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No One POV
The sound of thundered was once again heard that made the Vampire back into the reality.
"So, ready for the game?" Rosalie asked. She knows if Emmeth or any of her family member that opened their mouth first it will be the question of who are them. She was curious but it's not the right time to asked. The silver hair already save them and it was enough, for now.
"Well, we need to decide first, you guys just five and it was six of us." Emmeth said finally out of his daze.
"Why don't we play boys against girls?" Arez suggested.
"I agree as long the princess didn't play." Xavier said.
"So, I'll just sitting around watching you? And here I thought, I'm your best friends." Bella said pouting.
"It just which ever your team will win so, nope. This time you'll just be the umpire or something." Xavier said.
"What if I'll be the pitcher for the both team? I promise not gonna picking side." The princess said.
"I will be the umpire. Since I don't really like playing." Esme said.
"Oh, oh its not fair. They have Serah and Aria. They need to separate." Arez said when he saw Aria and Serah were grinning at each other.
"You were the one that suggest to play boys against girls now you scared, brother?" Aria mock.
"Afraid? No way in hell. Hundreds bucks I'll beat your ass." Arez Challenged
"Two hundreds, you'll get beat." Aria said.
"Okay." Arez said.
"Okay team, show your money, two hundreds each. Give that to Esme." Bella said.
Each of the player gave the money to Esme. The twins became the Captain of the team, Aria picked Head and Arez picked tail. When the coin was throw it landed with tail.
The girls went to their position and the game started. Xavier was the first one to hit and it's almost home-run if Serah was not there. The game went like that when Alice got a vision.
"There is nomad." She muttered.
"How many of them?" Carlisle asked.
"Three of them and heading our way." Alice said when three figures appeared out of the woods. Two men and a woman.
"Oh, good afternoon fellas." The black man said.
"Well, where is my manner, I'm Laurent and this is James and Victoria. We just passing when we heard a ball sound." He said. Bella and the others looked at one another, knowing who are they.
"I'm Carlisle and this is my family. We just done playing baseball when you arrived." He said. He had a bad feeling about the three nomads that just arrived.
"Is it because you can't find the ball?" James said holding a baseball ball.
"Thats too." Carlisle said when a wind blowing.
"Oh... we have some Immortal companion, am I correct?" James said looking straight at Bella.
"I didn't saw them because they were surrounded by the Veggie Vamps." Laurent said.
"Its better if you Cullen step back." Xavier said walking forward with Serah.
"And we have Banished companion in here." Serah said.
"Why don't you strip off your facade, its getting old." She added.
"Or you are too ashame of yourself and  took another form to cover? Well, if I were you I probably do the same. I mean banished? Its really hurt my pride." Serah said mocking.
"And you aren't?" Victoria said.
“We? We were Fallen Angels. Even the name can tell the difference.” Serah said.
" I know what you feel, fight along them, worship them and just because of the small mistake was banished? Its not fair to be living with a Fallen that revolted against god but then was look and be judge like them. Put in the position like them. Oh where is my pride as an angels that fight among the gods but then was put in the same position with the rebels? Yeah you have no pride. Because us, we revolted against god thats why they called us Fallen Angels not the Banished one." Xavier said. He knows his words would hurt them like a knife and hurt their pride. Pride was a sore subject for a banished angels.
"You..." James said and in a split of second they changed to their form. Angels form. They had a silver hair, their wings were spread behind them, black color with a different color at the tip of it and have an eyes in the shade of fires. One of them wore a ring in his pointed finger. A ring with a Topaz stone.
"Is it what you saw?"Carlisle asked Alice.
"No. It's not them. Their wings are different." Alice said.
"But the two has silver at the tip and the other one has orange color at the tip. Maybe you just . . ." Emmeth didn't not finished because was cut by Alice.
"I saw four and in front of us are three. And do you think I don't know the difference between gold and orange?" Alice said airritated. She knew she's not supposed to be mad it just she fell exhausted. She spent her time thinking about her vision but there is no answered. She still did not know who are them. Or maybe it is were them? Well, Emmeth was right they have a wings and their eyes were in the same shape of fire.
“Don't thinking too much. We will find out soon.” She heard Edward whispered. Her attention then back again to the figures in front of them.
"I see, one of you is Cherub. And a royal one. Should I call you Prince James of Cherub?" Xavier said not backing down.
"I'm not gonna let you talked to him like that. We show you who we are, so it's not that hard to show who you are, right? Or are you afraid you are in the rank below, angels?" Victoria said.
Xavier, Serah, Arez and Aria looked at Bella and when she nodded they went front and turned to their Angels form. Xavier, Arez and Aria has a black wings and the tip of their feathers were silver, the different one was Serah, instead of Silver she has red at the tip of her feathers and she also has a ring similar to James the different was she has ruby stone in it.
"I see we have a Princess in here. A Seraph Princess. Should I bow to you, since your rank were higher than me?" James said mocking.
"I think we have something in common Prince of Cherub, we both have black wings. The difference is as a Fallen Angels we have an honor because we fought against God but you ... Nothing." She said smirked.
“And who are you?” Victoria said looking straight at Bella.
“It's for me to know for you to find out.” Bella said smirked.
