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orry for the long delay,,  i'll try to update  as soon as possible. So here's  the new chapter.  Enjoy reading

No One POV
Things that happened in Cullen household were forgotten since it's never happened again. And after a week, Bella, Serah and Xavier were back with a different appearance. Bella arrived with a brunette hair color, skinny jeans, combat boots and black leather jacket. Serah, has blond hair, fit tight green dress that stopped above her knees and a heel. Xavier has a pitch black hair, wore a tight shirt hat showed all of the muscle in his body with a skinny jeans and black a black vest.
All eyes are on them while the twins were just laughing listening and reading the thought of the people around. The Vamps were in the same state with the other students in parking lot. Dumbstruck. Especially Alice who couldn't tear her eyes from Bella.
“You need to close our mouth.” Rose said when she finally woke up from her dumbstruck state.
“Hello to you to vamps.” Bella said when suddenly Alice were already hug her. Tight.
“Okay. What medicine that you drink this morning?” The Princess asked joking.
“Nothing. I just didn't see you in a while. And I kinda miss you. By the way brunette suit you very well.” The short vampire said.
“Why, thank you.”
“Oh my gosh, your eyes, they look beautiful on you.” Alice said looking at Bella brand new chocolate brown eyes.
“I could use blue since you know I'm an angels and all.” Bella said when her eyes turned to blue.
“Chocolate suit you better.” The spiky hair vampire said.
“Well, shall we go?” Bella said when the ballet-like-vampire linked her arms and dragged Bella to their class.
The history went great, for the first time in forever Alice enjoyed the history class. It was when they were at lunch when the supposed-to-have-silver-hair students sat at the Cullens table that made a loud gasp from the other students around.
“What are you laughing for?” Bree asked Edward.
“He was laughing at the thought of this high schoolers.” Arez said.
“What do they think?” Alice asked.
“You don't want to know.” Edward said.
“But I want to.” Alice said pout.
The fallen angels just laughing when a very interesting whispered were heard that made all eyes went to the particular table. The cheerleader and jocks table.
“I still wonder why those rich people need to hang out together?” the jocks boys said.
“Do they know each other before come here?”
“There is a rumor that Bella father was a rich man and she was sent here because she was one of those troublemaker.” A cheerleader girl said.
“I don't care if she's troublemaker or not but I definitely will date her. Oh I hope she was gay.” Another cheerleader said.
“Why don't you make a move on here?”
“But what if she didn't like girls?”
“C'mon Jessica, you need to try first. Just talking first. Then asked her on date. The worst she will say is no.” A blond hair jocks said.
“Well, if you put like that, maybe I'll talk to her. We have a biology together.” The Jessica girl said.
Alice were fuming when she heard what the Cheerleader said. No one will take or asking Bella out. She's not gonna let it. But who is she to say that? She and Bella not even a closed friends. What if Bella interested? What if she say yes?
“Alice stop thinking to hard, one of this day your eyebrow will connect and make you looks funny.” Bree said.
“So, Bella what would you say?” Edward asked.
Bella looked at Alice with a smugged grin in her face before answer.
“If she has a courage to ask me, why would I say no? And she's not bad.” Bella said.
“Wait, you like girls? Do you even can like girls? I mean being angels and all.” Bree said.
“If you still didn't realize, Serah and Aria are together and there is no wrong in liking girls. It just human that too old to thinking otherwise.” Arez said.
“I don't think you should say yes.” Alice said not even realize it. And all the people in the table has a small smile in their face.
“And why?” Bella asked.
“I heard she has a girlfriend or something.” The spiky hair girl said.
“I didn't know little Alice were good in lying.” Serah said.
“Me? Lying? Nah. Nope. Never.” She said while gathering her things.
“Oh, I forgot I need to do something at home. Rose, I borrow your car. Bye.” She said and leaving the room.
“Oh god, she do really jealous.” Xavier said while shaking his head in amusement.
“So, since the three of you didn't have a ride, why don't you ride with us? Xavier brought his  Rubicon, and I think we can ditch school?” Aria said when all nodded.
“Oh my god, what did I do? Did I really say that? I shouldn't say that. And what would Mom and Dad say when they see me? And did I really ditch school? Oh my God Mom gonna cut my credit cards, oh my God that's Carlisle car.” Alice thought.
“Alice, what are you doing in here?” Esme said when she entered the house.
“Actually,,, mmmhhh…..”
“Well, we decided that we would ditch school and you know since we already behind the schedule about our appointment to make you human and since we all are here why not do it today? I mean I don't want to wait until tomorrow, cause maybe something will happened or I got a call from my parents … you know.” Bella said sitting in the living room chair.
“BELLA?” Alice said when her eye bulge and BAM she's out of the living room.
“What happened with her?”
“Nothing.” Bella said.
“So, I hope your not gonna be mad at your your children since they ditch school, but I really didn't find a perfect time as now.” Bella said.
