The End of an Era

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Good morning!
Sorry I've been absent lately. In return for the lack of updates, I have several surprises. Firstly, I was very bored while camping, so I drew Art for you guys. It's not the best quality, but it's the best I could do with limited tools!

Third Person POV

Choking fits of psychotic laughter echoed off of the cement walls as Art dragged The Doctor off of Andromeda.

"I killed her! She's dead!" Andromeda sang gleefully as they picked their self off of the floor.

Glass crunched beneath The Doctor's feet as he tried to escape Art's grasp. Art, knowing that the furious Timelord would resume strangling Andromeda, pinned The Doctor to the ground.

"You cannot resolve this with more violence," Art spoke sternly.

"They killed her!" The Doctor gasped, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks.

For a fraction of a second, sympathy was almost visible in Art's eyes, but his facial expression quickly turned cold, "Zero was going to die anyways."

The Doctor's POV

(Three hours earlier)

Zero's breath was shallow and laboured as she lay unconscious next to me.

It had been over a week since I'd found her, and it has become evident that Zero didn't have very much time. And because she was too weak to travel, we'd spent our last few days talking.

She told me how she had escaped The Master and ended up on the abandoned warship. We talked about our feelings for each other. And we decided even though Zero was dying, we were, as she put it, "most definitely dating even though dating is totally childish and lame". Zero had seemed to come to terms with her fate, and was desperately trying to make light of the situation. However, no amount of jokes could distract me from the growing sense of dread and regret that ailed me. I was just so angry with myself; I finally tell Zero how I feel about her, and she only has a few days to live. But at the same time I was ashamed and terrified because I couldn't save her. Zero was going to die and there wasn't anything I could do about it. And that was something I was having a very hard time processing.

"Doctor," Zero's soft voice ripped me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I rolled onto my side so I was facing her.

"I'm hungry," she yawned.

I frowned, concern and confusion flooding my mind. "You're hungry?"

"Yes. That's what I said," Zero replied impatiently.

"You haven't been hungry in over a week," I spoke as I tucked a wave of silver hair behind her ear.

"Well, I need to eat something so I have enough strength for an adventure!"

"Zero," I spoke sternly. "You're too sick to-"

"Listen here, you madman!" Zero sat up and leaned over me. "I'm not going to die just sitting in bed, being Ms. Boring! I'm going out with a bang! So get me some banana bread, my sonic screwdriver, and a fez!"

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