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Yoongi's pov

It was sudden for me as I didn't expect to ever hear something like that coming out of that mouth of hers.

"Maybe you'd like to go with me?"

"Maybe you'd like to go with me?"

"Maybe you'd like to go with me?"

Her words repeated in my mind until I realized this was actually happening.

"Erm, Yoongi?" She called for me again.

Well yeah, I hadn't got to respond to her as I was busy trying to believe it was reality and not just my dreams.

"Umm, yeah, well....Y-You see..."

I gulped down hard. What would be her reaction when I'd tell her, I had no idea.

She titled her head looking at me and waiting for my answer. I swear, she seemed like a confused puppy.

Arianna was not like any other girls I've met. She looked cute and acted cute but she could also be a badass or act like a bitch. Her character was so strong and so complicated, simplicity just wasn't her thing.

She had a mouth and a voice and damn, she would use it. She would use it to shut people up, get what she wants and defend herself and her beliefs. No one could possibly ever argue with her, her reasonings when supporting her opinion were beyond plain thinking, plus her comebacks when someone offended her would always hurt.

And she had such a loud personality and great looks and the combination of these was what made her presence in a room always sensed by everyone, from the minute she'd walk in.

"I've never been to a party before."

Instantly, she sat up straight faster than any other living thing,her eyes shone and a smile formed on her open wide mouth.

"YOU HAVEN'T?!?" She shouted but she seemed excited?

"Yah! You don't have to shout it. No, I haven't and that's the reason I'm going to turn down your invitation, sadly."

"Noooooo!" She whined. "That's exactly why you should come! You are a senior, this year is your last one in high school and you won't go to a party? That's insane!" she tried to convince me, enthusiasm obviously taking over her as I could tell by her voice.

"Why are you so excited?" I giggled at her cuteness and excitement, it seemed like it was kind of a big deal for her.

"Because it's gonna be your first party! It's always to fun to prepare for the first impression!" Arianna stood up and walked up to her wardrobe. "Oh my, we could even wear matching clothes, it'll be so fun!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who said I'm coming?" I stood up as well and approached her.

I wanted to go just because it was her asking. But I also wanted to tease her a little bit first, like she does all the time.

Lately we've been hanging out a lot after tutoring her and it was obvious that Arianna was getting more and more comfortable around me day by day. Actually, she's been treating me like her best friend since day one.

Which I loved, I wanted her to feel safe around me, gain familiarity and trust me. But I was wondering....was i being friendzoned?

"Please come! Please,please,please!" She pouted while she begged me, her hands intertwined like when praying.

I sighed.

"Okay,fine." I gave in, however I wanted to hear it from her so i asked her, "But why me?"

She raised her brow as she looked at me confused.

"What do you mean why you?" Arianna asked bluntly.

"Why ask me to go with you? You could've asked anyone else."

She rolled her eyes and turned her back to me, opened her wardrobe and started groping in it, searching for clothes.

"Because I want to go with you? Duhhh."

She then grabbed a couple of hangers and spun around to face me, holding them up in the air.

"Plus, my mother really likes you and it's the only way I can go. So what do you say, black with pink or red?"

Her words suddenly hurt, I can't lie. She was using me to go to that stupid party but still, I couldn't get angry at her. I would do anything to spend time with her, let alone make her happy.


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