“It's better for you three to go back to where you head out and leave us alone here, since you know, you kind of out of number here. And I see no purpose in fighting.” Bella said.
“We already where we are. We are ordered to kill them.” James said smirked looked at the coven.
"If that what you ordered well, I can't just let you pass like that. So, here the things if you can pass us you can kill them but if not it means you are ready to turn to ashes.” Bella said.
“I hope you will enjoy the view when I kill them.” James said.
“Let see if you can beat me, still I'll be in the guard line. But I doubt you guys will past them without turn to ashes.” The Princess said half laughing. In A split of second a black wings formed behind her but it was just last for a second before it faded again. The looked on the three new comer was unreadable. While the Princess laughed back to the Cullen.
“You… you were the one that I saw in the woods.” Alice said while Bella just give her a little smile.
“So, who are you?” Carlisle asked curious.
“We are Fallen Angels. I tell you later but now, we have a movie to watch.” Bella said back again to her human form.
All eyes were on the seven wings creatures that ready to kill each other.
“You do know, you were out of number right? Victoria and Laurent were the leader of a hundred. I hope you know what that means.” James said when the sky turned into dark. It's not because of the sky but because hundreds of black wings were flew in the air, each with a sword in the hands.
“Arez and Aria, you two take care those Angels, Xavier, you take care those Archangels, me I'll take care this Cherub that dishonored our Princess.” Serah said when the Angels fall from the sky like a rain.
The Cullen were watching in awe as The Fallen Angels fought hundreds Banished Angels. It's something that they never saw before. Like how they fought and the way they fought was so incredible. The twins flew to the sky and started to kill the Angels that came in their way.
“So, don't you want to fight me or you two will just standing there watching your guys one by one fall in those two hands?” Xavier asked while a sword form in his hands.
“Are you sure you want to fight against us the leader of hundred?” Laurent said.
“As you see, there's nothing to back you up.” He added.
“Oh, I'm more than capable to fight you.” Xavier said when he flew to the two leaders.
Meanwhile Serah were fighting with James. In both of their hands has a sword, it's not just any sword, they sword were rounded by fire. Everytime the sword collide it's make a sound like a thunder. It was incredible view.
“See, this is such a good view, like something that come out of the movie.” Bella said while took a bite of her apple.
“And why you just sit here and enjoying your fruit?” Edward asked confused.
“I think Arez and Aria need a hand.” Emmeth added pointed to the two Fallen Angels that were fought against hundreds of angels.
“Even you go there, you can't do anything. It will just disturbed them. One Angel power were like the power of fifty of your kind. The strongest of your kind. So, just stay here and watch.” Bella said like it was not a big deal.
“Don't you want to help them?” Jasper asked.
“Nah. They pretty much can handle it.” She said took another bite of her apple.
“Arez, Aria and Xavier were Archangel. Archangel were the third rank of angel but the respectably one since they were the Angels of war. They were the one that lead the Angels. Archangels were divided into a view rulers. The rulers of ten, the rulers of fifty, the rulers of hundred and the rulers of thousands. The lead ruler got a title as the Leader. The leader of the thousands were the honorable and the powerful one.”
“So, Arez and Aria are the ruler of thousands.” Bree states.
“No. They aren't. They were above them. There are 24 Archangels that was the leader all of Angels. Their power were equal to Seraph the highest rank of order in heaven. And Xavier, Arez and Aria used to be ones of the 24 leader of Archangels.” Bella said while the Veggie Vamps looked at the two with jaw dropped to the ground.
The two twins looked like they enjoyed the fight. It was like they were in the game. Every Angels that they killed with their sword turn into diamond dust. The same thing goes to Xavier. He was enjoying the fight between two leaders of a hundred. He was fighting Laurent and in the dance like moves he swung his sword and Laurent turned to diamond dust. He looked at Victoria who were angry.
“Time to say good bye.” He said and in a speed that even Vampire almost couldn't see, Victoria were turned into dust.
“I'm done. Now I'm hungry.” He said took an orange from the bag beside Bella.
“You playing too much. I thought you'll finished those two in five second.” The golden feathers angels asked.
“And where is the fun in there? Looked even Serah are having fun. He made James looked like toy.” Xavier said looking at Serah who were fighting James.
“Hey, you two. Quit finished them. Stop playing around.” Xavier said to the twins.
They were sat there watching the twins and Serah for a good five minutes when the twins joined them.
“103.” Aria said.
“If you didn't cheat I'll be more.” Arez said.
“It's not my fault you were so slow.” Aria said.
“Why Serah keep toying with him? Why don't she just finished him. Her power were more above her.” Aria added.
“Just tell your wife to finish him. It's getting bored.” Arez said.
“Babe, why don't you finished him, so we can go home?” Aria yell. Serah just give her a smile and in a swift motion she turned her sword and Flight to James who turned to dust in one swing.
“I'm done. Let's go home and take a shower.” Serah said when she and Aria disappeared.
“Where did they go?” Jasper  asked.
“Home. I guess.” Xavier said.
“It's better for us to go too. I think they want some explanation. So, let's head to the Cullen.”  Xavier said.
“Why don't we used the easy way?” Arez suggested. He moves behind the Cullen and in a second they were in the Vampires house Living room.

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