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Yoongi's pov

"Arianna?" I gently knocked on the door. "Are you awake yet? Could you please wake up?"

It would soon be the time for us to go to church. There wouldn't be any rite going on and we'd probably be the only ones there except for the pastors, which was exactly what I wanted.

"Yoongi!" My mother caused me to jump when I suddenly heard her. "This is not a way to wake up a girl! Where's your manners and gentleness?"

"Mum! You scared me! Go downstairs please, I'll wake her up!"

It wasn't that I didn't have manners. I knew well how to treat a girl; with kindness, affection and what she referred to as gentleness. But I didn't want to go in the room since Arianna wasn't wearing pants.

She was only on her underwear and I had no wish to see her in it once again, in broad daylight. I had an even growing respect for her and every other girl.

That's especially why it made me sad seeing her with many different guys and hearing other call her names. No girl should be treated like that. As far as I knew, Arianna was not a prostitute.

I was ready to knock on the door once again but the second I opened my mouth to call for my guest, the door opened from inside and I came face to face with a sleepy Arianna.

Even sleepy she was a beauty. Her brunette hair that reached her mid back were messy and all over her shoulders. Her eyes seemed smaller as she squinted to see in the light contrasting to the darkness of my room. And then was her exposed neck that had red marks all over them from the pressure her body put on the blanked and the sheets.

My eyes moved from her face to her body, scanning it in the process. When I saw her exposed, bare legs, I realized that she was still in just my oversized t-shirt that cascaded down her torso and her undergarments.

"Arianna!" I got my eyes off of her, looking at my right and avoiding eye contact with her green piercing eyes. "Could you please wear something less revealing?"

I sensed her shrug and then heard her raspy, morning voice.

"Can you give me another shirt of yours?" She asked and I nodded, following her in while putting a lot of effort not to look down behind her.

I opened my wardrobe and took a plain, white t-shirt. When I turned to face her, I saw her searching around, looking confused.

"Have you seen my bag?" She sighed. "The black Verde one that I was carrying yesterday?"

"Maybe you left it in the car. I'll go check.", "Can you go check?" We spoke at the same time.

Arianna ended up giggling cutely and I just stood there, watching her with a sly smile plastered on my face. She looked so pure and innocent.

What a beautiful creature to exist, I thought to myself.

I quickly went to the garage and searched in the seats for her black backpack bag. Then, I rushed to get it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled at me and opened it. From the bag, she took out a pair of light blue jeans.

"You carry jeans in you bag?" I laughed.

I shouldn't have asked and I shouldn't have laughed, but her respond either way made me stop chuckling.

"Yeah! You know it's because of that time when I guy, like, he cummed all over my leggings at a party once and it was gross! It was so sticky and I had to throw away the clothes! Now I always have an extra pair with me."

She was smiling the whole time telling me the story, as if it was a funny and remarkable one. I, on the other way, was trying not to puke.

I left the room for her to dress up and went downstairs where I waited for Ariana in the kitchen. I placed breakfast in her plate and once she finally came, not long after, I took out two cartons of milk from the fridge.

"Would you like some trawberry or banana milk?" I asked her politely.

She titled her head for a second, contemplating on which one to choose as I guessed, before she finally went for the strawberry one.

"Are you all dressed up and ready to go?" I asked her when she was done with eating.

She frowned her brows.

"Where to?"

"Somewhere I want to go today."

Arianna's pov

We were in his car, Yoongi driving carefully and gently, not getting his eyes off the road. I kept on asking him where we were going but he kept on saying it was a surprise.

"Why can't you just tell me?" I whined once again.


"Because of what?"

"Just because."

I hated it when guys said that. Like, the fuck bitch, what's that supposed to mean? Just because my ass, leave me alone.

But with Yoongi it was different. I felt like he had some kind of freaking ...control over me that I couldn't even protest to his 'just because'.

It was like I'd go everywhere and do anything with a 'just because' of his. If that makes sense,though.

Minutes later he pulled over and parked in front of what I knew as the church his father worked at as a Pastor. He turned to look at me and stated there in silence.

What's he waiting for?

"Why did we stop?" I asked, completely clueless.

He took a deep breath, then let it out.

"That's our destination." Yoongi pointed to the church.

"No." I said, eyes wide and brows frowned. "No, it's not that!"

I didn't like that. Why the hell would he bring me to his damn church?!? Doesn't he know I don't believe in his god? Doesn't he respect that.

"No! No, Yoongi, I'm not going in there. I am godless, I'm not visiting the church! It's against my beliefs and I will not-"

I didn't manage to finish with my arguments, however.

"Arianna! Before you start rambling about it, hear me out. "He interrupted me.

I instantly felt the rage in me calming down. I trusted Yoongi; I knew he'd have some good reasons for bringing me here.

"First of all, you promised you'd let me take you wherever I wanted. And secondly, I know you don't believe in Jesus and I do respect that. I didn't bring you heat to change your mind, I'm not gonna even try that."

He sent me a reassuring smile and I shyly smiled back. Our eyes were making contact with each other and his were glowing.

I saw honesty in his eyes, so I trusted him.

"Last but not least," he started as he came out of the car, then jogged to come and hold the door open for me too. "There's no rite going on."

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