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"You're a good kisser,Seokjin." I giggle as the guy plants kisses all over my neck. He has big lips and they feel nice against my skin.

His hands are holding my waist while mine are gripping on his broad shoulders.

"Shall we go for round two?" He asks before he bites on my neck, sucking in it.

I moan out loud, I enjoy his services a lot. He is such a handsome boy, how come I hadn't noticed him earlier?

As much as I'd like to say 'yes', the bell is about to ring and I have maths for forth period which means that I get to have my test given back to me. Marked.


"Uh no, I don't th- ah!" I try to speak but he attacks my lips with his. "Think so."

I push him gently off of me and he licks his lips.

"Always a pleasure, Ari." He smirks before he leaves and I roll my eyes.

We had been making out behind the bleachers of the basketball court so I waited for him to leave first and after a couple of minutes I'd set off too.

See, I didn't want us to be seen.

When the times comes, I start to walk towards the main schoolyard, passing by the sideways of the bleachers.

"I don't get you." A voice suddenly shouts and I jump scared.

I look around me but I can't see anyone and I wonder where the hell did that voice come from.

"Up hereeee."

I raise my head up only to see a hanging from the bleachers' banisters Yoongi.

"Fuck you, you scared me!" I scold at him as he comes down the stairs. Unlike him, I start to climb them up and so we meet in the middle.

"You don't have to curse at me." He says as he plops himself down on a seat.

"Whatever! What did you say to me?" I ask, I am standing in a row lower than the one he's sitting at so I have to have my head raised up to look at him.

"I said, I don't get you. I can't understand your behavior at all."

I shake my head confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the fact that you're hooking up with other guys. Didn't you just break up with your boyfriend? Hasn't it been only three days since I found you crying your eyes out about him?"

I felt his words kind of rude so I sat myself down, ready to defend myself in what seemed to be evolving into a long conversation.

"I was not crying about him! And I wasn't hooking up with anyone!" I protested.

He slowly raised his hand and with his index finger he pointed to the upper part of my body.

"That hickey speaks otherwise."

I quickly bring my long hair in front of me, covering both my neck and bosoms. Awkward.

"Okay fine! Yes I was, I just got out of my relationship with him, am I not allowed to move on?!?" I attack.

"That soon? How can you move on already, it's been too little time since the breakup." He frowns his brows, him being the one looking confused now.

I can't believe what he is saying, I find it pretty selfish as he is a guy and quite offensive as I am a girl.

"What do you want me to do, cry over him and fall in depression for a month?!?"

Immediately, he covers his face with his thin,veiny hands with the long fingers that are pretty beautiful but once again, I've never come to notice until this very moment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." He mumbles through his hands, it makes him be barely audible.

Thankfully, he takes them away from his face before continuing talking.

"I just don't know much about this stuff, to be honest, I have no idea about relationships. I was just asking you to know, I'm sorry." He explains talking fast.

"You don't have to apologise."I sigh as I move in another seat next to him, a row up.

It's the second time I'm sitting so close to Yoongi. I am looking at him but he's looking in front of me, ignoring my eyes.

"You shouldn't do that." He murmurs.

I frown.

"Why not?"

I am already known for my relations with guys from school, I've had a lot of boyfriends and enough experience for my seventeen years of age.

Truth is actually, I was one of the top five in our High School since second grade. That means two years.

At first I thought that meant that I'm pretty and attractive and guys like me so I was proud of that. However, I later found out that it wasn't just a beauty rank, it was even more shallow.

Guys called girls like me 'tap-on girls' ,which meant that they just wanted to either make out with us or have sex with us. It was so not cool but also too late to do something about it so I just went with it.

Probably one of the biggest fucking mistakes in my fucking life.

"Because you shouldn't. It's not right and people call you names."

You think I'm not aware of that?

"Ignore them." I shrug.

"I can't, I get so pissed-"


We both turn our heads and see the coach entering the basketball court with the players following behind him.

"I got to go, we have practice. Ah I don't understand why he wants me to practice, it's not like I'm in the team." He complains to himself as he climbs the stairs down.

I had no idea that he played basketball and since I was already late for my class, I decided I'd stay for a quarter or so and watch.

Hanseol was in the team but I had never really watched them training. I had only been to a couple of games to see him.

So I did now, I sat there watching them playing and I was surprised to discover that Yoongi was quite a talent.

He fucking score most of the points!

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