole. I thought that I'm going to die that time, but then at the last hit Serah save me. She took me away from her. If not because of Serah I probably die.
I just found out months later that it was because of Serah. She was just back from her tortured with Princess because that time Serah still didn't know that Aria is her bashert and dated Joanna. Aria found that Serah and Joanna dating and she was angry and well you know I was the unlucky target that time.” Xavier said.
“So, how come they could never team up?” Mishael said.
“There were once a war when both of them team up and they destroyed the entire planet where the war was happened.” Arez said.
“And now you let them team up?” Mishael said.
“I couldn't stopped them especially when one of them are angry.” Arez said while Mishael looked at them with face full of question.
“Just looked at the way they were fight. Aria are calm and playing with her opponent what she did is just dodging the attack but Serah, look at the way she swing her sword. She did it on purpose, she could just kill Belial in one swing but she is torturing him by put a small cut in every swing of her sword and make him feel the hurt. She will stop until she is satisfied or until Aria stop her. It's all because of Belial pointed his sword at Aria before when they were talking.” Arez said.
“Serah and Aria are possessive at each other. The reason Serah didn't let Aria fight is because the ordered and because she know she will be crazy if Aria got a scratch. And Belial is stupid enough to pointed a sword to Aria.” He added.
Serah were enjoyed her tortured, Aria shake her heads knowing exactly what Serah was doing. She need to stop this, she looked at her opponent who were think that he almost win. She took a deep breath  then her wings turned to silver color and in one quick motion she flew past Mammon while swung her sword and when she stopped Mammon were turn to diamond ashes.
She then walked to her twins and watch Serah tortured Belial.
“Mishael, where is the Vampire?” Aria said when she looked around.
“They run away.” Mishael said took a step backwards.
“Oh. Good then.” She said.
“You need to stop her.” Xavier said.
“Just let her enjoy her time.” She answered still looking at Serah.
Belial body were full of wound but Serah didn't let him die yet. She still enjoying her time torturing the self-claimed King.
“I'm not going to die because of this wound.” Belial said while once again his body felt a blow from Serah sword.
“And he thinks he could kill us.” Xavier said.
Belial took a step backward and then he was holding  something a small Crystal ball that looks like a candy.
“You know what is it? This is Lucifer Power. I stole it from him before he died.” He said and swallowed the Crystal ball. In a second his black steal wings turned to steal wings. All creatures were shocked at what in in front of them. Belial looked different with a steal wings and.
“Well, I'll be serious then.” Serah said when her sword rounded by fire.
They fight were intense, every hit were dodge or blocked by the others. No one wants to lose. Belial hit Serah but she dodge it but then Belial steal feathers became weapon and were thrown to Serah direction like an arrow. Serah use her sword to dodge it. But it wasn't long when Serah took her last swing. It hit Belial straight to his heart and in a second he was turned to diamond dust.
“That's for pointed your sword to my bashert.” Serah said.
The died of Belial were the end of the war. All the Angels, Fallen and Banished were kneel to the ground. They lose the battle.
“From this day onward you will serve us. When we need you, We will call and You will answer. Those who didn't answer our call will turn to dust.” Serah said. With a quick motion of her hands the angels flew away.

Not too far a way from them, another figure was watching them. She was stood there right from the beginning of the war. And now it was end like she predicted, The Four leader win the battle. She couldn't wait to went back to her place. With a last glance she flew and disappeared.
Once again they win the war. But its not a last war. There still another war that waiting  and with an absence of the Princess will they win? And will the Princess Come back? What about Alice? Will She wake up? No one knows what will happen in the next day. They didn't know what waiting for them in the front.

So,  guys this is the last chapter of the book one Fallen Angels. 
What do you think???

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