Ghost in the Machine

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Good morning, and welcome to the second book. If you actually completed the last book (I know most people didn't) and read all of the chapters, congratulations on making it this far!
Secondly, I would like to thank all two of my readers; you really make it worthwhile. Also, thanks for suffering through all of my rubbish chapters.
Please enjoy, and all suggestions for chapters, scenes, or even characters are welcome!!

The Doctor's POV

Cautiously, I poked my head out of my Tardis. I had just crashed for the third time this week, and each time I was greeted with gunfire.

But this time, I'd landed in dark, empty corridor; Soft, green lights illuminated parts the hallway and a light humming noise made it evident that I was on a ship of some kind.

I closed the Tardis doors behind me, adjusted my bow tie, took a deep breath, and began exploring the alien environment.

The peaceful atmosphere of the ship was quickly turned ominous and sinister; Blood was smeared across the walls. However, I quickly discovered that the blood was dry and old.

The further I traveled through the corridor, the more I began to worry. I found battered war helmets, various types of broken weapons, and even a scuffed-up, white converse shoe. The shoe seemed to be oddly familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. However, I did discover that I was on a warship. But it seemed that the crew who occupied it had died years ago.

After wandering through the single corridor for a considerable amount of time, I finally stumbled across a door. The door was made of glass, which was unusual considering this was a warship. And after struggling to open it with my sonic for ten minutes, I gave up and kicked the door in. I brushed glass off of my tweed suit jacket as I stepped into the rather dark room. Almost immediately after entering the room, I stumbled on something and fell forward onto what felt like a keyboard. As soon as I collided with it, bright lights illuminated the room.

The room had blank white walls and was almost empty, save for a figure in a spacesuit on the ground. I rolled the humanoid over and a took off the helmet. I nearly jumped back in surprise when a bare, human-like skull fell out of the helmet and hit the ground with a clunk.

"This place has been empty for a long time," I murmured to myself as I turned around to face what I had crashed into. In front of me was a keyboard and a computer screen with the word "hello" written in large black letters against a white screen.

Third person POV

Isabel frowned as she set down her piece of banana bread; she could have sworn that she heard the phone ring. Except, no one ever phoned because no one had her number. Besides, it was four o'clock in the morning, who would call now?

She sighed, hopped off of her kitchen counter, and walked to her bathroom where her phone was. She curled up in her iron, claw-foot bathtub and picked the old phone up off the receiver.

"Hello?" She said as she fidgeted with the spiral cord that connected the phone to the receiver.

"This bloody computer," murmured a male, British voice. She heard a strange buzzing sound and then the phone electrocuted her hand.

"Ahh! Please stop!" Isabel cried out in pain.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you," The voice said apologetically. "I didn't know you could feel.."

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