“It's okay. Actually I really couldn't wait to be human. I can't wait to cook and see my family eat my food.” Esme said.
“I hope we can taste it too.” Bella said.
“But just chicken or beef. We didn't really like meat.” Bella said.
“When we turn to human the first thing that I will do is cooking.” Esme said.
“I bet Bree will beat you to that. She will probably shoved pancake in your mouth the first time she turn to human.” Carlisle said from behind Esme.
“I heard before she was turned, she became vampire toys until Alice found her. Did you ever found the vampire?” Bella asked.
“No. For some unknown reason, Bree forgot their face. Everytime she tried, she will got headache. So we stop asking her about it.” Carlisle said a look of concerned was in her face. His face showed a worry of a father to his daughter.
“You know you do really a good father.” Bella said.
“Oh, I mean to ask something?”
“What is it dear?” Esme asked.
“Don't you want to have a children?” Bella asked.
Carlisle and Esme looked at one another, then smile.
“We're not. We already have six children and we think it's enough. They were maybe not our children by flesh and blood but blood or not for us they were our children and that's it. What we can't wait is a grandchildren. Knowing Rose, she will be the first one that likely to be pregnant. She really loves children and I couldn't wait for the days when she has a child on her own.” Carlisle said.
“The child that will call me grandma and make me crazy because they will draw in the wall or give me hearth attack because they want to climb the stairs when they were just start to stand or crying at me because they fall on their first bike. It was the time that I couldn't wait.” Esme said.
Without the two elders realize the Cullen Children and Alice were listening. If they could cry, there were already river in there. No one ever thought that the those loves them so much and hearing it made them want to run and hug the two elders that loves them like their own sons and daughter, maybe even more.
“Just go and hold them. It'll be your last time to hold them as a vampire.”Aria whispered but someone beat them. Alice already in Esme arms sobbing like a little children. The rest of the Cullen were followed and cried with a dried tears.
When everything were under control, Serah stood up.
“Well, like we promised you, we can make you human. But there is price to pay. You're not gonna be a Vampire again. A full vampire. You need to survives by blood and human food. And when I say blood, it's mean human blood not animal blood.” Serah said.
“So, we need to kill human?” Bree asked.
“No. You didn't need a large portion of human blood. It just a small amount but you still need blood. It'll make your heart beat again. And you better drink it at morning.” Serah said.
“What about our power?” Jasper asked.
“You not gonna lose your power instead it'll increase. Like I told you, you gonna be hybird of human and vampire. But if when a vampire you were fast to heal but when you became half human, you need time to heal. Not as soon as when you were a vampire.” Serah said.
“So, if you agree you need to make a deal with us.” Serah said.
The Cullens looked at each other and Carlisle as a patriarch nodded his head.
“Okay. Can I have a glass please? Two actually.” Serah said.
In a second two glass were already put in the table.
“I need you to cut yourself and let a view drop of blood in that glass. Alice you do the same but put it in other glass.” Serah said holding a blade.
One by one  took a blade and cut their hands and let a blood fall to the glass. When all were done, Serah and the Archangel took the same blade and cut their hands and let her blood fall in the glass mixed with the Cullens. Then a black smoked were coffer them with Serah and all the Fallen Angels.
“I Aria The Archangel, One of the 12 Commander of Gods Army agree to make a contract with these Vampire.”
“I Arez The Archangel, One of the 12 Commander of Gods Army agree to make a contract with these Vampire.”
“I Xavier The Archangel, One of the 12 Commander of Gods Army agree to make a contract with these Vampire.”
“I Seraphina The Seraph, Princess of Seraph One of the 24 Elders agree to make a contract with these Vampire.”
“Forever they will be in my depth. They lives is on me. I can take it whenever I want. They will be my servant forever. And  by this blood they agree to signing a contract with me and sold their soul and lives to me.” The Angels said when in second the blood were gone. Then Serah were hold a small bottle that looks like blood it was clear. It's shining.
“By the Blood of Angels, I make a contract with this Vampire and it'll be last forever. The contract will run in their blood, in all of generation. And all the lives after that will be mine. And by drink the blood of Angels they seal the contract.” The Fallen Angels said when Serah pour the bottle of blood in the glass.
“Each of you drink it. You just need to take a sip. And after that in a view second after drink it, you will feel the pain that you never feel before and in two days you'll woke up in a brand new lives.” Serah said.
“Wait, what about Alice?” Carlisle asked.
“We couldn't make a contract with her. There is a reason. The only one that will make a contract with her is Bella.” Xavier said.
“Trust me it'll be alright.” Aria said with a smile. Each of the Cullens took a sip of the blood and right after that they were screaming in pain.
“Oh my god, what happened with them?” Alice said.
“The process already start. They will be alright.” Bella said.
“Now shall we?” She added holding a blade.
Alice took a blade and cut her hands and let her blood dropped in the glass. Bella did the same and in the view second there were a smoked cover them. They looks like were inside the storm.

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