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Here's the chapter that I promised. It's a long one. Hope u enjoy it.



Me and Aria just done taking shower and were enjoying our quality time when Xavier and Arez popped up out of nowhere. I looked at them annoyed then I saw a concerned looked on the two faces then I realized Bella was not with them.
“Where is the Princess?” I asked. I did not need anyone to answer my question cause as fast as the words were out of my mouth I soon realized where did she go.
“What happened?” I asked.
“The mark were glowing and she left.” Arez said with a concerned looked.
Glowing? When it happen? And it's must be bad if she quickly went there? Is that what I saw before? When I was fought against James I saw a glimpse of glow but I thought it was nothing. It means  we need to leave this city and checked on the Princess. She was our Priority but I'm not going to leave this city unprotected. After what happened before, this city was in the not save list.
“Arez go check the Cullen if it okay to leave them alone without unprotected, Aria and Xavier put a barrier around the town to prevent any supernatural being to get inside. I want this city to be protect.” I said.
When they all were gone, I tried to contact Azazel but he didn't answering. I don't what happened in there but it must be something since Azazel didn't answer me. And if it okay to leave the Cullen alone after what happened today? Yeah, Aria and Xavier were putting the barrier, it's mean they were save inside the city but what if they were out? Or else if Alice were out? It will not be safe. I need to do something. But I still need their opinion.
A view minutes later Arez was back.
“Well, they were alright. It was okay for us to leave them alone, since they were a big coven and has some power and they were practice fighting when I left. But do you think it' okay to leave them unprotected? I mean they save in the city but outside the city they were not.” He said.
“I thought the same. But we still need Aria and Xavier to decide.” I said.
It just a view ours later, when Aria and Xavier arrived.
“Me and Arez were talking and we thought it's not save to leave the Cullen alone. What do you guys think?” I asked.
“We thought the same. Why don't we called some back up for them? Just in case.” Aria said.
“Mishael, Jared. I need you.” I said when two figured appeared. The both of them were Archangel, the leader of thousands.
“I want you to guard the vampire in this town. Don't let anything happen to them especially Alice. And don't tell anyone.” I said.
“What happened in the castle?” Aria asked.
“Princess Isabella showed up with a glowing mark, and Prince Azazel asked everyone to leave for 15 minutes. When we get back Princess Isabella were in the tortured room.” Mishael said.
“It's time for us to leave.” I said. I don't need to look at them nor asked their opinion I know they were worried.
We arrived at the Lucifer Palace. It wasn't what the movie told you. It was a castle right, but it was out of the woods and was not dark. We Fallen Angels loves light. When we arrived all of the Angels that in Castle head was bow. So it means it's already started.
We walked to the east wings, we knew this place very well because some of us has spent our time in here, torture or to be torture. I saw Isebel and Azazel were outside the big wooden door. They look so worried.
“She's there?” I asked.
“Yeah.” She said.
The four of us looked at each other knowing well about what happened inside. I took a deep breath then opened the door. Inside were torture room. It was different with any other room in the palace, because this room were divided into two parts. The first part was what we called balcony, it was the place where we waited or “watch” the torture. There is a stair lead down to the second part of the room the place where the tortured began. Where Bella were tied up to the two big fire chain and Lucifer were stood in the balcony looking down as a white wings creature torture her with a fire whip. We looked at how her mark slowed down turned to black. Every whip turned down the mark little by little. And after four days finally it was back to it normal color. Wow, usually it will take 2 or three days but this, four days? But well, it was different this time. The color was blue flame and fire mixed together, no, it's not mix it's like they were fighting each other. We didn't eat for four days, again we didn't really need to eat. It was jut after Michael loose the whip in his hands, Bella collapse to the ground. The Mark was nowhere to be seen nor it glow.
“Bring her to her room.” Lucifer order. The four quickly took Bella and left me with those two.
“Why you need to use whip on her?” I asked addressing the white wing creature.
“It's the only way to restrain the mark before it spread all offer her body.”
“Why fire? You know she could be killed.” I asked again. It was a perk to be a seraph princess you have a power to questioning the leader order.
“And what are you doing in here?” I added.
“You do know I'm the only one that could do it. Even Lucifer couldn't. The reason the four of you were here not because you were revolted again the gods, it was because you're her protector. That's the only job that you have. I'll come down here everytime her mark showed up. You'll be in her side until her time come. It's time for me to leave, I'll see you again,Princess.” He said and left.
“How come you asked him to come here? It's Michael for god sake. You do know he could kill you right?” I said.
“I know he wouldn't kill me. I have something that so precious that hold them all to kill me.” Lucifer said.
We were just near the door when I heard Azazel talking with someone. That someone sound angry.
“Why they can be there and I can't? I could torture her.” The person said.
“It was Father order.” The only answer that Azazel gave to him.
“She always be the favorite.” He said.
“You know one day he will want this throne.” I said when we opened the door and left him to Bella room.
When we arrived to Bella room, she was lying in the bed. She looks like she was died. Well, if it me I probably die at the first whip. She was tortured with Sheol fire, the fire that could burn down a god. We stood there guarding her, and wait for her to wake up. It's after two days when she opened her eyes.

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